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Everything posted by caligirl50

  1. They amped it up since the first season. The camera crew went with them to Thailand when the Lakers played there. Again, I think they have been inspired by the DCC.
  2. I don't know where to post this but on Time Warner Sports Net is airing the second season of The Laker Girls. It's a making the team show. Possibly a little competition with DCC Making The Team?
  3. The swimsuit issue is meh. Some good photos but a lot of boring shots. Kelli and Judy: I love you both but you need better lighting and a better editing eye when choosing what goes in these issues.
  4. I forgot about Alex. Sorry! And I love her! I hope she tries out again but history has shown that not many vets who try out again make it back.
  5. I received my Star magazine today. Kristi Scales' article is all about the DCC tryouts. Some things that she mentions: 3 veterans were out danced and did not make it back, only 300 contestants tried out and lots more international candidates showed up for tryouts. Does that mean that Hanna never made it to training camp? We know that Courtni (sp-?) and Morgan got cut at finals. Maybe Hanna did as well?
  6. Wasn't it posted on TWOP that Olivia was mouthy ?
  7. That was Shelley. She taught the kicks on the field to the TCCs.
  8. Who is doing her hair on this show?? Bad. :0(
  9. A little off topic but still in Chris' corner: Mike Fleiss/the producers make the contestants do the drama we all see. I have always been a believer that the Jason/Melissa debacle was a written storyline. It was completely set up, sending Deanna to Thailand to give Jason "advice" on who to choose, sending Molly home, him crying over the balcony, choosing Melissa, etc. Deanna showing up always bothered me. And when we saw the outcome, it was confirmed (for me anyway). Chris Harrison handled that VERY WELL, I thought. And they made it up to Melissa by making her an ABC family member. Jason made a comment about Melissa's stardom in something I read. I think he felt like he got the short end of the stick from ABC. Chris may be a producer but don't think he has anything to do with how the show goes down. His ability to juggle all of it and come off as a gentleman is impressive.
  10. They read everything! Kelli made a comment the the Oprah request came in writing on a site. I am assuming it was the DCC site but just assuming.
  11. I have a really unpopular thing to say: I hear that Chris Harrison is really a lovely guy. I have read lots of crazy things about him on the forums but I only hear nice things about him. Thoughts?
  12. Thank you for bringing up Cassie. Many of us disliked her. I myself was neutral until the Taylor confrontation (I did not like her use of the word suck in all her IMT's) BUT her fellow DCCs seemed to love her. The one thing I noticed is that she would stay afterwards in the parking lot with the group when girls were called into the office. Judy and Kelli or the DCC read all the blogs and must have known that she was not liked by the fans so it is a bit of a head scratcher that they would feature her in the Brides special. It's all a little confusing.
  13. Thinking about what is written about the blonde that was cut in training camp. Maybe she wasn't cut. Maybe she had a personal reason for leaving. Maybe she got injured. I believe it was for something else, not getting cut...of course until we know what really happened. In regards to Amy. If you listen to her interacting with the CMT crew, she was robotic in her speech. Not everyone is comfortable on camera but she really did sound static in the way she spoke. This post may be on the wrong thread, but I am re-watching season 7 and I am posting so...
  14. In the rookie makeover shots, it looks like Melissa in the left photo. I don't know who the other two are. Christina looks like the girl in the bottom right shot. Can't figure out the top right gal.
  15. I don't think the show is available that far back but I could be wrong. I looked it up and I think just the past few seasons were available online. Back in the day, I had the first season of The Bachelor on DVD. Now that was interesting to watch!
  16. Has anyone heard how training camp is going?
  17. My favorites this season are Dylan, Brian, Chris, Marquel and Josh. Marquel has hands down the best personality of any contestant on The Bachlorette. If Dylan had been sitting across from me telling me his story, I would have gotten up from the table and walked to him and hugged him so hard and long. If he would have balked, I would told him the hug was for me. All the guys in the house like him. Did you hear the response from the guys when they heard Dylan was getting the date? They all cheered. He's a keeper, in my opinion. I really liked Eric. I think their date was hands down, the best date that had ever aired on this show. Andi's dates all seem to be tailored to the individual she chooses. That is smart on her part (except for scaling the side of the building - what was that?), if she has any say in date ideas. Not a fan of Marcus. I find him smarmy. He was lovely during her freak out but I still find him oily. :0)
  18. Well. That was dramatic. Andi, you have to realize what he trying to say!! And I might I point out that she she started it by telling him the night before they were backtracking. I think he was sticking up for himself, albeit, not very articulately, that she wasn't for him. He didn't want to sit down when they were alone. He knew he was going to be tough on her. She handled herself poorly. Again, she should have realized what he was trying to say. He did not react when she started freaking out. He knew ahead of time the conversation could go either way. He seemed like a sweet guy but not right for television. This sort of reminds me of Brad and Emily. Brad would get all upset and walk away from her when she was being coy and he wasn't hearing what he wanted to hear. Half the time, I don't think Emily realized what he was upset about (but that could have been an act). Josh on the other hand is perfect for this show. I love how upset he gets when he doesn't get his way!
  19. Years ago, the NFL put out DVDs from three other cheerleading squads: the dolphins, the chiefs and another team. They were terrible. I think they are still available if you want to check them out!
  20. Hi All - Making the show better is something I am sure Kelli wants but the woman has a lot on her plate. She gave the fans the behind the scenes in season 7 (Oxnard, swimsuit calendar, Jackie and Colin at work) but they can only do so much. If the girls don't want to be on camera, it isn't going to happen. Kinzie is adorable. I don't think she has had one on- camera interview since making the squad. There was another girl in Season 3 that came from the Atlanta Falcons (she cheered with Loni) and she never went on camera either. You may have read the NFL is now picking which teams go to play a London game (as well as mandatory participation on HBO's Hard Knocks). The Cowboys are playing in London this fall and I am wondering if the cheerleaders will travel with them. I believe in the past they have. That will add some spice if the CMT crew is allowed to join. I would love to see the DCC deejay that is talked about on this site. I never knew the DCC had a deejay. Music is such a big deal (the shows lose some sparkle when you buy on iTunes and Amazon because CMT doesn't pay for music rights for online, just television), so maybe this is a tough one to show but I would LOVE to see how that works. I thought Season 8's extra video on the uniform was terrific and informative. How the DCC chooses their trades would be interesting. Showing a girl from an audition picture to DCC makeover would be cool. Hair, make-up, teeth, tan and toning. It makes a difference....I would love it if they could go back and show Starr Spangler, Brooke Sorenson, Tobie Percival. Those were the most dramatic makeovers I can think of.
  21. Wow. Melissa's audition video on the site was strong. That is what sold me on her. She is my favorite TCC!!
  22. I saw a photo (link was posted here) of a gal at prelims that looked just like Jordyn. My mistake.
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