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Everything posted by Joanh23

  1. Jen's play is getting pretty terrible reviews - most say her performance is good, but it's a badly written play and none of the actors (including Matthew Perry) are given much to work with.
  2. If Jmo was staying on I'd be delighted but now I really don't know how I feel about this renewal. Emma has always been my favourite character and I love CaptainSwan, and I really don't think they're going to breakup Emma and Hook in S7 but I just don't see how they will explain Emma's absence in a satisfactory way. As for Regina and Rumple I love EF Rumple but I hate Mr Gold and I can tolerate Regina in small doses so I just don't think I'm going to like the new season. I hope A&E give some interviews after the finale to indicate what S7 will look like
  3. yeah i change my mind everyday on whether or not there's going to be a S7 or even if I want another season or not. I love Emma and Hook, but if the potential premise of a S7 is that Emma and Hook somehow lose their happy ending well then I have no interest in watching it. But on the other hand I don't think Jmo would sign up to a S7 unless she was guaranteed that Emma was going to get her happy ending. So basically I'm going to wait and see what happens but a big part of me wants the story to end in S6.
  4. I really don't know what to think about Robin coming back - as of now I don't like it as it feels like the writers are already regretting killing him off. I think my biggest issue is that they are saying he'll be back for multiple episodes, that means he'll have a pretty big story line. I don't know it will really depend on how this plays out but it will have to be a really good storyline for me to change my mind. I guess all will be revealed in the next couple of months.
  5. I just rewatched the episode and I liked it. I expected to see more of Aladdin and Jafar during the episode so I was pleasantly surprised that we only saw them in that first scene. I liked the twist with Morpheus and while I loved that Belle kicked Rumple to touch when she woke up, I wish I had more faith that Belle would actually stick with her decision coz I'm sure that by the mid season finale she'll be back with Rumple. I liked the scenes between Regina and Snow, and I did like that Regina finally admitted that she was a terrible step mother to Snow. I'm still not looking forward to seeing the Regina v Evil Queen, but I did like this start for Regina, however long it may continue! I liked the Emma/Hyde scenes - he really knows how to manipulate her, and I'm looking forward to seeing more scenes with them. I do wish Emma and Hook were allowed one night of uninterrupted fun before the next crisis hit - but damn their scene on the couch was good. While I get why Emma didn't tell Hook what was going on I still don't like that she's lying to him, I'm just hoping it won't go on for too long. That said I am looking forward to seeing Emma/Archie therapy sessions! Overall I think it was a solid start to S6.
  6. ok so I'm guessing that Emma is fighting herself in the fight scene.
  7. I am very grateful that Jennifer Morrison is playing Emma Swan and Colin O'Donoghue is playing Killian Jones!
  8. Yes going forward I'm just going to ignore anything Eddy has to say about Regina. If he thinks Regina is the most unlucky character on the show, and he is one of the show runners then there really isn't much hope!
  9. While I don't think Jmo and Lana are good friends I also don't think they hate each other. They are both professionals who are doing a job, and they don't have to be the best of friends on set. I definitely don't like everyone I work with but at the end of the day I have to get on with my job, and by all accounts Jmo and Lana are very professional on set. I do think though that all the fandom drama definitely doesn't help matters - Jmo does not seem to be comfortable with SQ, and who can blame her as a lot of the SQ fan anger seems to be directed at her, so it's not surprising that Jmo will try to avoid it where possible.
  10. well I have to say I am very excited that Jmo and Colin are attending the Paris convention again next year, and in the announcement the organizers even made a point of saying that there would be a CaptainSwan duo photo - take that haters! Anyway I'm now seriously thinking about going...
  11. I think it's telling that for about the first 8 eps (I haven't watched S1 in a while so I can't remember exactly when it changed) whenever Emma talked to Henry about Regina she referred to her as "your mom" but later in the season she only called her Regina. Emma had no intention of becoming Henry's mom when she brought him back to Storybrooke and it was only after she talked to Regina that she decided to stay. And I do think that even if Emma had gone back to Boston that Henry would have run away again to find her.
  12. ok I'm getting excited about S6 now - I love the idea of exploring the mythology of the saviour and what that means for Emma.
  13. i'm sure Regina fans are excited at the prospect of double the Regina/EQ but I was never really a fan so this storyline just doesn't excite me. That said I am looking forward to seeing more of Jekyl & Hyde.
  14. Well if I'm being mean of the 2 Regina romances on the show OQ & SQ, SQ fandom is by far the most vocal, plus at this stage it's the only romance that could possibly happen - so I guess that's why she's pandering to them.
  15. I was at the Paris con last year and I can see how the actors would get caught up in the fan excitement and say things in the heat of the moment. And I'm thinking that Lana has never been told to NOT talk about SwanQueen with the fans, so while I don't like what she said, she really is only pandering to a very small (but vocal) sub group of fans. Also Jmo rarely posts directly on Twitter anymore plus the fact that she's busy filming her first film I'd say she'll be far to busy to pay attention to any silly OUAT fandom drama.
  16. Daxx I'm the same - Once is the only show I actively look for spoilers on, and the irony is for all other shows I watch I love not knowing what's going to happen.
  17. Yes while I don't doubt that Lana (and I'm sure others actors did as well) petitioned A&E to change/improve storylines for her character I dont think she has that much sway with them that they'd do whatever she asked them to do. I think the writers fell in love with the idea of reforming the EQ so much that they rushed her redemption and they didn't have her (and by extension the people around her) actually deal with her past as the EQ. Now in order to finally have Regina face her past, they are telling us the EQ & Regina are 2 separate people - from what I've read/listened to most fans seem to think this is a step back for Regina and a different message to what the show has been preaching since S1. What frustrates me the most about this latest Regina twist is that I'm pretty sure I know how the story will be resolved - Regina will need to finally acknowledge that she and the EQ are the same person and reabsorb the EQ back into her. It's lazy storytelling and they should have dealt with Regina vs the EQ about 2 seasons ago. I will only be watching S6 for Emma and Hook, and the few charming family scenes we'll get.
  18. I'm wondering if we're going to see less of Emma in S6. Jmo is going to start directing her film in June and even though she'll more than likely have finished filming it by the time they start back again in July, after that she'll be busy editing etc, so I wouldn't be surprised if Jmo misses some episodes.
  19. Well his character was so interesting in S1-S3, and now he's just a caricature villain. One of my favourite things about the flashbacks in S1 was learning that Rumple was literally behind everything - he was the ultimate puppet master, and the fact that he was doing everything to find his son made him sympathetic. And RC played the hell out of Rumple in S1-3, he really was the best actor on the show in the early days. I love Imp Rumple and I loved how they used him in 5A, but I haven't liked Gold since S4. One of my favourite things about RC is that in interviews he doesn't try to justify Rumple - he knows he's a villain and he's said several times that he doesn't think Rumple should get a happy ending, so I'm sure RC must find the endless back and forth between Rumple and Belle as annoying as the rest of us!
  20. The more I think about how Regina faced the Evil Queen in this finale, the more I wish this story had been told in S4 - with Marion (a woman Regina killed in the past) "returning" and ruining her future with Robin, this was the perfect time to have Regina (and Robin) face her past as the Evil Queen. Instead they completely ignored this story and had Regina focus on Operation Mongoose. Now they want to tell this story in S6, and in order to get Regina upset enough that she could revert back to the EQ, they had to kill off Robin. So they've had to manufacture new drama for Regina at the end of S5, when they had perfectly setup the same story for S4. From the moment Operation Mongoose was announced most people knew that Regina would come to realize that the only person responsible for her happiness is herself, and I'm guessing that in S6 Regina will come to realize that she is made up of both the EQ and Regina, and that she'll have to reabsorb the EQ into herself. I'm not even a Regina fan, but I do think the writers are doing a disservice to her character by setting up this conflict now, if they hadn't been in such a rush to show Regina and Robin are soul mates they could have had Regina deal with her past as the EQ, and then have her get together with Robin. It just shows that A&E don't always think their story lines through...
  21. The show really relies on Jmo for press duties. At the start of the show it was shared between Jmo and Ginny but now Jmo does most of the heavy lifting. Not that I'm complaining as I could listen to her talk about the show and Emma all day.
  22. well count me as another person underwhelmed by this finale - it's definitely the worst finale they've done. That said there were parts I liked: Emma referred to the house as her home - hopefully we might actually get a scene with her and Hook in it next season! the 2 actors who played Jekyll and Hyde were very good and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them in S6 even though I would have liked a lot more CaptainSwan in this ep, I did like the 2 we got loved that the CaptainCharming bromance is still going strong I actually liked the scene in the apartment between Emma and Regina - Regina finally admitted that finally karma was catching up with her - it only took 5 seasons. Cons: Henry was really annoying in this ep - it worked in the S4 finale to have him front and centre, and I think that was because the story they were telling suited his acting, but this time around he needed to emote more and that just is not Jared's strong suit. And that speech he made at the fountain was just terrible - even Emma looked embarrassed for him during it. Rumple really is the worst, yet again when he had to choose between his power and Belle, he chose his power. The way the ep ended, I'm wondering if Rumple will be missing from the first couple of eps in S6. But seriously I really hope S6 is his last season as I don't know how much more of him I can take. Meh on the Evil Queen returning - I'll reserve judgement but I can't say I'm overlly excited at the prospect of seeing Regina fighting the EQ. Overall it was an ok finale, but I can't say I'm very excited for S6. But for now I'm just glad for the hiatus so I can get a break from the show and forget about it until later in the summer.
  23. I haven't listened to the Afterbuzz TV podcast at all in S5. I used to listen to the Once Upon a Fan podcast, but it's too long (most eps are 1.5 - 2 hrs), non of the hosts really like Hook or CaptainSwan so they tend to brush over their scenes.
  24. If this is the route the show is going in S6 (and it seems highly likely it is), then I'm not sure how I feel about it - it just feels like it's an excuse for us to see the EQ in Storybrooke rather than in flashbacks. A big part of the excitement of Emma being the Dark One was that this was a side of the character we'd never seen before, and we didn't even know how Dark Emma was going to look. But we've seen the EQ from the very first episode, I guess I just can't picture what new spin they'll put on the character. I'll still watch S6, but I might let episodes build up rather than watching it straight away...
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