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Everything posted by PinkRibbons

  1. Totally loved Louise as Principal and her whole day with Miss Schnur (who has wicked hair! Been there, girl). And the detail that she actually managed to improve test scores! Also loved Bob going off at Teddy for once instead of vice-versa.
  2. This one gave me such nostalgia for Batman: The Animated Series. When Penn turned out to be The Ventriloquist I gasped so hard I nearly choked and it was perfect. And they follow it up with what is clearly an homage to Calendar Girl with the murderous former model who can no longer see how beautiful she is! They need to dial Bruce's hair down a little, he looks like a Bat could just come flying out of there and give him the last bit of inspiration.
  3. Didn't Shaun sign a contract when he was hired? I would imagine it's pretty specific about what he was hired as. Also, Han is being the biggest idiot because not only is he baldly saying things to Claire and Lim that could easily be used against him in a court of law if they were subpoenaed, he's also taking few other steps to ensure the liking or respect of the staff in general. He may be the boss but he's outnumbered, and if the other surgeons want to revolt against him he's already given them a common cause to unite them against him: bullying Shaun.
  4. One of my biggest disappointments in this series is that visually speaking, I think both cast and setting are perfection. If none of them ever talked I would think the series the absolute best living illustration of the Anne books possible. So yeah, Amybeth is definitely the best-looking Anne, as far as I'm concerned. I do hope they'll start making her up soon (there's really no good reason for her skirts to be as short as they have been until now, and literally no other girl on the series wears braids, so why should she?) to keep with Anne eventually growing into a beauty.
  5. Okay, it's outright conspicuous that no one is bringing up the serious legal issues here. In fact I feel like the show is saying that the only correct thing for Shaun to do is to push himself into being assertive in a way that is very difficult for him. It's pretty much saying that asking for help (such as a damn good lawyer. Or hell, a mediocre lawyer) is the recourse of the weak. And holy fuck, that's offensive.
  6. Okay, I am a super shitty liar. Does that mean I wouldn't be allowed to work as a surgeon, if I'm neurotypical? The patient asked a question, Shaun answered it truthfully. He didn't assign blame to anyone, he didn't deliver the news in any accusatory way, he just gave facts. I cannot possibly see what he did wrong, ethically. I wouldn't even say that lying or dodging the question would have been more compassionate. Honestly in the mother's place I think I'd be more comforted knowing there was a clear reason for my child's condition rather than never knowing and assuming that I'd caused it through genetics or negligence. They didn't say she was trying to get pregnant while she was on the drug, and she got off it as soon as she knew she was pregnant. There's no blame to be put on the mother, and the father has only the excuse of extreme stress to even hint at it. The couple reacting badly to that news wasn't something anyone could anticipate. I would have said it straight-out, I would think the parents deserve to know. As for Shaun being forcibly transferred, Glassy GET HIM A LAWYER. I did like Glassman's storyline though, he needs to quit powering his lone way through cancer treatment. And I like the kid who was bugging him through the episode, Glassman needs to see other ways of dealing with a sucky situation. (Although I do appreciate the realism of how he's handling treatment -- my Dad went through light chemo after a pretty miraculous catch on a pancreatic tumor and he was an UTTER BITCH to live with for a year. He only let up on his "woe is me" somewhat after he sent me into a storm of hysterical tears and then said that his own mother died at him at least twice a day his entire life and not to take him so seriously.) I laughed pretty hard at how quick Park and Morgan went at that file.
  7. I was so positive Magpie was actually Harley Quinn (I just figured she was wearing her hair different and still experimenting with weird eyeliner) that I started rhapsodizing to my mother about the way she moved and acted and how she was the best live-action Harley I've ever seen. 🤦‍♀️ When Bruce almost got snuck up on, I'm not gonna lie, I totally thought we were about to see the very first use of the Batman Offhand Backhand.
  8. Great episode, and a really smart move on the writers' part imo. The last two Valentines episodes were phenomenal (I maintain they were robbed of that Emmy for V for Valentine-Detta), so I'm glad that instead of trying to top them they went for a different format and took the pressure off. The Laundry Fight reminded me of Everybody Loves Raymond's suitcase fight, where they fight for weeks over who moves a suitcase and it is so stupid but so real. I love that they didn't go for Tina being the one to tie up the story and make everything perfect and romantic. It was a nice surprise to see Louise be the one to get through to Bob and Linda.
  9. Again, unless Shaun shows up to work high or otherwise clearly impaired by his marijuana usage, I don't see how it could be used against him. A doctor who gets stinking drunk on their day off and doesn't come in with a debilitating hangover has nothing to apologize for. In the state of California, there's no real difference. It's a different matter in a Federal Case, but why would it get Federal?
  10. Recreational marijuana has been legal in California since the 2016 election. What Shaun does on his own time is his business. Next episode's preview has me wondering when someone will finally look at a naysayer about Shaun and say, "I wonder how the ADA impacts this particular situation. Care to take it to court?"
  11. The "Shouldn't Batman just kill Joker?" discussion has been going on since...always. The comics have explored it thoroughly, the Animated Series explored it and no one has ever come up with a perfect answer. Both sides of argument have merit.
  12. I'm super particular about my Harley Quinns, but Ecco is now near the top of my list for being fully clothed.
  13. Mayim has such a way about her that she can take what is usually a farcical show and suddenly make it feel very real. I felt like I was watching a different show when she told Sheldon to drop her, especially because she made some really stupid material sound genuine. I really hope she gets a lot of work after this show is over. On another note, I was a little surprised that despite the situation having nothing to do with gender politics, no one seemed to realize that it would look that way and make for a massive PR nightmare. In the past decade we've gotten a long list of women whose scientific achievements were stolen from them (especially when the Nobel was involved). The idea that in 2019 a female scientist's contribution would be buried would break the internet. The scandal would be absolutely enormous.
  14. I was watching and thinking how utterly ridiculous it is that Jim is in a war zone wearing a perfectly pressed suit and his hair always impeccably combed. Then I realized -- that's his crazy costume. It makes as much sense as the gang get-ups, which is to say that it makes no sense. Jim is just as nuts as the rest of them, just on the side of good! If he was sane he'd be in jeans and/or body armor through all this. Selena's been "Cat" since episode one, it did not surprise me at all that a magical "seed" (looked like raw shrimp to me, ew) made her already cat-like qualities more literal. But then comic book logic can get way weirder than this, so I guess I don't exactly have high standards for explanations of the bizarre.
  15. I loved the animation on Gayle falling under the sway of peppermint oil.
  16. God, this. I am deeply not a fan of reverse standard female-on-male violence. If Stuart had done that to Denise he would have been arrested.
  17. I've only ever seen snow once in my life, on a special trip to the mountains with my parents when I was nine. (I spent the whole time sledding, btw) So can someone tell me, is their some kind of tactical use of a hill during a snowball fight, or were Logan and his friends just being complete dicks who could have had the fights on flat ground? Also, I just rewatched Mulan, my favorite Disney hand-drawn movie ever, and I'm 90% convinced that the girls showing up at the top of the hill was a deliberate homage to the scene where The Huns appear over the mountain. It is the movie's 20th anniversary year after all.
  18. Ah turf battles. Reminds me of childhood. WE WILL HOLD THIS JUNGLE GYM UNTIL THE VERY END. It makes such perfect sense that Logan is the kind of boy every girl his own age wants to beat up. And boy is he lucky those girls showed up before he started using those super snowballs. If the ice in them was hard enough (from the start I wondered if they'd escalate to putting rocks at the center of snowballs, and hard enough ice isn't that far from rocks), using them on other people could be Assault With a Deadly Weapon. I mean, tiny Louise getting one of those to the top of the head? Logan would literally be incarcerated. I feel Linda's pain. I'm a pretty decent knitter, but when I decided to make a scarf for a friend's birthday it took me over a week of frantic work. (Granted the scarf I was making was about three times as wide as Bob and Lindas', but it was still repetitive work you'd think would go quicker.) It was nice to see knitting animated fairly accurately too (at least the needles were pointing in the right direction), although they didn't show the detail work so well. I still can't figure out how Linda actually made a stitch, but then again they seemed to be knitting in the English method and I'm a Continental Knitter.
  19. THIS SHOW IS SO SWEET AND KINDHEARTED. *sobs* I mean, usually they're more subtle, but there's something about a Gene episode that makes it very natural, since he's really such a nice boy. And you can see where he gets it from his dad. Doug getting a Mom to come after him blood is never not funny (Work Hard or Die Trying Girl has one of my favorite dialogue exchanges ever, with Bob explaining that he had to push Doug out of the way because Linda was after him and she was crazy, and Linda agreeing completely), and as far as I'm concerned, this pretty much redeemed Mrs. Papasian for me after her whole hypocritical ice cream eating thing.
  20. I know I'm late to this part of the discussion, but Sheldon once referred to Amy as a "hotsy-totsy from Glendale". Granted there's at least one other Glendale in the US, it seems most likely he's referring to the one in California, which is pretty much a hop skip and jump from Pasadena.
  21. I love that despite the fact that Raj's Selective Mutism went away several years ago, the second it came back you could tell exactly what it was, didn't even have to wait for him to grab the booze. That was a very neat bit of nonverbal acting!
  22. I actually thought Sheldon would end up with the money for bothering Leonard to least. Good for Leonard and I liked seeing Sheldon happy for him. Amy's interrogation of Penny made me laugh a lot. Mayim Bialik just has such good timing. I didn't blame her for being upset at being left out. The worst blows to her soul seems to have come when she was an adolescent, so leaving her out of a quintessential adolescent activity was gonna hurt. I loved how much she enjoyed the clubhouse.
  23. Gotta hand it to Netflix, this is actually pretty great! Trailer for The Crown if it was a horror movie:
  24. As far as I'm concerned, Bernadette had that coming from Amy ever since she turned a serious conversation about the portrayal and respect of female scientists into a dig at Amy's looks.
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