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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. Billy, beware of bimbos bearing gifts. They usually want something from you, like a job. Meanwhile, what was that drink Phyllis had with the giant maraschino cherry in it? Lol, Audra waving down Kyle through the window like she's not allowed to enter Society for some reason. So Victor didn't fire Audra. But yesterday he sure sounded like he had no further use for her due to her "disloyalty." Hmm. I didn't entirely hate Phyllis' proposal to work for Billy at A-C. It makes sense, on paper anyway. She certainly has a particular set of skills. 😉 But Jack, Dina didn't pretend to be dead. You always knew where she was. Kyle spent years thinking he was totally mommy-less. And Claire grew up thinking her mommy didn't want her when Victoria didn't even know Claire was alive. Not really similar situations IMO. Victor confronting Diane. Oh boy. Very insightful comments from Nate to Audra about dealing with Victor. Again. Well, it seemed to me Diane can give as good as she gets as far as Victor is concerned. Too bad he acted like she'd turned tail due to his intimidating posture. Yeah, no, Vic. You weren't the problem. Since when does Nick have an issue with Billy? Victor scheming to snatch Chancellor is still largely his own pipe dream, not Nick's. Me confused. There it is. Claire and Kyle finally locked lips and the latest Newman/Abbott romance officially began. Bet Harrison will be thrilled. Summer, not so much. Re the preview: Phyllis as A-C's new COO. Wonder how Jill will feel about that?
  2. Jack mentioned the "Chalamet" deal. Is Jabot hiring Timothée to do ads for them, lol? Whoa, nanny Claire in her cold shoulder top and mini-skirt. She was showing thirsty Kyle no mercy. Lily, you are so dumb! You didn't even get your deal with Victor in writing before you handed him the dirt on Billy. And you let Victor use Neil's memory to shine you on. Neil would not be proud. 😡 Meanwhile, looked like Lily visited the hair salon. Golf claps for her new updo. Diane sincerely seems to regret the way she helped push Kyle out of Jabot. I dunno but I'm tired of all her agonizing over it. Dang, Chelsea went at Billy with some major mindfcukery and guilt-tripping. I gotta give him credit for holding his ground against Chelsea's emotional onslaught. And Chelsea keeps using Connor's OCD problems to try to work Billy. She's frigging shameless. Hey, it's Cole. Whee, were did Sally come from, just in time after Billy's tough conversation with Connor? She showed up like a heat-seeking missile seeking Billy Abbott heat. Cue Marvin Gaye crooning 🎶Let's Get it On🎶. Fighting with Victor seemed to have stoked the fires between Vikki and Cole. I hope they were doing it in the NE corporate suite, tee hee. Wait, did Victor fire Audra? Oh well, Ms. Charles. You thought you could run with The Big Dog. Nope.
  3. I said what I said. What I didn't say was that Lucy caused the accident. Today Phyllis, when ranting on Sharon, said Lucy felt some responsibility for her part in the accident so Sharon was overreacting. I believe that if Lucy hadn't been drunk and begged Faith to come get her, Faith wouldn't have been put in a position of getting distracted by a drunk child vomiting in her car. I also believe Faith should've let Lucy's parents deal with her instead.
  4. Phyllis: "Your ex-wife, Nick. She's out of control. The world: Talking about yourself in the third person, Phyllis? Sad. They really have gone all out with the interior decoration of Daniel's apartment. Wow. Wait, if Lucy had her phone in airplane mode it not only would block Daniel's tracking app, she wouldn't be able to make calls or send texts either. I think the writer meant to say she had the location service turned off. Meanwhile, why didn't Daniel just confiscate Lucy's phone? <shrugs> To someone who didn't know Phyllis' own psycho history, her insistence that she had to protect her family might seem admirable. Ugh. Mariah found a huge bottle of ibuprofen in Sharon's bag. Does Sharon have regular headaches or something? Wah wah wah, Lucy. Holey moley, for a second there it seemed like Sharon was about to start getting it on with Ghoul Cameron. Yuck. Red, come back to this planet. Your grandotter may feel a small amount of guilt regarding the car accident, but she won't stop obsessing about Faith. It's a definite, serious problem. Still am not understanding why anyone thinks it's Nick's job to manage Sharon. Yes, Faith! Tell that brat Lucy about herself! 😈 Another way Lucy's parents are failures: they leave her alone at home with full access to liquor, when they know she's already been drinking behind their backs. Sigh. Whoa, Sharon has graduated to full-blown delusional daydreams inside of her alternate reality with Ghoul Cameron. Inception! I'm with Summer: Phyllis needs to get job. Apparently she has nothing better to do than rotate between the coffeehouse, the GCAC, and Society, ranting about Sharon. Ehh, Mariah, Sharon could be flushing her pills. Or perhaps her dosage needs adjusting. You haven't proved much by nosing around in Sharon's medicine cabinet. Ditto comments upthread, I guess it's only a matter now of how Sharon will try to kill Daniel, versus whether. Yikes.
  5. I wish Paul would push Heather out a window like he did to his other kid. Sorry, not sorry. This right here. AFAIC Chance's first order of business needs to be to deal with the Lucy situation before it escalates to someone's death or critical injury. I can't believe there was no investigation of why a drunk minor was admitted to the hospital. Maybe Sharon will alert her ex-lover after he rejoins the GCPD. Unfortunately, it sounds like Heather the lawyer wants to remove Lucy from local jurisdiction in order to avoid legal consequences. At this point Faith probably needs to hold a live broadcast press conference so the entire world hears what she says. But then Lucy would claim Faith was only performing for the cameras. That boozy brat is out of her mind. I see what you did there, ScoobieDoobs. 😉
  6. Sigh, I'm tired of hearing Connor discuss his OCD like he has the Wiki page memorized and he's doing a PSA. Sally's dress. Slay, Bodycon Queen! Adam, your approach to reconciliation is lacking. Berating Sally until she gives in not the way you want to go. There's always a relevant Seinfeld reference, and Adam insisting to Sally that he was fighting for them reminded me of this: Lucy said Faith was the only friend she had. Um, no, Lucy, Faith is not your friend. On one hand I sorta think Sally is overreacting. What more can Adam do beyond expressing sincere regret for cheating on her? However, I do get Sally's not wanting to be a consolation prize. Again. Aw, Lucy had to spend a whole night in the hospital. A fate amost worse than death, in Grandma Phyllis' view. And then Heather was all, "Oh dearie me, raising a teenager is sooo hard! Why I do declare, I am getting the vapors!" These people. Lucy has a next-level talent for catastrophizing. Between her and Billy, I bet their emotional energy could run GC's power plant. There it is. Sharon's correct assessment of the Lucy situation will be discounted due to everyone's awareness of Sharon's bipolar issues. And Phyllis of all people has to be the one to point it out. Ugh.
  7. Maybe the actors were covering them their ownselves because tats were almost never seen unless they were part of a characterization or contributed to a plot point. And none of the so-called "elite" characters had them. Today it's probably easier to count how many Y&R cast members don't have noticeable tats on the show. I suspect--for no provable reason--that the change was an outcome of the Hollywood strikes last year.
  8. Where is Esther the C-suite receptionist? I think Billy letting people stroll into his office unannounced is trouble waiting to happen. Lily, Lily, Lily, WTF are you doing? Victor was lowkey smirking at Lily like he was going to eat her lunch, dinner, and tomorrow's breakfast too. Audra, you don't need Devon's approval on who you date. And Nate, seriously? You really could've handled that better. The last thing Devon wants is more drama from you. Victor called Billy a serial blowhard. No lies detected. Ooooh, Billy scored a huge deal to buy an AI company. Either Y&R is jumping on the AI bandwagon, or on one of the current media buzzwords. Sure. 🙄 Nikki. "Victor would never do anything to get Michael in trouble."? I don't know how MTS said that line with a straight face. Look at Ms. Lily playing hardball with Victor. Okay. But then Michael came in cosplaying a guy who'd just rolled out of a gutter after a 4-day booze bender. Yikes. Summer and Kyle's new custody agreement didn't seem particularly special to me. It sounded like how they would've already been operating if Harrison were actually Summer's child. (Come at me, JG. Italian adoption my...uh, cake.) Did Devon have a business meeting or something in the jazz lounge? I didn't see why he was hanging around down there snarking at people for no apparent reason. Really, Kyle? You deliberately had to go be a jerk to Audra. Guess you woke up and chose stupidity. Billy stared him down so Chance actually quit A-C! Goshdarnit. Jill, come get your son AND your grandson. So Chance might be going back to law enforcement. Well then, I vote that he arrest boozehead Lucy first. (Come at me, Heather. You too, Daniel.)
  9. Maybe the snowglobe is a Chekhov's Gun and Diana will kill someone with it? I just hope 50 won't go with a St. Elsewhere-type ending to the series where it'll turn out the whole story of the Tejadas took place inside the snowglobe.
  10. And Drake stays losing. I think this is hilarious. The NFL picked a side in the Kendrick vs. Drake beef.
  11. What was Diana's fascination with the snow globe? Just a handsome motherfcuker with a Glock. That's our Cane! Gotta give Carter points for having the balls to raid Monet in broad daylight, at home. And then pointing at gun at pregnant Diana. Wait until Noma's wild daughter Anya finds out who Tariq is and why he's pursuing her. Lol, Carter's partner Felicia wanted Diana to do hit on Monet's connect. As if. Effie stays being out of pocket. Why is she even still around? Dru is amazingly strong to have suffocated that guy in the hospital bed with his bare hands. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dang, Effie. She was lucky she made it out of that shoot out alive. TMW Ofcr. Tate realized Carter's task force was dirty. Of course Tariq used Brayden as bait against Zion. Zion definitely didn't make it easy to kill him, but all his muscles were useless against bullets. Diana thinks Tariq killed Zion as a favor to her but he did it for Noma. Tariq got double credit for one murder. Well, Diana has probably lost the baby. And when Tariq finds out who caused it, cokehead fed Felicia is done. TMW Ofcr. Tate realized Carter was dirty too. His faith in Carter's integrity was his ultimate undoing.
  12. Claire as the voice of reason in the troubled situation between Kyle and his parents. Okay. Not sure why Nikki and Victor were breathing down Nick's neck about Sharon's loopiness. He's not responsible for monitoring Sharon's mental state. Whoa, Heather! Have you met Sharon before? Throwing attitude at her is definitely not the way you want to go. There are so many ways crazypants Sharon could eff up your life. Jack apologized, yet Kyle still had a stick up his nepo baby behind because of the way he feels he's been wronged. Sigh. Sharon, Faith is a grown@$$ woman. You can't keep anyone away from her. Not unless you hold her captive and keep her from communicating with the outside world. Loved the "fcuk around and find out" look Sharon shot Heather as she stomped out of Daniel's apartment. Sharon is nucking futz but I am here for her mama bear energy. Forget taking a vacation to Portugal, Heather. You, Lucy, and Daniel ought to pack up and move back there. Go. Now. 😈 Lucy has been grounded less than 24 hours but never mind, her parents decided the next great move was to treat Lucy to a fabulous dinner at Society. WTAF. Wow, Diane. Disingenuous much? You know exactly why Kyle is done with you, and what you need to do to fix it. Shut up. I'm with Sharon. After everything's that's happened, Lucy was out of line asking to speak to Faith alone. But her useless parents stood there twiddling their thumbs and let Lucy's behavior go unchecked. IMO Lucy will never leave Faith alone as long as she doesn't have to. Re the previews: lol, Billy. You cannot seriously think Chance is scared of you. Idiot.
  13. Claire, I see you and your stray eyelash maneuver with Kyle. Not subtle, hon. How much did I love watching Chance square up to tell Billy off? THIS MUCH!!!!!! Well, now Lily has also informed Jack she'd been fired from A-C. She's lining up all the big guns against Billy. Yay? Billy told Chance he doesn't trust anybody. I'm thinking, A) life must be pretty scary in Billy's world; and, B) could all this be due to Chelsea cheating on Billy with his worst enemy? Chance said he was concerned he might end up as Billy's collateral damage, just like Lily, Devon, and Nate. Um, Chance. You, Lily, Devon, and Nate? One of those things is not like the others. Just sayin'. 😈 Okay, Chance mentioned he had spoken to Grandma Jill about Uncle Billy's bad CEO behavior. About time someone did. The way Claire was working Kyle was amazing to me. On the one hand she gushed about how much she loves taking care of Harrison. But then Claire let Kyle know she could skip over to NE for a corporate position with Nikki whenever she wants. So Kyle couldn't help but act grateful to Claire for chosing to stay on as the nanny. Ugh, Nikki and Victor continued to make me sick at the way they were utterly dismissive of Lily. Hey you two, Lily's not in over her head, she's just mistakenly relying on vile people to have her best interests at heart. Wait, Chance was asking Billy to let him be co-CEO? Asking? What world is this? William! How dare you dismiss Jack from your office! I hope he tosses his pocket hankie in your face and challenges you to a duel at ten paces. Harrumph.
  14. Sure hope Billy is nearing the peak of his manic phase. He's exhausting to watch. Chance's pointy-toed shoes. Are those what the well-dressed man is wearing these days? I blame Summer since she chose his corporate wardrobe for him. Lucy was already out of the hospital and revving up her brat engines, but Faith remained bedridden. Grrr. It seemed like Heather and Daniel were handling Lucy with kid gloves. (😏) Meh, they could miss me with all that ish. Lucy shouldn't have been allowed enjoy yummy refreshments at the coffeehouse. Phyllis, it's going to take more than a raggedy teddy bear to keep Sharon from going toxic avenger on your boozehead grandkid and/or her useless parents. If you were any more transparent you'd have "Saran Wrap" stamped on your forehead. Gosh, Katie resembles Lily so much to me. It's uncanny. Billy: your cell phone's airplane mode. Look into it. Chance, if Billy tries to fire you, AFAIC it'll be time to play the "I'm Phillip Chancellor IV" card. The card where you're the direct descendant of the company's original owner and he's not. You could wreck his world on social media. What are high school applications and why would Katie need or care about them? Anyhoo, she's a member of two powerful families in GC. Grandpa Victor could buy her hockey team and simply make Katie its captain. Easy peasy. 😉 Okay, Lucy's dim bulb mommy and daddy finally brought the punishment hammer down on her. Bravo. However, I still want Sharon to call CPS on them. As a licensed therapist, isn't she legally required to report a drunk child?
  15. Lawd help me, I can barely type because I'm laughing so hard my ribs hurt. And as Neil's ghost fades back into the ether, Lily will yell out, "Dab on, my rizz king!"
  16. How interesting that the first scene opened with a soapy version of the jazz standard, "So What?" First, the cheapskate TPTB paid to cover an actual Miles Davis song. Second, given the current state of Y&R, I think the tune's title could be considered a tad too on-the-nose. 😏 Lol, did Victor call Billy a "precock"? Summer and Chance were doing those side smooches instead of kissing directly on the lips. Hmm. Chelsea begging Sally not to dump Adam. This is my "um, no" face. AFAIC Chelsea was so far out of her lane she was two states over heading west on I-90. Not sure why Billy felt compelled to try to impress Victor about his rise to the throne at A-C. Victor has never had any use for Billy; it was pointless. Chance didn't know Lily had been fired. Did Billy not put out company-wide announcement? So basically what Lily was doing at A-C was staging a mutiny against the owner and her proxy. Funny how Lily doesn't see it but Victor sure did when she asked for his help. Marchetti Z still sounds like the punchline to a bad joke to me. And I'd almost forgotten Sally and Chloe were working for Summer. Man, Chance had all the fire for Uncle Billy. Unfortunately Billy was wearing his flame-resistant body spray. Ashy Mist™: New from Jabot! Gah, I hate how clueless Lily is being right now. Nikki and Victor are straight up tag-teaming her and she thinks she's got Neil's hallowed memory to protect her. Giirrrlll. Too late, Chelz. You should've stopped speaking of the Baltimore tryst before you and Adam left MD. That milk ain't getting unspilled.
  17. Eh, quoting myself to say "not so much." According to Worn on TV it's a skirt and top, not a sundress.
  18. OMG, that would've been amazing. I couldn't believe how Chelsea and Adam just stood there and let Connor chat up Sally like they were all in a Disney movie together. Sally exercised way more restraint than those two cheaters deserved under the circumstances. I'm with Adam: Chelsea should've kept her cheating mouth shut, and that lipstick and oddly pale makeup made Chelsea look to me like she was doing kabuki theatre cosplay.
  19. Sure Nikki, you should run Chancellor because you kept all the letters and notes Kay gave you over the years. I can't with this woman. Victor. After what you did to Nate you expect him to be all "Bygones!" and join you for drinks on your demand? FOH. Loved Sally's sundress. Me want. Connor, your daddy already has a tool he can use when he gets stressed out. It's your mommy's special muscle messager. 😈 Lily, you have to wonder why Nikki is sharing her personal correspondence with you out of the blue. And why she cherry-picked the letter which made you cry due to the references to you and Neil. Don't fall for Nikki's manipulation! Sally and Billy were wearing matching colors, again. Heh, heh, heh. 😻 Lily continued to balk at telling Nikki she'd been fired from A-C by Billy. Why, was she embarrassed? So, Sally was largely unaware of Chelsea and Adam's messy romantic history. Seemed odd to me. I'd've thought Chloe had given Sally all the dirt since Chloe hates Adam. Or Adam would've spilled it himself, back before he betrayed Sally's trust. Nate, stop trying to argue with Victor. He will never let you win and only expects you to agree to do whatever he wants. Really, Chelsea? Sally doesn't shouldn't want to hear anything from you. Stuff your sorries in a sack, you cheating biatch. Whee, Billy walked right into a d!ck-swinging match with Lily. You better double-up on the little blue pills, William. Lily ain't backing down. Lily. Getting Victor involved in your situation with Billy is NOT the way you want to go. Neil might have approved but Dru wouldn't. You need to call Jill!
  20. Nick had a tray full of hot drinks for takeout. How rude of Phyllis to expect him to let them get cold while he indulged her desperate need for attention. "Like it never even happened." That's the thing though. It did indeed happen and it shouldn't be swept under the rug since neither Lucy nor Faith were seriously injured. In fact, IMO CPS should be called in to investigate why a child was drunk when they were hospitalized. Heather sure was trying hard to sell the position that no one is to blame for the accident. Maybe too hard. Hmm. If today was any indication, Claire changing her last name to Newman makes it easier for her and Summer to refer to their mutual grandparents with each other. Ad nauseam. Yeah, it can never be said enough: shut up, Phyllis. Of course Nick is glad history didn't repeat itself with Faith and drunk Lucy's car accident. Put your cooch back in its holster. I liked Summer's shorts suit. Didn't know camisoles worn as tops were still a thing. Not sure whether Summer was trying to be encouraging toward Claire working at NE, or trying to absolve herself of the guilt she'll feel if Harrison doesn't like losing his nanny. Loopy Sharon still giving Heather red hot death stares. I got no problem with it, even though the motivation is mostly coming from Ghoul Cameron. Re the previews: Lily, NOOOOOOOOO! You can handle Billy without Victor's involvement. He and Nikki are not looking to do you any favors, girlfriend.
  21. Yep. It bothers me though that Ashley's help probably wouldn't happen before Traci is physically intimate with him. It'd be pretty much like what Marco did to Phyllis when he was pretending to be Jack. I never like to see sexual assault (due to lack of mutual, fully-informed consent) used as a plot device on soaps.
  22. Lily came into Society fussing about her failed plan to get Billy out of Abbott-Chancellor. Apparently she thought all the people in the restaurant were deaf. Billy, you have a hangover. It's not your first one. Get a grip. Geez, Lily still refuses to contact Jill and it doesn't make any sense to me. Jill may not even know about or approve of Billy's decision to fire Lily. Not a fan of Nikki's top today. Ink splot print = fashion nope. Stop it, Faith. What Lucy did is not your fault. Get on with your life and leave Lucy's issues to her parents to handle. Ditto comments upthread, I think Daniel said all the right things in his apology but he and Heather need to do way more than have a talk with Lucy. Nikki and Victor scheming on Lily in some kind of misguided honoring of Kay's memory was disgusting to me. Both of them need to get hobbies. Bridge, shuffleboard, croquet, whatever. IMO Kay wouldn't want them pulling crap on Neil's daughter merely because they think they're entitled to Kay's former company. Lily's convo with Devon about dealing with Billy was interesting. Is she going to work her feminine wiles (😉) on William? Get in line, Lily. I predict Sally is going to be playing with Billy's joystick pretty soon. 😼 Okay, I am 100% with Ghoul Cameron on the topic of boozy brat Lucy. Sorry, not sorry. But what does he want Sharon to do, wreak some kind of belated revenge for Cassie's death? Oy.
  23. She sure is. And I appreciated how much MG met CH's energy. He could've held back and let her own the scenes by herself but he stayed engaged. Great writing and directing too. Daytime Emmys for everyone!
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