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Everything posted by Sara2009

  1. Jane also said they should focus on Chris/Kurt.
  2. Does he mean that's when they start filming, or is he confused and thinking that 's when it'll start airing?
  3. Agreed, and Harry/Mike is far from being a great actor IMO. He just has a screen presence that most of the newbies lack.
  4. Fridays at 8:30 Eastern. The 2nd episode hasn't aired yet.
  5. The new episodes will air at the same time each week.
  6. I loved Matt and Chris in " Props," though. I thought they both did a great job.
  7. My point was that I don't think he's ever outright trashed the show. He's just stopped hiding his desire to move on. LOL
  8. I've seen a lot of it on Tumblr and Twitter and such But I disagree that he only ever ragged on the show. He praised the writing in season 2 particularly in regards to the Burt/Kurt stuff. Heck, he even spoke positively about the writing for his own character back then. He also denied wanting to leave the show back then. He's certainly made snarky comments here and there like the other guys, but he's never outright bashed the show. He HAS recently been very clear in his desire to move on, though.
  9. Matt gets TONS of blowback every time he says anything less than complimentary about " Glee." We must not visit the same places online. With that being said, there was only one time that he was quoted as saying anything really negative, and that was in a trashy tabloid. With everything else, he's made it clear that he wants to move on while still towing the "this show has touched a lot of people, and I'm proud to have been a part of it" line.
  10. TVGuide( I think) had an article about it back in October.
  11. Lea, Jane, and Matt are the highest paid " Glee" actors. An article came out last season stating that they get 80k per episode. I'm assuming Chris makes just slightly less than that.
  12. I just appeciated the gutsiness of it( IMO of course.) I never would've expected it. It left a real impact on me, but as I said, I understand why others might hate it.
  13. I think Hugh Jackman's acting more than made up for any vocal shortcomings. I don 't think anyone could've played that role better.
  14. Lea is definitely talented, but her singing leaves me cold more often than not these days.
  15. Is there anybody in the " Into the Woods" cast who can actually sing Sondheim well?
  16. I actually liked that Toothless was the one to kill Hiccup's father, but I understand why it was polarizing.
  17. On the subject of upcoming shows, I'm having issues with " Finding Neverland." I have nothing against Jeremy Jordan, but I think he looks way too young to play J.M. Barrie.
  18. I've heard that Jessie Mueller was great, though,
  19. I'm actually sort of interested in how the musical numbers are going to work next season. I hope Matt/Will gets at least one great choreographed dance number. I also want Rachel to take over every ND number because she just can 't help herself. If it 's played for laughs, it could work.
  20. I wonder if the writers actually want us to invest in the kids, or if we're just supposed to care about Rachel, Will, Blaine and the other familiar characters. Ryan mentioned back in April that we would see how the characters " give back." Maybe that's what the 3 show choirs thing is really going to be about.
  21. I expect that Rachel, Blaine, and Will are going to sing most of the songs in the choir plot, and that their respective groups will just consist of a bunch of random kids.
  22. I LOATHE Kurt and Blaine together. The latter is whiny and needy to a frightening extent, and I find the relationship toxic.
  23. I think the dancing is the best part of " Hairspray." I've only seen clips of the Broadway show, but it amazes me.
  24. Since next season will be a huge mess anyway, could the writers contrive a reason for Will and Rachel to sing another duet together? A Broadway song would be nice.
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