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Helena Dax

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Everything posted by Helena Dax

  1. It may be so, but at some point the heir has to learn and she's never been like Aegon the Rapist, who explicitly said that he wasn't interested in the throne. And Viserys should have ordered her to stay and learn. Besides, the question of Rhaenyra being in charge, and not Alicent, is the way things seem to work in Westeros too. When Ned left Winterfell, it was Rob who became acting Lord of Winterfell, not Catelyn.
  2. I can't remember now, did Daemon speak at all? He's at his most dangerous when he's silent. As someone who lives in a country with a monarchy, I find very difficult to believe that the heir to the throne has been spending her time so far from King's Landing. She should have had a permanent chair in the Council and now that she's a grown-up woman, she should be the one acting as a Regent, not the Queen consort. If ser Cranston could kill ser Joffrey and that kid could kill the lord that was mocking him, sure as hell no one is going to stop Daemon from killing the guy who has called his wife a whore, especially if she's the heir to the throne.
  3. I don't know how I feel about the ending. On the one hand, yes, it seems to raise the stakes, but on the other hand, there's no way June wouldn't be summarily executed the moment they find who she is, and we know that's not going to happen. I really don't feel like watching her going through another stint as Handmaid. Perhaps those guards were Canadian? Logic implies that the young guard was betraying them since as many have pointed out, he could have given them the thumb drive in the forest. However, things stopped following logic in this show long time ago, so I'm not sure. Serena might not be a Handmaid (yet), but she's 100% a prisoner. Love this theory! When Serena was choosing a Handmaid, all those files contained written information. ETA: When Serena was having breakfast, she had to drink the same green shit June was given during her pregnancy.
  4. I was so glad when they showed that Laenor was still alive!! They had me fooled for a minute and I was "nooooo, you two just had such a cute conversation!". It would have been too much. I guess Rhaenyra understood that she needs someone like Daemon at her side if she wants to stay in the Throne for more than a minute after his father's death. I mean, the support of House Velaryon would be enough if the kids were actually Velaryon, but they're not and the rumors are spreading fast. Daemon's girls and Rhaenyra's boys seem well-adjusted. Alicent's kids on the other hand... I don't think Aemond was 100% to blame for the fight, but do I see him as someone who would kill his brother Aegon the Wanker for the Throne? Hell, yeah.
  5. The majority of Commanders we've seen only believe part of it, and certainly not that they should be pious. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the Jezebels, where they can have all the kinky (and of course, heterosexual) sex they want. Sex with Handmaids is a mix of power-trip and the chance of having a child, imo.
  6. As it stands, I don't think this show is going to last. It lacks the humanity of the original show and it has zero personality: everything is generic. I like the callbacks, but it isn't enough to make it work, so hopefully it'll improve over the next weeks.
  7. As a die-hard fan of the original QL, I'm not sure I like this. The characters are bland and generic and so is the dialogue. Was Al a bit of a pervert? Yes, he was, but he was entertaining af, and the contrast between him and Sam was clear since the beginning. However, if you exchanged the roles between Ben and the girl, I don't think you would have to change any line of dialogue. Ben seems to be a bit more nerdish and introvert than her; that's all. However, I'm intrigued by the possibility of Al's daughter being involved ( and hopefully Sammy Jo). And I remember that Scott Bakula didn't really "become" Sam until the first episode where he leaps into a Black man. Before that, he was a bit of smartass and perhaps a bit more ironic about the people he met or the feelings involved. What I mean with this it's that sometimes it takes a few episodes to get a show really going.
  8. Janine, you'll tell me if one of the enslaved girls we're forcing to be raped three times a month by a repulsive commander is struggling. I mean, wtf? Is Aunt Lydia on drugs? Not the best episode, frankly. June's part felt a bit repetitive, Serena isn't as entertaining when she and Fred can't make each other gloriously miserable, and Aunt Lydia has lost her mind if she thinks that there's a way to make the Handmaids system work without violence and suffering. Loved Janine, though.
  9. I'm not sure I understand the point about reading. Of course Gilead is full of women who can read - meaning they have the knowledge. That's why Gilead uses pictures. Since reading is forbidden, using pictures means the women don't have the opportunity to read and break the law, either willingly or unwillingly.
  10. The idea that Rhaenyra would do something like that in her position is ludicrous. Even if her right to the throne was accepted by everyone, it's such a risk! And she and Leanor can't have been trying seriously, judging by the age of the oldest son. I agree that the pacing of the show is hurting the story. The relationships between the characters should be more developed. In a world full of murderers, exhibitionists and devious bitches, I despise Cole the most.
  11. Oh, no, I meant the guy in Gilead. Somewhere in Gilead there's a guy who has to come up with these ideas, sometimes in less than 24 hours, and I want to meet him!
  12. Sometimes a society can change completely in way less than ten years, like Nazi Germany. Nazis were also big when it came to aesthetics and loved their parades and ceremonies so the fact that Gilead looks older than its age isn't a big deal to me. Having said this , I would LOVE to meet the guy in charge of creating funerals, particicutions etc. Not only has he got a good sense of style, he's fast as fuck!
  13. I thought for a moment that the other Commanders were going to force Lawrence to marry Serena! In any case, I simply don't understand her status right now. She seemed to be a prisoner of the US government (or at least, the Canadian one) but when she announced that she was planning to stay, Tuello didn't have any power over her.... And then they went back to Canada and she was again in custody. Wtf? And why is Gilead letting her go? Even if they don't want her, they should want the baby. I wonder what Aunt Lydia meant when she said she would change, because what happened with Janine and Esther this time isn't her fault. In fact, she tried a soft approach with Esther, letting Janine talk her into agreeing to behave like a good handmaid. I mean, I would understand if she thought that the whole system is fucked-up and hurting "her girls", but it looked like she was just blaming herself (and Esther). I guess I'm confused.
  14. Not sure about that, he used to have a lover and while I'm not sure they were having sex in last episode, back in episode one and two it looked like their relationship included sex.
  15. I feel a bit underwhelmed by this episode. There were things I liked, most of them Daemon-related, but some characters came across as unreasonably extra, like Alicent and Criston, or stupid, like Joffrey. Lots of things felt forced, I don't know.
  16. Oh, I liked this one! I wasn't feeling the ballet/funeral thing, but what an ending! I don't think Serena's intentions were anything but a FU to June... And it worked. As much as I love Janine, I can understand Ester's actions. I don't think Janine was responsible for sending her to the Putnam's, but she knew what exactly was waiting for Ester there and she went along happily. Janine is only looking for herself now, and while I don't blame her, given the circumstances, Ester isn't someone you want to cross. Anyway, I'm pretty sure they won't die, since they are the only handmaids left whose names we know. Tuello and Serena back in Gilead is still stupid.
  17. Yeah, that's the only thing I really liked about this episode. Not that I hated the rest, but it was a bit boring, tbh. Is Tuello (or the US government) really going to let Serena go back to Gilead? It seems very stupid. So Nick is married again and his new wife seems to sympathize with June's situation! That's interesting and I wonder if we'll learn a bit more about her.
  18. The Targaryens may see incest as normal, but it doesn't mean they approve of any incestuous relationship, meaning Viserys knows that Rhaenyra and Daemon would be dangerous as queen and king consort. Too volatile and hot-headed. She needs someone a bit less fucked-up.
  19. Don't think I've seen anyone commenting on this, but I just noticed the parallel between Daemon covered on the Crabfeeder's blood and Rhaenyra covered on the boar's blood. They also like to solve their problems in person, ignoring the king's orders: she went to retrieve the dragon egg and he risked his own life in order to defeat the Crabfeeder, which he did in one-on-one combat. She's not as chaotic as him, but they have a lot in common!
  20. I find Daemon highly entertaining, which is more than I can say about most characters in the show right now. Viserys killing that poor stag looked pathetic as fuck, but I think he could see that himself. He isn't a bad man, just a weak king, like Daemon said. I'm glad he said clearly to Rhaenyra that he isn't planning to replace her with Aegon. I couldn't believe that young man was Corlys's little son. Wtf, he looked about eight in the first episode! Considering the Targaryens are okay with incest, I have to agree with the guy who told the King that Rhaner should marry him. He's hot, brave and wouldn't resent being the king consort, I think.
  21. I found it okay. Loved Daemon, who looks interesting, but the other characters were unremarkable. The dialogue was quite generic too: not bad, but forgettable. However, I enjoyed seeing King's Landing under the Targaryens and I hope new, more charismatic characters will come along. Regarding the lack of technological evolution, it doesn't bother me too much because these worlds never really have it. When you heard the characters from GOT talking about the past, you could already tell that it had barely changed, and it's the same in TLOTR. There might be wars and new kings and queens, some conquest here and there, but vehicles,weapons and tools remain the same.
  22. The Crown, but directed by Lars Von Trier.
  23. Nandor is damn hot! Not the sharpest tool in the box, though. Yes, he was happy, but he would have followed the others to that roof, so I'm glad Guillermo rescued him. I thought his depression was an interesting touch. Being inmortal can't be easy, vampire or not. The world around you changes, but you don't, and in addition to being the oldest in the house, he's always been the most melancholic.
  24. It's out in the cinema in my country and I loved it. Visually it's breathtaking and the actors do a great job. It reminds me a bit of LOTR in the sense of it being a product made with love and devotion. I can't wait for the second part.
  25. The ending was like 3.6 roentgen: not great, not terrible.
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