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Posts posted by ESS

  1. 38 minutes ago, Queena said:

    I finally found a streaming service with Start TV. They're running Any Day Now guys! After all of these years our wish has come true. They've just started over from episode 1 today, Thursday November 4th. Here's the Start Tv website. I hope that you guys can join me during this re-watch. 


    Unfortunately I can't watch and I'd love too again, but I'm glad you can though. 😢 ☹️

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  2. 35 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

    I hated this episode.  Not just because it felt really contrived (the scene with them yelling back and forth in the car during a storm would have never happened during the "good" years of Roseanne), but also because they didn't take time to honor Roseanne Conner as a character.

    I realize it's awkward when the actress who played her was forced off the show, but they could have had some small scene of acknowledgement.  Dan is moving on from Roseanne for the first time in 40(?) years, and that has to be an emotional experience no matter how long he's been with Louise and how much he loves her. 

    And though I like Louise, I'll admit I'm not crazy about her marrying Dan.  I liked her better as the girlfriend who came over now and then but also had her own life.  I don't see her meshing well with Darlene and Becky, or fitting into that dysfunctional mess of a household.  The not-very wedding made the transition to marriage feel even less authentic than it might have otherwise, and harder to accept. 

    Louise's family according to her is just as crazy or even worse than Dan & his, so I think she fits into the family just great and will be fine with them, she's her own person and can handle them she has so far so I don't see a problem there.

    As for them not mentioning Roseanne the writers are trying to move on so that's why she wasn't mentioned and just because she wasn't mentioned at the wedding doesn't mean she won't ever be anymore, this was Dan & Louise's day. Louise has wanted Dan forever and I think she would probably have married him had he not been with Roseanne first so it fits in with her character and I think that's why she never got married before now. (and other than the fact that she was always on the road with her band too)

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  3. 18 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    This episode should have been aired before the Halloween episode, correct? It seems as though they are just now dealing with the damage to the roof after the storm.

    Yes I believe so and it's no wonder I thought that kitchen was cut and I see it now it wasn't so I'm confused and relieved at the same time.  

    I didn't like this episode too much, it was boring to me, but the Darlene/Neville scene was...interesting because they haven't had a scene together yet until now. I hated there wasn't really much Dan/Louise. 😢 

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  4. 2 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    Yeah, that was kind of a jolt for me, too. I think they need to show Louise changing some of the decor, to reflect that she's not just "spending the night" over at Roseanne and Dan's. She's the lady of the house, now, no matter what the "little Goblin" thinks (tm Harris Healey-Conner....or is it Harris Conner-Healey?)


    According to the writers from an article I read these things will come up later on, they didn't say when or which episodes though, she'll apparently be changing somethings I guess.


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  5. I loved this episode! Though not too much Halloween which is okay by me because I'm not really a Halloween type of person.

    The Dan & Louise scenes were so adorable!!I I loved them. I felt bad for Dan though not be able to take Louise anywhere for their honeymoon, but as @Annber03 said maybe they can still go on a small one later on. Loved it when Dan called Louise his wife - twice!! it made me smile. I also loved Louise how handled that, I just love her she takes everything in her stride. I loved their cute bedroom scene. It seems though from the promotional photos though there was cut scene of Dan, Louise, Harris, Darlene and Mark in the kitchen! I really wanted to see what that scene was all about. 

    Emilio is back and Becky's reaction is interesting as some else mentioned...wonder where that's gonna go? I still think Mikey is good for her, but just my opinion. 

    Darlene and Harris wow. I still don't know what to make of Aldo and Harris, but Darlene had me going there for a minute. I should have known something was up before her plan backfired. I really hope the relationship with Aldo doesn't last, but who knows how that's gonna go I hope Darlene and Harris talk about about this because they definitely need too. 

    I can't wait for next week's episode! 

    • Love 6
  6. 4x05: Peter Pan, The Backup Plan, Adventures in Babysitting, And A River Runs Through It - Promotional Photos + Press Release

    4.05 - Peter Pan, The Backup Plan, Adventures in Babysitting, And A River Runs Through It - Promotional Photos + Press Release

    4x06: Young Love, Old Love and Take This Job and Shove It - Promotional Photos + Press Release

    4.06 - Young Love, Old Love and Take This Job and Shove It - Promotional Photos + Press Release

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  7. 1 hour ago, Lili said:

    To be honest, Dan and Louise should have waited until after the storm to get married, instead of rushing it all out.

    Yeah, but then it wouldn't have been right though if they had waited especially since the writers planned for them to be married in that episode. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Cherpumple said:

    No, he's definitely younger. When he was first introduced he and Louise were reminiscing about him having a crush on Jackie when she was a cop and he was a kid. It was a little weird.

    Hmm okay.. Thanks for the reminder.. wow.

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  9. 39 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

    I didn’t realize Jackie’s boyfriend was 20 years younger than her?!  They look around the same age.  

    I believe Neville is around the same age as Jackie or is supposed to be although he is apparently Louise's younger brother. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

    Totally agree.  I was very disappointed with this wedding episode.  There is no way in hell that no one, all three kids, Dan and for sure Jackie, would not have brought up Roseanne at all.  Hell, even a convo with Louise and even one of the kids or Jackie about how this must be hard etc etc would have been something but to not acknowlede Rosie at all was a big mis-step.  Especially because reruns of Roseanne are on every single day so its not like people don’t remember her character.  I really have liked this show but I really hated this episode.  The actual wedding was a joke.  Louise was stressing out over that?  They had JACKIE, Rosie’s freakin SISTER marry them?  WTF?  What in the hell were the writers thinking???  The only redeeming part was Becky…..Lecy is killing it and has been the last 2 seasons.  

    Louise was stressing out because she's never been married before so this was all new to her so it was in character for her to be overwhelmed over her wedding not going her way and not only that, but she's always been independent and on the road and all that..so it made sense. 

    As for Jackie marrying them I don't think that was intentional until the minster left and I don't think Jackie thought she was gonna have to marry them in the first place, but she did to help them out because the minster left obviously to the shelter when they weren't even married yet.

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  11. 6 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Why couldn't we see it in the shelter?

    Who knows?.. but I think possibly they wanted in the church because that's what Louise wanted in the first place despite anything that would happen including the weather? Plus Louise made a big deal about wanting to have her wedding in a church too. I'm just assuming here, honestly I'm not sure, but the important thing at least to me now is they are married it's all I wanted. ♥️  🤷‍♀️

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  12. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Katey Sagal got hit by a car while crossing the street and was taken to the hospital, but thankfully ... she's going to be okay.

    The "Sons of Anarchy" and 'Conners' star was struck by a car as she was crossing the street as a pedestrian Thursday in L.A. ... a source close to the actress tells TMZ.

    We're told the driver of the car did stop to help Katey, and she was transported by ambulance to a local hospital and treated for her injuries. Our source says they're not serious though, and she's expected to be released sometime Friday.

    It's currently unclear if the driver has been cited for the accident.

    Thank you for posting this! I was shocked. I'm so glad she's gonna be okay. People should be more careful! 😢 

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  13. 5 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    Louise's white veil was intact, not wet or soaked in a rainstorm.  Many brides change from their wedding gown to another post-wedding outfit for the reception or going away on their honeymoon, but I found it odd that Louise was in a black dress post-wedding still with the veil on.  Not a LBD, cocktail or party dress, but another long-sleeved floor length dress.  While it was another beautiful gown, I thought it odd.  Especially since she told Darlene dressing in black for her wedding wasn't her thing.

    Actually I thought that black outfit was just that - an outfit not a dress, but maybe I wasn't paying attention.

    5 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    Starting with an episode of Louise going out on the road again, or performing locally with a band, and being introduced as the singer Louise G-whatever her name is, and Dan being disappointed, miffed or upset that she isn't going by Louise Conner.

    Her last name is or was Goldufski and personally I can see her changing her last name to Conner, but again it's what she wants to do.

    • Love 4
  14. 12 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

    Why did Louise change into the long-sleeved long black dress after the ceremony at the house?  She looked beautiful in her wedding dress!


    I think she wanted to be more comfortable maybe she was uncomfortable in her wedding dress? 

    Just now, bobalina said:

    They'd pretty much all changed. I just thought they'd all gotten soaked.

    That could have also been the reason too. 

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  15. 23 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Is there a reason the minister couldn't just say he'd finish the ceremony in the shelter? It doesn't have to be in the church sanctuary to be legal!

    Maybe because the writers wanted us to actually see the ceremony no matter what? 

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  16. 20 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    I'm still finding it hard that Louise would simply move into Roseanne's house and not do anything to liven up the "early 70's shag and afghan" decor. The kitchen wallpaper, the paint, the general messy clutter. You'd think that she'd try to freshen up the dreariness. THAT would be a storyline. The kids reaction to her changing their mother's white trash motif.


    She will later on though because according to the writers that's going to be addressed after the wedding episode after all they just got married.


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  17. 1 hour ago, GussieK said:

    Catching up on this show here  . . .  didn't Jackie have a kid in the old show?  Do they just leave him out?

    Yes she did and yes they do they decided to ignore a lot of what happened in the original. 

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