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Posts posted by ESS

  1. 4x16: Gas Pump, House Dump and Stew Volcano Press Release

    As Darlene searches for a home that she and Becky can afford, ol' Don Blanksy returns with an offer they can't resist, no matter how spooky. Then, after an attempt to boost business at The Lunch Box goes awry, Jackie finds herself apologizing to Ben and rethinking her future running the place.

    4x16 Press Release



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  2. 3 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    She did come in with guns blazing, didn't she?  Though I did appreciate her telling Blonde Doctor that three inch heels have no place in the ER.  I'm not even a doctor and it seems crazy to me she would show up in those.

    Yes she did for sure!! I loved that she had the connection to county I thought it was a great move by the writers to do that with her character as Kerry didn't have that at all and by the time Heal Thyself aired all of what happened before started to make sense with Banfield especially Haleh mentioning that she looked familiar to her which I was confused by at first(as I'm sure others were too) about until that episode as Haleh was there with Banfield in the trauma room with her son. 

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  3. 14 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    I really wish Banfield had come a season or two earlier. I think I would’ve really liked the character had we had more time with her. It’s also nice that she seems to have a functioning solid relationship with her husband. (I’m sure it helps that he’s played by Angela Bassett’s real life husband but I still enjoyed it anyway.) 


    I still loved Banfield even though we only got her for a season I must admit it did take me a bit to get used to her character because in my opinion she was worse than Kerry was on her first day (at least to me) and that's saying something, but I did end up loving Banfield anyway, and at the same time I get what you're saying too about that because I would loved having her as soon as Kerry left that would have been the perfect time to bring her in and I don't know why that wasn't thought of before. 

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  4. 13 hours ago, marceline said:


    So where was Louise? Dan spent so much of this episode talking about Roseanne that I almost forgot that he's newly-married.

    I don't know where she was, but I seriously thought she'd be in these episodes(at least this one and few others) because she is back fully now, but with Katey's accident I guess her being in more than half of the episodes is now up the air sadly as the writers mentioned that piece of information before the accident happened.

    4 hours ago, MaryHedwig said:

    Louise was taking Mark on a college tour. (I am just trying to help the writers out here.)


    LOL this is a funny explanation and I could see that! 

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  5. 4x15: Messy Situation, Miscommunication and Academic Probation Press release

    When Becky inadvertently outs her relationship with Professor Davis, he's forced to reevaluate his career, but his erratic behavior sends Becky down a path to reevaluate their relationship. Meanwhile, Dan and Darlene check in on Chuck, only to learn heartbreaking news about his family.

    4x15 Press Release

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  6. 2 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

    I wonder why ABC never puts out a press release for the episodes until a few hours before the episode lately.  Is that supposed to build anticipation or something?  It doesn't seem like they do that with other shows, although I haven't checked all of them.

    I'm wondering that myself, it's weird. 

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  7. 18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    As mentioned upthread, some police stations do have gun buy-back programs. But they are usually limited in scope - they are advertised and active for a limited time, like a week or a month. Also, I find it unlikely a small, economically depressed town like Lanford would have the money for such a program. 

    In the original series there was a jack-and-jill bathroom off that master (two entry doors; one from the master bedroom), and there was another bathroom connected to Darlene and Becky's room. But I don't remember if the upstairs bathroom had a shower, it might have been a half bath. 

    Yes I remember the bathroom connected to Becky and Darlene's room back in the original. From what I can recall I don't think it had a shower that I saw or remember.

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  8. 19 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    When Louise got home they told her she couldn't take a shower because Mary was in the shower. Is there only one shower? Isn't there a bathroom upstairs in addition to the one attached to the master bedroom downstairs?

    Was that a different Beverly Rose than the last time we saw her?

    That was actually a joke - she said she'd give it a try after Dan took out his gun. That said, I'm glad she objected to the hippie furniture like we all thought she would. 

    I too thought there was another bathroom too I think it's in Dan & Louise's bedroom so that was kind of weird. As for Beverly Rose it looked like the same girl to me and as for Louise and the waterbed now that I think about yes it was joke I just couldn't tell at first, but you're right... I wonder what they are gonna do with the bedroom now I think they'll end up actually going together and getting new things like the bed and stuff.

    • Love 3
  9. Wow what an episode!! I loved it..

    Welcome back Louise!! ♥️ This is the most she's ever been in an episode this season which of course make sense, but still. I'm so glad she's back and she & Dan were so adorable!! Louise and the waterbed I figured she wouldn't like it, but I'm glad she at least is gonna give it a try. I was surprised Dan even had a gun and that he got it out, but I don't blame him, but I was very surprised that Harris turned it in. I felt so bad for Jackie and Mary. 

    I'm just so glad Louise is back again, I've missed her so much it's not even funny and she had quite the home coming from her family which was so sweet!! I loved every minute of it. I did laugh a lot too with the comedy.. I loved this episode it's now up there with the wedding episode. 

    • Love 6
  10. 1 hour ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Right, right?? Getting dragged into it. I am secure in myself and don't mind taking a few hits, but at the same time, I'm sure in the past I've, privately with fandom friends, negatively critiqued writing I didn't like. I don't post critique in comments, but part of developing a fandom family is sharing common likes and dislikes about headcanons, writing styles, writing subjects, etc.

    For example, I am a fan of Jaime and Brienne. Not Jaime, Brienne and a third random character thrown in for purposes of threesome smut. I'm not anti-threesome smut, but I'm anti-threesome for the Jaime and Brienne pairing.

    I also don't agree with the headcanons that either of these two characters is bi or trans. I respect that representation is important and that's why people write fic. I'm fine with it. I just don't read it. And I'm not going to engage in a debate with someone who says that these characters being bi or trans is canon. (GRRM wasn't subtle about his gay characters, not even a little.) 

    But, "getting dragged into it" sometimes means getting pulled into a debate that I don't want to have. Yet, I'm not into taking the cowardly position of not standing up for this writer being attacked because I'm afraid of taking some blowback. 

    Fandom is supposed to be fun. I hate it when it gets complicated.

    Yeah I get all of that!! That first statement you made I tend to do that myself with my fandom friends too which isn't many of course.

    Yeah I don't like certain what's the word.. tropes I guess it is either, but of course I don't say to someone you shouldn't write that you know, I also can't stand toxic pairings/couples, but again I don't tell people not to ship or write for them, but it is very annoying and frustrating though for me when I see fanfiction on those ones especially with the pairings/ships that I hate and then where my couple(s) barely gets anything written on them in the fanfiction world that's why I hate that trope because I usually ship the unpopular couples/pairings. It's even worse if they treated horrible in canon in the first place so that doesn't help either and that's exactly what happened with my couple I love Gemma/Nero. 

    I don't agree with some headcanons either, but again I try and not pay attention to that and really it's none of my business either because for me I ship and love who I want to for my couples/ships and I'm pretty open minded and I get about representation and I'm all for it and like you said it's definitely important for sure, but yeah I totally get you. 

    Yes Again I agree fandoms are supposed to be fun, but a lot of times it just goes too far with people and I don't understand that you should be able to ship and love who you want too without people bashing it just because, people see things differently and that's okay, but why bring people down for? that's not cool and not nice at all it's a horrible feeling. It made me stop writing for quite a while when I got some hateful and nasty comments thrown my way. 

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  11. 17 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

    So, I mostly read Jaime/Brienne from Game of Thrones. So, some asshole has taken to targeting a couple of writers, posting things like, "You should acknowledge how bad you are," and "I thought you'd finally stopped writing, but I see you're back. So disappointing."

    It's pretty vile stuff, to the point the asshole is sending the writer anon messages on Tumblr.

    Of course that person is an asshole, and there is no explaining why people aren't like that. I'm not here to rehash that rant.

    My issue is that I'm not sure how to counteract that behavior and support the writer. The Jaime and Brienne fandom has piled on the compliments and support, but I feel like I don't know what to say. Should I lash out in response to the nasty comments? Will ripping that asshole make the writer feel better or exacerbate the problem? Because that's what I want to do. I want to write an entire diatribe to that asshole about manners, decency and the like. I want to not just mount a defense, but go on the attack. But I know this writer would never ask that of someone, mostly because she's feeling so fragile. 

    Ooh this a tough situation because I've been there before and lashed out at haters before, but I don't know if it was the smartest thing to do, but I felt so angry at the time that I couldn't help, but respond back. 

    Now as for the Games Of Thrones I don't watch that show so I don't know the pairing, but I have stuck up for a writer before and it wasn't even my place to do so, but on the other hand I basically got dragged into it through no fault of my own so I did lash out and it felt great at the time. 

    I think you should try and say something, but it might not really help at all as I said it's a tough situation really. 

    Yes definitely write a nice comment to the writer as well. 

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  12. 11 minutes ago, Delphi said:

    Why wouldn't Louise just rent her condo out to Darlene for her and Mark so not having to spend time trying to sell property in a poor town like lanford is beyond me. 

    I don't know, but maybe she didn't think of it? 🤷‍♀️ Or maybe she didn't consider Darlene ever moving out not that she shouldn't. It's a good question. 

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