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Posts posted by ESS

  1. Loved this episode and loved seeing Louise back again as always! Wow I couldn't believe Dan was as old as he is, but I was so glad Louise was there to celebrate with him although she also should have been there for the Valentine's Day episode, but that's another story. That said I loved all of her scenes and I was so happy when they continued the storyline with her and the school board I was worried they weren't going to say anything more, but thankfully that's not the case so I can't wait to see more of that storyline and I know we are getting something on it soon according to what I've read it's gonna be...interesting I think and the ending tag with Louise and Dan was hilarious I loved it! Can't wait for next episode and Louise is in that one as well.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    In regards to thes show, I do wonder if they will make the whole thing of Louise running for the school board into a storyline as the season goes on. I would actually be kinda interested to see that play out. 

    Count me in for being interested in a storyline like that and I could see it happening with Louise she's probably gonna end up having a job there anyway so it would make sense. 

    Just now, TattleTeeny said:

    What? No — I don’t think you offended anyone! I think you were being generous by  assuming people were being merely sensitive as opposed to bigoted. 

    Oh okay well still I apologize if I offended anyone and I guess "sensitive" was the wrong word to use. 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    I would switch out the word “sensitive” with “bigoted.” Because the people who would get upset about a purported reference to a drag queen are not really sensitive to actual offensive things. 

    Okay I will and I didn't mean to offend anyone honestly, it's edited now. 

    • Like 1
  4. Now this epiosde was funny and I loved seeing Neville and Louise back and poor Dan went to jail again, but this time for Neville which was a nice thing for him to do(even though it didn't seem as though he was that drunk) and Neville should have watched what he said, but I can understand why he was so upset with Jackie as well about the money. The sibling scene between Louise and Neville was so funny and him being hit on the head with the newspaper by his sister was hilarious, but I don't blame Louise for that, he deserved it.

  5. I didn't like this episode at all...Louise saying Becky was a bad mother it just seemed so out of character of her because in s2 or s3 when she and Dan were talking she said to him she wanted her relationship with Dan's kids to be a good one if she was gonna be in their lives(at that time) and now you've got her saying Becky's a bad mother? makes no sense to me at all and I didn't like that. I got the impression maybe why Louise said that was that she did resent Becky for having a kid and just regretted not having any, but anyway I'm glad they made up in the end, but this episode just didn't do it for me. 

  6. Loved this episode and loved seeing Louise back again. Anyway I loved seeing her in the new house finally (it's the first time) and I also loved her singing to the kids it was so cute so I really hope we'll get more scenes of that this seaso. I loved the lid day scene with Louise as well it was so funny!! As for the song I never thought it was about a drag queen and I don't get the hype we've had these songs out for decades so what's the problem? people are just so biogeted these days I guess especially parents complaining about everything, but I'm glad Louise is gonna try and fight the school board and maybe even have a job in the process I really hope they give her the job!

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

    I basically loved everything after David Caruso left. I never could stand him.

    Yeah I understand what you mean! I never actually watched s1 at all maybe 2 episodes, but it had nothing to do with him, but otherwise nothing else and I never will watch that season all the way through I just skip to Bobby's episodes amd I've never really watched the later years after Bobby's death I stop after 6x05 and just skip to his s12 "appearance". 

    • Wink 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I love anything Bobby does. ❤️

    Ah makes sense! He was a great cop and a great person all around. The show was never the same after he died. On a random note on my recent re watch I actually liked James and Gina together they were cute and sweet together even though their relationship was...fast and not exactly built up very much, but it worked I think. 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I wish we has a swoon button!

    Wow I'm shocked there's someone else who agree with me I usually don't get that too often especially since my opinions are mostly unpopular. 

    • Like 1
  10. So about a year or so ago I finally decided to give this show a shot and watch it(I knew Jimmy Smits, but never had seen it before and I love him as an actor and honestly I watched only for him) that said surprisingly I liked it a lot which is saying something I don't tend to love full on lawyer shows at all. I loved Jimmy's character Victor he was a great lawyer. I liked the friendship between Michael, Grace and Victor a lot, but honestly I didn't ship Grace and Michael together at all and didn't like them together (although I'll admit they did have chemistry, it pains me to say that) and this is I know an unpopular opinion, but I liked Grace and Victor together plus I did like them more as friends as well and I agree they didn't have the chemistry she and Michael had, but I liked them together and I think it could have worked better had their relationship been built up more especially since it was implied Grace and Victor knew each other prior to coming to the law firm and the fact that it seemed as though Grace had a crush on Victor prior to Grace and Michael meeting and getting together. Also I loved the Benny character he was great and I was so glad when he came to work at the firm he was very sweet and I loved how everyone tried helping him out when he had issues. Now I have basically all of L.A. Law on DVD. (I was sad they only relased the first few seasons, but I was able to get through amazonuk so I was happy about that and was able to watch the rest of the seasons so to speak)

  11. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but my second re watch I stumbled on the Donna and Bobby throwaway arc(I had forgotten about it because it was such a short thing) and honestly I think it would have been interesting to explore that..storyline and have them date especially since it was revealed that Donna had feelings for Bobby which I don't blame her for at all. 💓

    • Love 1
  12. NYPD Blue is now on Tubi for free if anyone's interested. I've been re watching it although I don't think I'll ever watch past Bobby's episodes although I think I have seen bits and pieces of the later years sometime ago I think it was seasons 9 & 10, but that's about it and I have watched Bobby's "coming back" episode in s12 I loved that I was so glad for that and happy he was "back" one more time and Bobby & Andy could talk and have closure. Finally I did watch this death episodes again and I don't know why, but I got emotional all over again ugh 😭...why did I have to torture myself? 

    And on this re watch I did skip over most if not all basically of Bobby & Diane's scenes ugh...I hated them together even more than I did before plus I forgot to mention in my original post about the Diane character I found her way too emotional and whiny and not a very strong willed character and I don't tend to like characters like that like I've said before I could never warmed up to her at all and I don't think I ever will no matter how much I re watch Blue.  

    • Like 2
  13. I just wrote the last of my one shots for Gemro (Gemma/Nero) for now..I might write more later. I think my writing sucks, but whatever I'm the only one writing for these two so I carry on alone as much as I can and sometimes you have to take what you can get especially for rare pairs, but it's so hard and frustrating as hell doing it by yourself all the time especially when you don't want it that way like me and it's even worse because you can't do anything about it or change it. I also updated chapter 2 on my one Gemro story which is newer. 

  14. I’ve done & posted up a series of one shot stories on Gemma/Nero I got some hits, but not many comments unfortunately. I also posted the links onto my tumblr blog I made for them no bites yet, but I’m gonna try and not be so frustrated about that and wait patiently. 

  15. Well I took a shot and posted my fanfics for Gemma/Nero over on the tumblr blog I have for them so we’ll see what happens, but I’m not optimistic all that much. (I had a few posted over there for quite awhile, but deleted them out of frustration so I’m trying again) 😭❤️🤞😭

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Yeah, and with Reddit, most subreddits there generally don't tend to be good spaces for fanfic in general. Not unless the subreddit is specifically dedicated to that topic (I know there's one somewhere for "Harry Potter" fanfic, and then there's the Fanfiction subreddit, but that's multi-fandom. 

    Have you tried Discord? Are there any spaces like that that might be up your alley? I'm in one of those kinds of spaces for my current fandom and we've got a nice little group there for discussion about the show and the characters/pairings and share fic and whatnot. 

    If there isn't a Discord for your ship, maybe you could start one and invite the few people you talk with who do like the pairing, and maybe they might know some other people they can reach out to and invite in to join the fun, too.

    Yes I've tried Discord as well nothing there for SOA in general including fanfiction or even any servers for it I checked all ready and yes I've tried making a server for Gemma/Nero at one point there and didn't work at all so again like I said there's really nothing - you name it I've tried it. And honestly it seems the only fanfiction anyone in the SOA fandom (not counting the few I know who truly ship Gemma/Nero together) reads (if they even do that is) is of the popular couples which were/are Jax/Tara (main couple and most popular) and Gemma/Clay (main secondary couple) and personally speaking these two couples I hate(d) and cannot stand as they are and were both toxic as hell among other things that's/are wrong with them. 😭 😠 🙄 So sadly I'm out of luck with my couple literally. 

  17. 3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Good luck! I hope it does get some notice and some readership :). And never hurts to keep searching around for a fandom space that might be open to your pairing as well, I'd like to think there's got to be somewhere online where you could find likeminded fans to talk about these two with. 

    Thanks! But there isn't anywhere I can think of trust me - I've tried it all all ready. and I've tried posting up at least one story everywhere I can think of tumblr, YouTube, FB SOA groups (although I'm NOT in those anymore because mainly I can't handle the Gemma hate in them although I just stay away from them in general as well because of other reasons I'm not going to get into on here) I have a few friends I talk to about them who seem to love them, but reading fanfiction some do and some just lurk with that. I've evem tried the SOA reditt although again with the Gemma hate I just didn't want to post my story there - honestly I'm afraid to post my Gemma/Nero stories in anything SOA in general related because of the hate for Gemma. 

    • Sad 1
  18. Well I just posted up a new one shot for my OTC Gemma/Nero which is my very first one for them. 💓 I'm trying my best to get over the fact that this couple will never get a lot of reception or recongition, but it's not easy at all. I'm still stuggling everyday. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, JustHereForFood said:

    I have started writing my first fanfic some time ago. After 16 years of reading fanfiction (yes, I remember it exactly 😉), I've finally had an idea that refused to leave me and that I haven't seen written by anyone else yet, so I figured I'd give it a go. It's supposed to be multi-chapter, so I don't know when (or if) I finish it and I decided to only post it once it's all written so that I don't stress myself over it. But it's so much fun to try something new! The last few months have been rather difficult and I found out that interacting with people about my favorite fandoms, either here or via fanfiction and stuff like that currently helps me relax better than watching/reading new things. I think it's probably about the feeling of community around shared interests vs. watching something on my own. There has been a lot of negativity in some online places I used to visit, mostly about news and politics but even some fandom stuff, so it's nice to have some spaces left (like here ❤️) where people are nice and supportive. And it's more rewarding to try to create something positive for me and hopefully for others, than waste energy and time arguing pointlessly on the internet.

    Congrats on your fic and I hope you are able to finish it and enjoy writing it as well. Wish I had people I could talk about my stories with, but I really don’t sadly. (And I mean ones I can talk to on a daily basis)

    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

    Regarding rare pairs, I've had a few of those as well, and have written a bit here and there for them, but only brief little one-shot things, I never did a full on multi-chapter story with them (but I've also yet to do that with any popular pairings I like, too). I do want to change that with my current fandom, though - I've been on a writing tear for it this year and there's a lot of canon and non-canon pairings, both popular and rare pair, that I'd love to write for and have fic ideas for, including multi-chapter stuff. So we'll see how that goes. 

    Personally, I love rare pair writers. Even when I do love the popular and/or canon pairings, I'm always glad when a fandom has some lesser-known and written about pairings in the mix. I like having some variety in things to read, and new potential pairings to explore. That moment when an author writes a fic that has me going, "...okay, well, you've convinced me, now I ship this.", that is the BEST. I LOVE it when authors can do that. 

    So yeah, tough and lonely though it clearly can be to be a rare pair writer, I do applaud and salute all of you who write those kinds of pairings. Fandom needs people like you. 

    Thank you for saying about rare pairs because as you know I mainly go/write for these types of couples/pairings and I don't know why, but I do, but at the same time it's definitely a lonely place to be. I know I shouldn't be frustrated, but I can't help it. I don't have many popular canon couples/pairings either that love/ship. I've always been different in that reguard. I feel a bit better with someone saying they love rare pairs. 

    My story on my couple is the first multi chaptered (well now second because I've started a new one) I've written for them especially on FFN where there isn't any multi chaptered stories on these two there at all(one shots/drabbles only) it's really sad if you ask me and there's definitely not any new stories on either site again very sad and frustrating for me. 

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