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Posts posted by ESS

  1. The Noah stuff doesn't bother me much, but I continue to be surprised how awkward mother of three MH is with the baby.  There's no connection between the two.


    Finally someone else whose noticed this about Mariska! I thought I was alone..thank goodness I'm not in that.

    As for this episode, the only thing I loved was the fact that Melinda was back if only for a few mins I'll take it. I've missed her so much!

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  2. I watched some of the reruns with Marcia Gay Harden this weekend and one of the most frustrating things to me was what they did to her character.  Her first two appearances are awesome (even if that accent is like nails on a chalkboard), then in her third appearance, she's brutally raped (because god forbid a woman in power isn't victimized on this show), and then, all of a sudden, it turns out she's a murderer because she was jealous of another woman.  WTF?  If I were Marcia Gay Harden, I would've been pissed beyond belief.

    I hated this too..I loved MGH's character & for her to become a murderer was so out of character it was unbelievable I was shocked when I saw that episode not to mention mad too.

    • Love 5
  3. Let's see for me the most frustrating moments was all the EO crap especially since I hate that pairing with a passion and also another one for me and this one tops them all and frustrates me the most is the fact that Tamara Tunie was used more as re-occurring character in the earlier years then she was in the credits! she should have just been left OUT of them all together. It's hard for me who loves Dr. Warner & Tamara Tunie to deal with her not being on SVU anymore, but I've gotten over it because I can see Tamara on her new show The Red Road. I'm also frustrated that they shoved the EO sexual tension down our throats god I hate that! As someone else mentioned I hated that they turned MGH's character into a murderer I actually loved her character it was so OCC. Also too much Benson and Stabler and especially Benson I can't stand her character anymore..

  4. Let's Retro is a great Melinda episode, Shattered as well even though I can't watch it..Storm, Dominance but I loved that episode in general. I know I'm forgetting some, but those are just off the top of my head at the moment.

    What's the show called?  Is it any good?

    It's called The Red Road it's on the Sundance TV channel on Thursdays at 9pm EST (or at least it was). It'll be back in April for it's second season! I love it and I love seeing Tamara all the time. She's amazing in it! It's her first show where she's in it from the beginning and I love seeing her actually IN the credits and used.

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  5. Yes she'll always be remember as The Voice because she was just that! I miss her everyday. I just loove this song too but it's so sad the first time I listened to it I was quite emotional I supposed I shouldn't have listened to it..Of course the video doesn't help either the person who made it made it so sad with the clips they choose for it.



    I also loove this performance she did back in 2009 again I was crying when I was watching it..it's one of her best and my favs


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  6. Favorite character: Cruz..(yeah yeah I know the majority of the fans hated her but I tend to love characters like that because they have soften them up sometime) and I liked basically everyone else.


    Least favorite: Faith (especially after she became detective which she shouldn't even had made in the first place and of course when she fought w/Cruz for no reason at all just because she didn't like her I half think she liked fighting w/Cruz)  & Sasha (post Rat Bastard) She didn't have to do that to Cruz. sometimes Bosco (for the way he treated Cruz I know she wasn't innocent either but that's no excuse for his attitude towards her)

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