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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. See, when two people love each other very much... jkjk
  2. But what if we get the female version of DJ Douchebag?
  3. I'm loving that what seems like a major antagonistic force could possibly be a teenager.
  4. My headcanon is that they went at it after the call anyway, considering Oliver didn't tell Felicity what exactly Slade asked for until the next episode.
  5. Yeah, she’ll probably be doing 8 shows a week, especially for such a limited run. I can’t imagine she’d take off too much time and if she does it would likely be announced.
  6. The person is asking Beth to give us a current sex scene, since the last one that we had was Oliver in bed with Shady Susie - it seems as if he's saying there isn't going to be such a scene in the first half of the season because it's going to be tough (either because they are physically separated or angry with each other, I guess).
  7. I hope he means until the mid-season finale and not literally half.
  8. Incorrect. The correct answer is "live through the finale."
  9. It's because she dresses too much like E-1 Laurel, and she wants to differentiate her from that character (while, inexplicably, wanting her to have the same relationship with Oliver that E-1 Laurel had, LOL).
  10. The only quote I can find is from 2010 (maybe he's said it multiple times):
  11. Except for the one where he wanted to find some ~Laurel in her and then she escaped from ARGUS and teamed up with THREE separate men who tried to kill him and his family. OLIVER. DOESN'T. KNOW. THIS. LAUREL. Jesus, this is tiring. Guess that repeated gaslighting worked on some people though. Whew.
  12. I don't think we're the ones having a hard time understanding what kind of show it is that we're watching, LOL. It is based on a comic book and has plenty of comic elements, but it has always been a soap opera.
  13. Maybe? In the film treatment he befriends some of the inmates though, so...maybe they're changing that? I just keep trying to work out scenarios of how Oliver could operate freely as Green Arrow after getting out, which based on what little we know seems like is going to happen. I'm just having trouble thinking of a way that Oliver could get out and get pardoned that doesn't involve some grand-scale emergency he has a hand in solving, since Oliver had to bargain to even get help with Diaz and still had to go to prison even after getting the info the FBI needed to arrest everyone. He'd have to have something really big on someone in order to leverage his freedom (again). But this is Arrow so it doesn't necessarily have to make sense. So I should probably stop trying to figure it out, LOL.
  14. Why have their main couple get married on another show? No clue. I don’t know who they’re introducing during the prison storyline or what purpose they’d serve during the rest of the season, or if any of the stories started there would go on after Oliver gets out or how integral they’ll be to the season . I was just thinking of ways the storyline could be resolved - I’m not insisting that I’m right.
  15. Maybe he gets word of something happening with Felicity and William and breaks out to prevent that and gets some info or leverage to bargain for his release/a pardon? IDK I’m just spitballing here, LOL
  16. I don’t know if they want that specifically. But I’m assuming (possibly incorrectly!) that a retooling of an Escape from Supermax script includes an actual escape. If he made a deal with Watson, why is he escaping? Wouldn’t he be let out once he’s completed his part? I guess an escape could be part of what he’s working on, but that seems stupid (but this is also Arrow, where that’s par for the course). He admitted to the thing he went to prison for, so it’s not like he’d be escaping so he could exonerate himself (unless he tries to walk back outing himself), so if he does that then he’s a fugitive. Having an escape caper to kick off the crossover and having Oliver and co head off whatever disaster is threatening Gotham/the world, making way for a pardon that makes way for Oliver to be a free man seems like a pretty natural chain of events to me. Otherwise I just don’t see how he escapes and then isn’t a fugitive. But maybe they’re scrapping the escape part, and he just gets casually let out of Supermax for whatever plotty reason they come up with.
  17. If I knew more about Beth’s inclination as a show runner I’d feel more confident in the length of the prison storyline. Marc and Wendy tended to rush pretty much everything, and every Marc said it was discussed as a 5 episode arc. I’m just not as sure as some people that we’re going to come back and he’s going to get out right away. It seems like a waste to put Oliver in prison and have him get out right away (for us), but this is Arrow, so.
  18. Is that them agreeing with a critical complaint over Oliver being out of costume, or agreeing with a critical complaint that the whole kerfuffle over the suit and the moniker was stupid? Besides, they tied up that whole storyline in the finale - there really isn't much of a reason for Diggle to wear Oliver's suit anymore anyway. Not that I want a full 7 episodes with Oliver away from the team or anything - I really hope that doesn't happen just for my own enjoyment - just thinking of one way they could do it and David's comment could come into play.
  19. I was just thinking of ways Oliver could get out, provided he's not working undercover for Watson. He admitted to the crime he went to prison for, so he doesn't have any reason to escape and exonerate himself, like he does in the Supermax film treatment. I figured an escape in a crossover would be a small part of it - the larger plot involving Oliver helping to stop a grand-scale crisis, which would get him a presidential pardon or something, since a regular escape would make him a fugitive.
  20. My guess is that the crossover involves a prison break - and all the criminals help Oliver out (becoming the good guys) and the guards/cops try to stop him (becoming the bad guys).
  21. Yeah - he got the city cleaned up, but the guy he ultimately went to jail to get is still out there, and his wife and son are in protective custody all because E-2 Laurel is an enormous dipshit.
  22. Oh see, this doesn't really matter because Laurel hesitated before she murdered him. The hesitation makes her Daddy's good girl!
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