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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So, I didn't like this episode. I loved Felicity, love that she's taking Watson to task. Loved smart Oliver playing the prison game, and if his creepy prison friend is actually a bad guy I'm going to be very upset. Love that Curtis is busy with ARGUS - keep him there please. I can't take the Longbow Hunters seriously for allowing an idiot like Diaz to continue existing. If one of them doesn't off his dumb ass in short order, I will be very disappointed. I also don't really understand William's storyline. Last episode he was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to get to Lian Yu and told the guy that if he didn't hear from him in a week he wasn't going back. So it seemed like whatever drove him there he was pretty desperate about. Then in this episode he's acting kinda petulant about Felicity and Oliver (and his boyfriend) leaving him - which, yes that would be disappointing, but wasn't there something urgent and upsetting that was driving you to this island to the point where you were willing to give up your life to get there? Was it all because of the beeping hozen? I didn't like the retconning of the suit dilemma with Diggle, and...are we really supposed to believe that BS is actually a lawyer? Is that seriously not going to be an issue ever?
  2. ME TOO. ::heart eyes:: I love it when he's smart.
  3. Please murder this stupid asshole once and for all, I beg.
  4. So did BS forget that Diaz has a sonic dampener, or did the show forget that Diaz had a sonic dampener?
  5. Given the way they left, I feel like that's entirely possible, haha.
  6. Your old life is mostly the same, Digg!
  7. She keeps having to take bathroom breaks during court to google stuff on her phone on the toilet.
  8. Oliver's going to break into the prison computer system and get this guy reassigned isn't he? LMAO
  9. Mmmm, no I wouldn't trust you after people managed to get into my safe house while I was in protective custody.
  10. Maybe he has a Mary Poppins magic bag he hides it in?
  11. I hope they haven't gone 20 years without seeing him and that he's talking about some future issue that made them leave.
  12. Felicity and Oliver just left him? WHO KIDNAPPED YOU, MY BABIES
  13. After last weak I wouldn't trust ARGUS to drive me anywhere.
  14. At what point did that guy's face start looking like hamburger meat? Because it wasn't when Oliver gave him a beatdown.
  15. Do you happen to know which episode she mentioned being a high school dropout in? I looked back at a few scenes I thought it might've been mentioned in and it wasn't. I don't remember this coming up, but this is the third time I've seen it so I'm sure I missed something.
  16. I'm going to guess the "I got bored" somehow comes from Other!Laurel's mouth, somehow as a dig at the Laurel she can't decide whether she wants to be or not.
  17. If I hadn't watched last season, I'd believe that the wording was the issue. But there was a whole storyline about Quentin encouraging her to be his Laurel, encouraging her to use his Laurel's identity to go out and get a job, Laurel calling him Dad. There's no doubt in my mind that Beth meant what she said, and intends the audience to see it that way.
  18. Look, I can deal with a lot of inconsistencies and bad writing on this show, but I will NOT BE GASLIT, BETH. Give this woman her own identity FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
  19. Arrow boss and star tease Longbow Hunters threat: 'They're a force'
  20. This is why I don't like flash forwards/flash backs in storytelling. The urgency is always lost in one or the other, and honestly only a few characters on this show are interesting enough for me to even care about whether they're alive in the future and what happened to them in the intervening years. It's especially bad when it's sprung on you in the middle of a run, unlike something like This is Us where you know what you're in for from the beginning. Dual timelines have only ever worked well once for me, and that is in my favorite book in the world, written by an immensely talented writer and even then it only worked because one of the timelines involved a fictionalized group of people and it took you half the book to even figure out who they were LOL. I don't know if Arrow can pull it off, and IDK if I'm looking forward to them trying it. I guess I'll okay with it if we learn that Oliver and Felicity's life together hasn't been relentless suffering and we get to see a kid of theirs (or two).
  21. Since the flash forwards are going to be a permanent fixture for the rest of the series, I wonder how long they'll even keep up any suspense about any of the current team? I suppose they could keep it up for a while, but if they're going to be bringing in a new crop of people that we're supposed to be invested in in the future, I'd rather get invested in those people through their relationships with the current team in the future rather than relying on keeping up suspense with Felicity/Olicity for an extended period of time.
  22. JH's comments about everyone in the flash forwards looking "old" made me LOL - they're going to be late forties/early fifties at that point? I hope they don't age these people up to look like Oliver did on LoT when realistically they'd just have some more grey hair (and not even necessarily that!) and some more wrinkles.
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