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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Eh, most TV shows with a character pretending to be a lawyer would make that an actual plot point instead of handwaving it. Especially when the captain of the SCPD knows she's faking it and part of HER storyline is grappling with the pros and cons of being a by-the-book chick. But no, she's just going to stand by and say nothing and put the validity of the convictions for the criminals she's putting away in question because that's so Arrow.
  2. Yeah, it doesn't exactly give me confidence in Beth that she was willing to hand wave something like that - and with an actual attorney excited to write for her too, no less. LOL.
  3. Maybe the mayor gets murdered and she gets sworn in because Star City is crazytown?
  4. The amount of partying/having fun these people do is really impressive.
  5. Maybe she's going to start working with the mysterious new Green Arrow? That's the only thing I can think considering the line about her in the synopsis indicates she's softening on going after her (or him, if our spec is wrong).
  6. I hope Diaz doesn't go after him at school after Felicity made the choice to send him away (which I think was the right choice). I would hate that, LOL.
  7. I think it was probably doubling as the community center where Zoe gets injured.
  8. But Oliver isn’t in prison because of the newbies. He walked free from those charges thanks to Human Target. He’s in jail now because he went to Watson and agreed to go to prison in exchange for the FBI capturing Diaz. That IS all Oliver’s fault. She should put the blame on him only.
  9. Yeah, this doesn't sound too terrible to me. Hopefully her comment about where they are when the crossover comes around means that something happens during that that heals some of that fracture.
  10. Whoever came up with her talking points for this interview should know by now that teasing drama between Oliver and Felicity is more likely to make people tune out than in. After season 4, no one wants to sit through that again.
  11. I guess. It just seems like it'd be more of a shock if we found out who she was when Oliver did. I guess maybe here they could be going for the surprise is that she's the new Green Arrow (although the title for 10 - if it's real - indicates that we don't even find out her name until then).
  12. Isn't the half-sibling thing too early to tease at this point if her reveal isn't coming for 3-5 episodes later?
  13. Yes - did Chico forget to delete a sentence from her template or what?
  14. How many times is Diggle going to ask Curtis to go undercover for ARGUS? Jeez.
  15. When did she mention that? I didn't get a chance to watch the whole thing.
  16. He’s pretty lucky Oliver didn’t act the same way when he was in prison.
  17. After watching it again, I wonder if William's just talking about Oliver leaving him by going to jail, and Felicity leaving him by sending him off to boarding school. Especially since William said "you're leaving me" in the ARGUS room when Felicity said goodbye. Maybe he was just filling Roy in on what happened to him after he and Thea left town, and he's using it as a basis for his abandonment issues (and to let us think they never go back to get him at boarding school or leave him at some point in the future).
  18. But specific terms of the deal here are the only things that matter, because it was an agreement between a private citizen and a government entity to go to jail for a specific amount of time in exchange for a service. He was not sentenced, so normal rules don't apply. Oliver's the only one who knows what's in that deal, and he's operating like he's coming home sooner rather than later, so I don't think there's any doubt in his mind that he won't be in there for that long.
  19. But he wasn't actually sentenced in a court of law - he just agreed to go to jail for X amount of time (life, I'm guessing given 6x23's title, unless that's just what they wanted us to believe) in exchange for the FBI catching Diaz. There's no way of knowing if he'd negotiated time out for good behavior, or negotiated his release if Diaz is captured/X thing happens. There has to be some leeway in whatever deal he made.
  20. Knowing what kind of deal Oliver actually worked out with Watson would be helpful, which is probably why the show hasn't told us. Oliver thought that he could negotiate a shorter sentence for good behavior. He was counting the days as if there were a pre-defined, finite number of them. Felicity's convinced that he could get out sooner. There has to be some leeway in whatever the deal is in order for Oliver to get out at some point and not have to go into hiding for the rest of his life (unless he does exactly that and that's why he doesn't go and get William - which...that can't be where they're going with the show, even for logistics' sake). So I don't know why Diggle is so convinced that he's not getting out for a long time.
  21. Yeah. William knows Oliver and Felicity's names, he knows what they look like. He's old enough (and smart enough, apparently, given his occupation in the future) to have been able to find them if he wanted to when he was old enough if they did in fact abandon him at the boarding school (but there's no way that can happen unless O/F flat out leave town for good or they relocate under new identities and we follow them in their new adventures). So, I guess maybe they go missing in the future sometime. But this episode he just sounded like an angry kid whose parents went off on vacation without him, not like someone who was actually concerned about their whereabouts. It almost seemed like they went on a business trip or something and he had no reason to be alarmed until the hozen started beeping. Flash forwards are supposed to involve following a fun trail of breadcrumbs that the writers drop, not thinking...wtf this makes no sense in any possible way. The more Arrow changes, the more it stays the same, LOL.
  22. Agreed. I was worried that this wasn't going to wind up ultimately making sense because they'd want to keep some suspense while feeding us tidbits about what happened, and that they'd wind up misrepresenting something in order to keep that up. Last episode William seemed so desperate to get to Roy, and this episode he seemed kind of petulant? Oh, Oliver and Felicity left me, my boyfriend left me too, like he was just sulking about those things and they weren't what drove him to the island. He also spoke about Roy like he never saw him again after he and Thea left for their trip, but somehow Roy knows exactly where to look in Oliver's bow for a message and gets exactly what it means? They set it up like this was all done sometime in the past - behind the current timeline, when Roy was still around and a member of the team. But there's no way that Oliver and Felicity would ever stop looking for William if they somehow were unable to get him back from boarding school, so they must be missing in the present, and planted that scavenger hunt between now and the flash forwards. But if they're missing in the present, then why does William seem pissed off about it instead of like he's frantic to find them? I hate this and my brain hurts, the end.
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