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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Didn't her mother die because Rene shot her? Or did I make that up?
  2. Aw, Zoe's in Star City's only hospital room.
  3. Was this new mayor on the city council last year?
  4. Yelling at Dinah like that? I hope so!
  6. Two hours to show up to a robbery? Damn, Dinah. You are real bad.
  7. I don't like this Olicity parallel, LOL
  8. I'm envisioning him wrapping his chained hands around this guy's neck and kneeing him in the forehead.
  9. This doctor is already annoying the shit out of me.
  10. I welcome more William as long as he doesn't reveal something that's gonna make fandom freak out until whenever it gets resolved, LOL.
  11. I'm probably way off. I was just trying to think how this all ties in with what we know, like why Diaz would be at a prison riot. The obvious choice is that it's because he's in prison too, but IDK if that's where his character is headed now that he's been super serum-ed up. I hope it is! But then I started thinking that he could've been there because of some kind of Demon issue (like Level 2 brain mush prisoners going ape and trying to take over the prison, and Oliver does some saving which results in him getting a pardon or something). Clearly I have too much time on my hands today!
  12. So now I'm wondering if the Demon really is the guy doing the drugging and all the guys in prison were just working on getting Oliver down there on behalf of Diaz. Which would be sooooo incredibly lame so please don't let that be it.
  13. Yeah, it just kind of makes sense that tonight's episode would focus on Silencer and possibly getting some information out of her that leads to discovering the prison brainwashing in the next ep, which then would lead to Laurel stepping in to stop it in 7x06, which would then lead to Oliver somehow getting out in 7x07. Was the Demon ever definitively mentioned as a prisoner? Is it possible he's the guy drugging Oliver, and working with Diaz? Maybe he's doing something super dumb, like helping Diaz build an army of brain-dead ex-con soldiers to complete a mass 3-D printing project/destruction?
  14. IDK, I think that could be considered a secret about Oliver, since it would be about Oliver and the prison would probably want to keep it a secret. A mystery (for another 7 hours)!
  15. Well, it wouldn't be the first time they released a promo an episode early. A+ job again, Chico!
  16. Yeah, that would make a little more sense, since this seems like the kind of situation that would lead into ep 6 based on the synopsis.
  17. Maybe it's an issue of Silencer giving them information that they can go off of for Diaz and Oliver being in trouble so they have to decide between the two? Dinah and Laurel are the kind of a-holes who I fully believe would have to be convinced away from chasing Diaz and could only be convinced (barely) by Oliver being in immediate, irreversible danger.
  18. Poor Oliver's brains must be like scrambled eggs by now, LOL. Also - I need context for the scene where Emily's holding the phone, because it made me laugh and I don't think it was supposed to.
  19. Yes - he said that Felicity didn't want to go down that road, and that he was ashamed of what he'd done in the Army and that Tobias Church torturing him was payback for that - evil for evil. Then Felicity reminded him that the torture worked because he gave Oliver up.
  20. LOL. Beth, you should be ashamed of yourself. I like the clip though! Rene and Felicity is a duo I never thought I would enjoy and yet here we are.
  21. I actually really liked this, because she spent a lot of time ripping on what a bore/awful dresser E1 Laurel was last season. Her thinking everyone on E1 just sucks is a bit of continuity I can get behind, LOL.
  22. Well if you say you're sorority sisters, it must be true. Go right on in!
  23. Yeah, me too! Understandable clipped bitchiness on both sides. Hopefully the rest of the episode is on par with that.
  24. I'm so pleased. I was really worried they were going to sweep it under the rug. Whew.
  25. I can hand wave a lot of things on this show, and I don't always require things to be super realistic on here. It's fine, whatever. But if you're going to have a show that involves vigilantes putting away criminals, with a major character who's police captain, I fully expect those people to be very serious about securing convictions that stick for the people they put away and I don't believe for one second that they would ever just let something like this slide, LOL.
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