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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think he means that she doesn't explain to Ray why she's upset (he said as much in a previous interview). Haha, i thought the same thing. We should ask him if he knows the multiples of three! Yeah, i don't mind the changing things up aspect so much, especially if it leads Oliver to a better place personally at the end of the season. My concern is just that I signed on for a show about Oliver, and to a lesser extent Team Arrow (I almost bowed out several times before things gelled between them), and not all these other randos. I would hate for the show to completely shift focus for good. I'm hoping it shifts for these three-ish episodes to put some things in motion and then goes back to somewhat normal. And she doesn't feel it, because he's not. Ugh, someone hold me.
  2. So, the TV Line interview posted in Spoilers Only makes me think it very well could be Felicity to Ray, the way that their "bonding" or whatever comes about in Oliver's absence. Since she's trying to right what she considers a wrong where Ray's concerned, I can see her saying "I don't want to be a woman you love," or something, to steer him away from a romantic entanglement with her. But it probably is Felicity to Oliver, haha.
  3. He didn't just delete his tweets about Richard Sherman, for whatever reason he goes back and deletes stuff occasionally.
  4. I think CarrieAnn was talking about all the stuff SA tweeted about Richard Sherman - not his original tweet to Erin Andrews.
  5. He's been tweeting about Richard Sherman since at least mid-season last year, and I thought it was weird too considering how he feels about Twitter hate. SA also appears to be a serial deleter. He goes back and gets rid of a lot of things he tweets. Not sure why, because, dude...it's already out there. ETA: this quote is messed up and I can't fix it - sorry!
  6. That sneak peek, ah. I love how gently Digg talks to her, JUST RIP MY HEART OUT, SHOW. Also, I'm going to laugh so hard if that "I don't want to be a woman you love" isn't Felicity to Oliver, since so many people have been trying to figure it out. I don't see it being from Felicity to Ray, because technically it's way too soon to be talking love, unless it's a hypothetical statement regarding them getting involved. I thought maybe it could be Laurel to Oliver with regards to his objection to her being BC (Oliver referred to Sara as a woman he loved when he was talking to Barry), but I think since they had Oliver tell Felicity he loved her that if he voiced an objection to Laurel doing what she's doing he would tell her it was because he cared about her, and keep the "L" word out of it. Then again maybe it could be Thea to Malcolm, since he tends to do batshit crazy things for the women he "loves." I'm sure it's from Felicity to Oliver in some way, but I'm really interested to see how it plays out.
  7. I just posted, but yeah, it looks like SA and Erin Andrews actually know each other. And Katie's a Seahawks fan, I don't think she was joking.
  8. What makes it funnier (sadder?) is it seems like Erin Andrews and SA actually know each other, haha.
  9. I don't think Stephen's tweet was foolish - it was a good question, and beyond that I though it was kind of a throwback joke about the interview she did with Richard Sherman last year where he completely went off on a tangent about one of the 49ers. Probably shouldn't have @ replied her. KC definitely shouldn't have.
  10. When Cisco was explaining the upgrades, he said it was a polymer/kevlar weave.
  11. Chrissy's really good friends with Erin Andrews, so I think the job comment was meant to take a swipe at Katie for criticizing Erin when she's not on her level? That's the only thing I can think of.
  12. It's weird-Sara's listed as Black Canary on the cover, but she's just "Canary" in the game.
  13. I don't mind Ray; I think he has the potential to be charming and such. I just don't really care about his relationship with Felicity, because frequently reaches creepy status.
  14. It's one thing to cry over his loss, it's another thing to lose herself to it. I think she'll cry, but she won't sit around crying.
  15. Yeah, it's really difficult to write a story you're no longer invested in, so I do understand where she's coming from - that's why I don't post anything until I finish it. It's fanfic, and it's free, so I won't complain too much about anything, but it's maybe not the best thing to keep posting stories and expecting people to get invested enough to read them, then get irritated when the people who got invested in the other stuff you wrote ask you when they'll get more.
  16. I wonder if after Felicity turns off the lights, we'll get a montage similar to the one we got at the end of "Sara" of every going off and doing their own thing? Roy going up to Verdant, Diggle going home to Lyla and Sara, Felicity going anywhere but Palmer Industries, please for the love of god. Laurel looking at her buckles and then going out and being the justice that whoever can't out run.
  17. I wonder if that's after Felicity turns the lights out on them? Depending on how this ep plays out, as long as it's still in current time and we're still right after Oliver left, I won't judge anyone for not saying anything to Thea. If next ep comes and goes and she's still in the dark about all this (which I'm 79.6% sure she will be)? It's on.
  18. "You’ll be seeing the Squad in the season, but it will be different. It will be a different Squad [than the one in the Arrow 2.5 comic book], and this run sort of helps set that up… Why the Squad looks different when you see them again; and some of the issues they’ll have to deal with heading into season three." What does this mean? No more Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, etc? IIRC, the Squad in the 2.5 comics is the same group that was in the show last season, so they're going to have all new people?
  19. Yeah, me either. It was only three seconds of what I would consider "typical Roy."
  20. I love sarcastifna, a few of her stories are my faves in the fandom. I really want to read this (Bratva fics are my new thing), but I'm going to hold off on reading any more of her stories until they're complete.
  21. I don't think there's a particular order. And it's weird that there's a mix of promo shots, head shots and isn't PB's pic from upfronts?
  22. I can give the convenient timing a pass, because nearly everything on this show is convenient timing. If Laurel suited up because Team Arrow disbanded for a short period of time, to me it's not so much an ego issue as far as her thinking she could replace them, but more of a "no one else is here to do it, so I will," kind of thing.
  23. Yeah, she was even surprised when Oliver asked her on a date. Even though he was ambiguous on the island, I don't think she ever even let herself think that he could be serious, even after a summer full of flirting and face touching and whatever in the hell they were doing that I will forever be bitter that we didn't get to see. I'm guessing Oliver didn't tell her on the way over because he was worried that Slade might've had them bugged in some other way that he didn't know about? There was no way to guarantee they were 100% safe, so in order to be 100% sure that Slade was in the dark, he kept Felicity in the dark, too. Why he didn't just write it out on a napkin or something, who knows. Maybe he was worried Slade bought a supersonic satellite or something, haha.
  24. Ah, I see. Sorry, I thought it was me because I had mentioned that in one of my earlier comments!
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