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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. HOW DARE SHE. Being all emotional and saving kilowatt hours! Monster.
  2. I think there might be a time jump next ep. Diggle and Roy seemed conflicted about what was going to happen next (isn't that why Laurel suited up?)- Felicity's just the only one who made an emotional, definitive statement about it. Quite a few people mentioned in their TCA interviews that everyone's going to have to examine why they did what they did, why they were involved in the first place. Why do they continue without Oliver? I think they'll all figure that out and go back next ep, committing themselves to a new mission without Oliver at the helm.
  3. They're comparable in that they're emotional reactions to awful situations. IMO, Felicity's way of dealing isn't any more right than Laurel's. Laurel wasn't pissed off that her coworkers were watching a news story, she was upset that they were watching a news story that involved an embarrassing hurtful time in her past and ended with her sister being dead. I don't blame her for walking up and turning it off. If they wanted to watch it they could've turned it back on after she walked away or gone and Googled it. It just bothers me that Felicity and Laurel are being called rude for how they react to these highly emotional situations. Laurel didn't throw the TV to the ground and break it so no one could ever watch it again. Felicity didn't blow up the cave. It was a momentary way of dealing with things, like...who even cares that much to judge someone about it? Obviously people do, I just really do not understand it.
  4. It's rude, but, I don't know...I guess I just don't understand why anyone cares that much about it? They were both done in highly charged emotional moments, and who hasn't acted on impulse and done questionable things when they're upset? It's just funny because I still see the TV thing brought up and I never once thought anything of it until I started visiting message boards. I wouldn't have thought anything of Felicity turning off the lights, either.
  5. He also had a heart issue in the first ep of the season, when Oliver went to fight Vertigo. It wasn't an attack, but it was some kind of something that hospitalized him and will obviously kill him if he finds out his youngest daughter is dead (again)!
  6. I'm honestly shocked as to how many people are complaining about Felicity turning off the lights. It's not like she changed all the codes and blew the place up. She was upset, it was symbolic, and if Roy or Diggle wanted to see they could've hauled ass up the steps and turned them back on. It's funny, watching this show now and checking message boards, seeing the things people pick out. I never would've guessed anyone had a problem with Laurel turning off the TV in the first ep either. To me, Oliver treated her like shit, she knew people judged her, gossiped about her, and thought she was a fool. The last thing she probably wanted to do was sit there with her coworkers and listen to all of that rehashed in front of them. She was probably humiliated (and yes, I know there have been things that have happened since then that could be argued to death about what she felt. But that the time? I didn't think a single thing of it). She could've left the room if she didn't want to hear it, but it was more of a quiet statement letting everyone know that there wasn't an open season on that part of her life. I know this isn't the place for that particular comment, but since my first comment about Felicity is relevant and we are discussing the criticizing of women who show emotion, I'm gonna leave it.
  7. Could be. People are angry at her for turning out the lights on them, so it's entirely possible. I thought it was obvious in the context of the show that they were going to lose that one and that while they were angry she made the choice for them it wasn't necessarily the wrong one.
  8. I didn't think her awesomeness was destroyed at all. She reacted as I would've expected her to, and was very Felicity IMO.
  9. I hope it's not her idea either. Does she know that Laurel hasn't told him that Sara's dead? She'd probably put that together really quickly after Quentin asked about her and say that she knew how to get in touch with Canary to buy some time, then leave it up to Laurel to figure out how to deal with it. I don't think they threw her under the bus with the Brick thing. She made a decision that might've been the wrong one, but they did go out of their way to show that Diggle and Roy were going to lose that one, so I think it's a wash.
  10. The Queen family doesn't do anything the easy way.
  11. I don't mind it so much because Felicity's reactions were completely understandable and in-character to me. It's not like they had her look purposely stupid in order to make Laurel look smart or unreasonable to make Laurel look reasonable. Laurel kept it together because her relationship with Oliver isn't the same as it was at one point, and she'd been through this before. And hello, it gave her a reason to buckle up!
  12. I don't have a problem with Laurel showing emotions, it's just that the reasoning behind a lot of her anger and the things it pushed her to do often didn't make sense to me. She had a baton in the preview for next week's ep, so maybe the staff was just an improvisation? And from interviews that the EPs have been giving it seems like she's going to be doing a lot of "crazy" stuff because she feels like she needs to in order to keep up. I get the sense that she might be insanely lucky with the outcomes of a lot of those things (like her jumping out of the window in the preview, where she, according to interviews released after the TCAs, apparently grabs onto a rope hanging from a helicopter). I hope it plays out differently than it seems like it might.
  13. Or he could be worried that the team is going to tell her what he's done to her and he wants to get her out of there pronto before they do.
  14. She must do something, because in the preview didn't she say something about knowing how to contact the Canary? So she knows Laurel's dressing up as Sara, at least. Since Roy and Diggle go and have a talk with Laurel about getting herself killed, I'm guessing Felicity, Roy and Diggle all talked at some point. So maybe she's back at the beginning(ish) of the next ep. ETA: with the pic of EBR and PB that came out today, seems like maybe he asks her if he knows how to get in touch with Canary, and she tells Laurel that Lance is looking for Sara? Please, please, please come clean with your bullshit Laurel. I'm begging. Don't try to fool that man. The fact that you even have to ask Nyssa for advice about it makes me side-eye the shit out of you.
  15. Yeah, I realize that. I went back and rewatched it.
  16. But Ra's knew that Malcolm was alive and in Starling City, why wasn't Malcolm worried about Ra's coming to get him before that? He didn't know that Oliver told Nyssa he was under his protection (unless I'm forgetting the part where he found that out, which I could be).
  17. Well, the way he phrased it, the "at age 19" comment could technically be applied to what he said before it (which was something to do with her placing in some kind of informative technology competition). So she graduated in '09 and got her Masters after.
  18. In The Flash, Harrison Wells said she graduated at age 19 with a Masters.
  19. I don't understand why he'd think they wouldn't be coming for him anyway. They know he's there. Sara was tracking him and Nyssa's seen him. That was what, two months ago? Yeah, he sent Oliver off to settle his blood debt or whatever, but why is he just now getting worried? He should've been worried two months ago!
  20. I think the buckles are some next-gen sidekick trend considering Roy has them too. I wonder if having the buckles makes certain parts of the costumes easier to mend/replace? Maybe the costume designer just likes shiny things.
  21. What area of reddit are you looking on? The GA reddit? Because that has not been my experience, haha.
  22. Oh, god. People suffering the devastating, unexpected loss of a person they love and never got the chance to tell how they feel about them are such whiny rude a-holes. The worst!
  23. I just do not get the big deal about turning off the lights. And yeah, letting Brick go was not a well thought out decision, but her head's not in the game AND OLIVER ISN'T THERE TO REMIND HER OF THAT 1,000,000 TIMES. GAH
  24. This is cracking me up. "They could still see!" hahaha Who's calling her whiny?
  25. She told Nyssa she was MIT class of '09 3x23. So she had to be 19 or 20.
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