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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She could actually be filming-PB canceled that con for filming too, I'm just not assuming with her at this point, haha.
  2. He's supposed to be at one in Kansas City. So was JB, but he canceled.
  3. I don't know - the women from The Flash are on their panel, so if there's a debacle it's because they deliberately single out EBR and WH and don't invite them. Which I suppose is possible, although why they'd do that, IDK.
  4. Yeah, I don't think it'd be much of a spoiler, but these guys...who knows what they think. Could be that someone else is injured, but why would everyone leave to take an injured party to the pit? Not a single person stays behind to keep tabs on Felicity? If MS doesn't interact with anyone and Felicity's the one injured, then why isn't Ray even around? Unless they're LPing him, in which case...why? Surely use of such a thing would come at a great cost to Oliver, unless they're trying to sell that he loves Felicity so much that he's willing to sacrifice himself so that the man he thinks she loves can live, ahahaha I'm going to go throw up.
  5. The Betrayal seems like it could fit too. Or maybe just Betrayal? Hopefully it's that and not zombie! person.
  6. SA said this ep blows up the show (not "literally," as he said), so if I had to bet money? I'd say it's Lazarus Pit, and we're gonna have a zombie!someone on our hands.
  7. I think it's more likely Tommy (out of him or Sara) gets it. Has CD been in Vancouver since filming for The Return?
  8. The blacked-out portion is way too short for that many letters, haha.
  9. If Mama Smoak's around in the hospital and either she or Felicity are patients, and the phrase "hospital sex" is used, then I seriously doubt Felicity gets Lazarus Pitted. I'd say it's probably Thea (maybe that's why MG said Thea wouldn't interact with MS - still hoping MG read that question wrong). Could be Laurel if they're going to give her a canary cry.
  10. I spoil myself for pretty much everything (I even read the end of books before I start), because it's more about the journey to me than being surprised, and I like preparing myself. I'm usually very wait-and-see, and I know it's not going to be as bad as I think it will - I know the door isn't shut on Olicity, and this "friendship of sorts" will probably not be as bad as I think it will, and Oliver will get his head out of his ass on this particular point sometime, but...I've never felt dread like I feel it this morning.
  11. I've always been and prefer to be spoiled to the teeth, but with con appearance Q&As, MG on Twitter and Tumblr, and just...whatever, this is actually exhausting me. And it makes me feel a certain dread that I know wouldn't be present if I could just watch the episodes with out outside commentary/foreshadowing. I'm just feeling so blah this morning. My fave Oliver is in the midst of yet another cycle of dumbassery, Felicity's going to be off with Ray even more, and now Oliver and Felicity are just going to have a friendship "of sorts"? All my reasons for watching are fucked at the moment. I think I'm having some version of Arrow PMS, haha.
  12. Could be off screen. Or maybe she doesn't have a trainer for a while after 3x13, due to the fallout from her Vertigo hallucination? And we find out her new trainer is no one until Nyssa steps in to do it? Laurel's not mentioned in the episode description for 3x14 (present day) or 3x15. Maybe she leaves town for a bit after she tells Quentin she's a lying liar who lies?
  13. I figured it'd be this one since I'll have to seriously question whether or not Malcolm is slipping something to Quentin if he doesn't start pressing people on who the blonde in the mask is now that he's been straight-up told it isn't Sara. And IIRC, that's why Laurel gets in touch with Nyssa, right? For help with that? If that takes three more episodes...I just can't.
  14. So, it is Nyssa then. Isn't this when Laurel's supposed to call her for help about what to do about telling Quentin about Sara? Didn't he get cast in his new show after he took the Arrow job? Should've locked him down. Although I'm not sure that Ted was ever going to be the only one to train her - boxing can only get you so far. I mean...it seems to have gotten her pretty far, but...you know.
  15. Yeah, I caught that too. I wonder if that was weird wording? I thought for sure Nyssa would be doing it.
  16. I wonder if Oliver tells Thea and Thea gets upset, and Malcolm sends them off to Lian Yu for a little family bonding/survival training?
  17. Eh, he's a good guy, he totally saved Thea on the night of the siege!
  18. I'm glad Malcolm encourages him to tell Thea, but look at him insinuating himself into things. Oliver thought he was just going to teach him how to defeat Ra's without pushing an agenda? LMAO, the fool.
  19. God, that new preview. Malcolm in the lair telling Oliver what's what. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, YOU BEAUTIFUL IDIOT
  20. Yeah, could be a resurrection. Is this the ep that changes the show forever, or is it 18? Does it actually matter anymore? Haha. I just don't know who it could be because anyone I'd give a shit about was seen at that wedding - and wouldn't they probably still be batshit at that point, provided the lore is the same in this universe? Maybe Oliver kills Ra's and Ra's gets resurrected, only Oliver doesn't know that? Although shit, did he not wonder why Ra's looked so "good" for being a geriatric when they were fighting?
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