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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. If Emiko's list does have something to do with Dante, I love that Robert Queen was involved in so much shady business with so many awful people and passed lists to his kids with crooked people to take care of and his kids just happened to start working towards this goal right as his shady comrades started making their big moves. The Queen timing is impeccable, LOL.
  2. I'll amend my previous statement - I actually don't care who wins this game as long as they go forth and obliterate the Rams.
  3. LOL, she even got shot in the same place Oliver did before he dragged ass into the back seat of Felicity's car.
  4. While I do find it lulzy that Nocking Point's business model has basically turned into a pop culture collab wine company given Stephen was trying to legitimize it by getting it into Whole Foods not too long ago, I do have to hand it to him for finding a niche where he'll probably continue making a ton of money.
  5. JH and Dinah didn't really bother me in that scene, but I do agree that it seems like Dinah and Oliver were in two different scenes. Usually when he's the butt of the joke he moves on quickly or the person who's teasing him has a quick reply. The whole unamused stare and the "I'm kidding" were so awkward. That CSI can rot though. I'd love to see the aneurysm she'd have if she found out Dinah was letting him take her precious evidence to a third party for analysis LOL. Dinah seems like she knows it's a bad idea and is looking to the remaining glass to tell her she made the right choice.
  6. Yeah, I don't really understand what's going on there. It's a booming city walled surrounded by a desolate wasteland that's guarded by a vigilante resistance for...what now? What are they resisting if the city is walled off and people are living inside of it? I'm guessing it's run by shady business people that have ulterior motives that are endangering the citizens or something otherwise it doesn't make sense why anyone would still be fighting for Star City instead of just trying to move into the Glades (or far, far away).
  7. Since they had to rename the Suicide Squad to the Ghost Initiative, I'm guessing they won't be able to use "Birds of Prey" because of the movie. I wonder what dumb name they're going to come up with as an alternative.
  8. Yeah, Beth's answer made it seem like all of his issues that he's been talking about in the future come from being sent to boarding school for a few months while his father was in prison and a psycho was trying to kill him. I really really hope there's more to it than that.
  9. I don't know about Oliver and Diggle, but since Beth said ep 16 will be the answer to Felicity's death "mystery," I don't think she'll be showing up before then.
  10. There's a lot to unpack in this Q&A, but: This - being sent off to boarding school, because a villain tried to kill him - is what he's been complaining about in the FFs? Am I misreading this? I also LOLed that in one question Beth said that we'll get to the question of whether Laurel can be redeemed or not in the back half of the season, and in the very next answer she says that Laurel and Felicity are going to butt heads because being friends with a former villain is hard. Goodness.
  11. It seems like Matt just talked to Beth in the past couple of days - this is probably the first of many posts about whatever they talked about.
  12. I mean, she took over E-1 Laurel's life down to adopting her dad and taking her job. She hasn't really done anything at all this season to make people think she's not trying to be better. Unless she does something shady in an upcoming episode that reveals it's all been a ruse for something, it's just...????
  13. I wasn't aware we were supposed to be wondering about that.
  14. You should stop expecting anything in the flashforwards to make sense. They're not telling us the whole story, because they want to keep us confused so they can have their ~shocking reveals. What ultimately gets revealed will probably not be half as bad as we've been led to believe. There are some dots that just won't connect to what we've been told once we finally know what actually happened.
  15. Kelsey Grammar. LOL. So...I guess the rest of the team are outing their masked identities now? Okay! And also, if we're doing things Office-style, maybe they could have a group picnic where Felicity sprains her ankle playing volleyball and she and Oliver get a little surprise at the hospital when she goes to get it checked out?
  16. The wiki indicates that the Ninth Circle is made up of executives of multinational corporations that also operates as a bank - from what I can tell both Moira and Robert were involved. So, I don't know if anyone in ARGUS would have the social standing to be involved, unless they were underlings. Then again, the show could repurpose the group to be whatever it needs to be for their plot.
  17. No, I think the big bad is going to be the "evil most people don't even know exists" that Diggle was talking about in the teaser, whoever they went to Diaz for help with (and involves that painting from earlier in the season). From what I've gathered peeking around other message boards, people seem to think it's the Ninth Circle.
  18. Yeah, I don't think that's actually it, that's just what it looks like to me based off the body language KC is throwing off there. She could be there in a friendly capacity while also having stinkface. It's honestly tough to tell, LOL.
  19. I'm sure this isn't the case, but it honestly looks like she's there to do a Meet the Press-style rebuttal of Oliver's pro-Green Arrow talking points on behalf of the mayoral administration.
  20. Laurel's snide constipated face throughout that interview is making me LOL.
  21. Beth, no matter how much you try to talk him up, there is nothing about Diaz that's "fun" or "priceless," unless you're referring to him 3D printing an anvil, tying it to his ankle, and jumping into a very deep body of water. Also: It's...even dumber than I could've imagined, LOL.
  22. I hope that whatever catches up with Laurel is significant. She's gotten by so easily thus far - she's successfully pretended to be a DA with absolutely no issues, she's managed to successfully assume E-1 Laurel's identity with absolutely no issues, even taking her old job working with at least one or two people who would surely know her since she'd had that job before and seemingly no one has any clue that she doesn't remember anything at all about whatever history they had together. If it's Diaz-related it's...whatever, but she should have more coming to her than whatever he'd be after her for.
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