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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm half expecting him to show up alive myself, LOL
  2. Did they have a drunk hookup or something?
  3. And the award for passable directing goes to...
  4. Someone please remind me why this guy is after Laurel? Because she sonic cried at him?
  5. "People without the last name Queen are people too!" he says as he attempts to murder someone who is not a Queen.
  6. I zoned out - why is this guy after Laurel again? Because she canary blasted him once?
  7. Of course someone who has zero experience as a lawyer is the most popular DA in Star City!
  8. Wow, I'm shocked that Curtis is mad on O/F's behalf (after his own, but still).
  9. And why is she visiting Robert's grave?
  10. Pronouncing "Emiko" is the new Ra's
  11. Doesn't say much about ol' Quentin's legacy!
  12. I always get a gross feeling in the pit of my stomach when those DC arrows go flying.
  13. Yeah, her indignant speech about how everyone has good and bad inside of them as if she cheated on her taxes instead of murdering however many people, LOL.
  14. Part of the problem - for me, at least - is that they never address anything specifically apart from her killing Vince. Her gleeful killing that we saw - even though the team is probably ignorant of most if it, the fact that she had a hand in Oliver's son losing his mother, that she had a hand in Oliver getting impeached, that she tried to kill pretty much all of them at some point gets swept under the rug because she says she wants to be a better person. I do believe that Felicity is more apt to forgive Laurel because she's made gestures of good faith in terms of helping get Oliver out of prison, but their budding friendship would be more believable if these wrongs were directly addressed. And it would make for a more meaningful ~redemption arc for this Laurel, who for the most part hasn't had to face a single repercussion from anything she's done apart from Dinah being mad at her for a little while.
  15. Dinah, your buttons. He's in the hospital pics, LOL.
  16. I guess it's public knowledge somehow? The synopsis mentions the team talking about their pasts as vigilantes - although, I guess those haven't been right all that much lately.
  17. I guess this one came from Lord Mesa Bakery too! ETA: Oh wait - that's a BTS pic, I thought it was something to do with the documentary aspect, haha
  18. Probably because they spent the last episode reiterating what a trash bag of a human he was.
  19. He’s probably BFFs with the guy who says he killed Felicity, LOL.
  20. The only reason there still is a show is because of accidental storylines, my guy. 95% of what these writers intend to do is hot garbage.
  21. Yeah, there's another week of shooting still. Maybe Zoe's just not in those scenes.
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