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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. There is way too much going on in this episode, especially considering that Oliver had a huge, life-changing moment and like...he's the D plot?
  2. He didn't direct this one, he's directing the next one.
  3. God, the most insufferable people all on the same team
  4. How weird to be sad over a criminal!
  5. I just realized she has a murder wall, lmao
  6. Finding out about a secret kid hurts, huh?!
  7. That's not how I thought Emiko was pronounced.
  8. Literally looks like a tire ran over his forehead and left a dead animal on his head.
  9. Aw, is that a mention of Felicity's future tech?
  10. If only she could develop a stronger window.
  11. My CW went out again - it's another sign.
  12. I figured she was developing something for future Smoak Tech, LOL.
  13. Because Dinah told him he should get into politics.
  14. If the Glades is so great and Rene is mayor, why is Zoey running around in the hollowed-out, abandoned garbage can that is Star City?
  15. I hope the CSI sees him leaving with that baggie and has an aneurysm.
  16. Maybe Rene can snitch on her too, just to rehash another thing.
  17. "I'm not paying you to ask me questions."
  18. My CW just went out - maybe it's a sign, LOL
  19. LOL. Nostalgic and perfect for who? The people who live in an alternate timeline where Arrow stuck with its original plan? Because the 100th was a tribute to a show that never actually aired.
  20. The part of my comment that you quoted was only in reference to Beth's answer about Oliver and Diggle not having a problem regarding the Suicide Squad. I totally agree with you - Diggle has been a shit friend, and I would very much like to see him answer for that. I just meant to convey that I understand why there isn't an issue where working with Diaz is concerned.
  21. It makes sense—in a way—that Oliver would blow it off. He's always been willing to do exactly what Diggle's doing and work with unsavory characters if he thought that's what he needed to do in order to make a plan work. I can see why he wouldn't hold it against Diggle considering he was willing to work with Slade and Malcolm. I'd like to see them blow up over it if only because I think Digg's been a garbage friend to both Oliver and Felicity for a long time and to just move forward like all that is nothing is angry making.
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