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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Posted in the Tweet thread, where it belongs.
  2. What ep were they filming that day? I wonder if she's got that coat on in any of the stills?
  3. If they're in Nanda Parbat, that's not very utilitarian desert wear. I'd think she got kidnapped in it, but she was wearing something different in the BTS shots in 3x20. Are they shooting a flashback? Is Felicity really wearing a dress and those earrings when they're on the run? Is she not in NP anymore? Are none of them in NP? Is Oliver the only one in NP? Could I ask any more questions?
  4. I think it's going to be Thea to Roy since Malcolm's useless ass is going to be laid up on the couch in the loft. She probably won't want to stay there with him.
  5. We'll have to agree to disagree here. I don't understand why she should have to convince him to overcome his issues? His issues weren't about being in a relationship with her - his issues are about who HE thinks HE can be. It's not all about Felicity. I'd agree with you if he said his only problem was that he didn't think he could be in a relationship with someone, but that's not what he said. Did anyone ever say that Felicity and Ray's relationship was healthy (I honestly can't remember)? I thought one of the EPs said what Felicity was doing was healthy, which was moving on, since Oliver flat-out told her he was scared of what would happen if he allowed himself to be himself. Which, I mean...healthy is relative depending on one's coping mechanisms.
  6. Just for the record, since I'm the one who inadvertently started this "superpower" conversation, I didn't mean to assert that Oliver would get powers. Like I wrote, I was responding to another comment that suggested that Oliver would take Ra's place in order to have use of the pit so he could heal himself whenever he got hurt, therefore not having to worry about being "beaten," since SA said that was weighing on Oliver's mind. That's why I said superhuman (obviously not the best choice of words), which would've made sense if I had actually included the comment I was replying to. I didn't mean super powered.
  7. I mean, it does something to them considering Ra's probably roamed the earth when dinosaurs were alive and he was able to grab the blade of Oliver's sword like it was nothing. But it hasn't been explicitly stated. I was replying to a comment someone made about Oliver using the LP to "enhance" himself. I thought I quoted it, and obviously it wasn't a recent comment, because now I can't find it. Oops. I know it doesn't - I was responding to another post that I thought I quoted but now I can't find it. I must've had an old post opened in another tab.
  8. It'd be kind of hypocritical/weird for her to indicate that she wanted to be in a romantic relationship since she's the one who told him to stop "dangling maybes," and let him know that once he pushed her away it was over. But when he returned after "dying," she told him that she fantasized about what would happen when he came back, so I think it's pretty clear she was hoping he'd change his mind about being with her. That hope got dashed right quick, unfortunately for her.
  9. Edited because this was response to a comment earlier in the thread that I thought I quoted but didn't and now I can't find it, so...disregard.
  10. Could be. Maybe they're using some of Joe and Cisco's scenes for Flash purposes since she is saying she knows Barry's secret. I can't imagine what that would matter, but that would make sense.
  11. They announced everyone crossing over BUT her. It's weird either way.
  12. I wonder if it's part of the reshuffling/rewriting they had to do to make timelines fit with the network break? Other than that I've got nothing.
  13. One of the reasons I think it's just confusion is because didn't the Flash people post when EBR and BR and then later PB were on the set? Why wouldn't they have done the same for KC if she was crossing over too? Why wouldn't anyone have mentioned it? I know, I know, haha.
  14. Quentin definitely goes to CC, but unless they're repurposing a set, Cisco and Laurel are in the SC DA's office. Also, upon watching that clip, it seems like Cisco's "I love you," is either not part of her BC reveal or to placate her about something else. It doesn't seem like a genuine "I love the Black Canary," although he probably does, haha.
  15. I think that as of the time that interview was published that Ray and Felicity are together and there's no way he's going to end shipper suffering that early, so he's playing like they're going to stay together, even though they probably aren't.
  16. I wonder if Sara will already BE LPed, and we'll see her alive in Nanda Parbat as a "surprise." Or something.
  17. Anything's possible, but I don't think MG's comment means anything at all about Ray getting LPed. Of course he's going to say seriously or mortally wounded, because they want there to be some kind of suspense about whether or not Ray makes it out of the hospital.
  18. I thought we already knew that Ray got seriously wounded? Isn't that why he's in the hospital? I mean, there's always going to be someone who isn't surprised - he either says yes or says no, we've got a 50/50 shot at being right. But most people on the comments sections I've looked at seem to think it's stupid they're even having him consider it, because obviously he'll say no. I'd say that would probably be the public's general consensus too. So maybe he does say yes. Then, people might be surprised if he turned Ra's down, too. I honestly don't know what he's going to do, which says something, I guess.
  19. I'd be surprised if he said yes (I mean, I'm not surprised he'd think about it, but I'm surprised he'd actually do it). Which I guess maybe he will and then try to get out of?
  20. It's a comment from Colton, so I'm not exactly how "official" any of that is. But he said that both Diggle and Felicity take the news that Oliver's considering Ra's offer very hard, because they think his answer would of course be no, but it isn't. He's considering it. So she's upset about that because she loves Oliver and, I assume, doesn't think he should become the next Ra's. I don't think the "torn between Oliver and Ray" has comment has anything to do with anything regarding Oliver's consideration of the offer. Normally I'd think that was an implication that Oliver would give her some kind of "if we could be together, then maybe I wouldn't accept," but given SA's comment in the E spoiler chat about Oliver being upset and disappointed to find out that Felicity and Ray are together, but that he really does want Felicity to be happy and if Ray gives her, then "fantastic," I think Oliver's just going to be dejected about it and not do anything about fighting for her right away.
  21. I don't think the mention of Ray has anything to do with how Felicity feels about Ra's offer to Oliver. She loves Oliver, she doesn't want him to take it. CH was probably just throwing that out there since in the show, she's torn between Ray and Oliver, romantically, I guess.
  22. Honestly though, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to sell Felicity loving Ray. But I didn't get that from CH's quote.
  23. What a guy! Hopefully that sets Felicity down the road of realizing that this dude isn't giving her what she thinks he is.
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