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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I honestly thought that Diggle and Lyla being affected had to do with the Fake!Arrow murders busting up their wedding and nearly ruining their honeymoon, haha.
  2. Could be Felicity since she gets choked by the metahuman.
  3. Yeah, but that was after Oliver saw her die the second time. Quentin's angry because Oliver let him believe she died on the Gambit when he returned to Starling City - at that point Oliver truly thought Sara was dead and didn't tell him what happened to her because what would be the point? She died anyway, just not when Quentin thought she did.
  4. I think the death in 3x19 is going to be Akio. Not convinced anyone in the present bites it in that ep. Maybe in one of the other ones...
  5. Yeah, I don't get this. Did he really want Oliver to tell him, "Hey, so...Sara. She didn't really die on the Gambit like you think she did, she landed on Lian Yu and fell in with a guy who did terrible medical experiments on people and treated her like shit and she kind of suffered a little but managed to survive but then she got sucked out of the hull of a boat and drowned, so she's dead...she just lived out the rest of her life horrible way and then died anyway, LOL."
  6. I'm actually not sure Roy's going to die. Seems like he's just locked up? Or they just want us to think he's locked up but then he gets out and dies, haha.
  7. Haha, I forgot about that. Goodness.
  8. Yeah, I guess that's why they went with the nano processors that Felicity injected into him. Although i wonder if shrink effects are cheaper than suit effects?
  9. Yeah. In the preview you can see that Oliver's wearing a headset and gloves - I guess to throw punches since Ray won't know how to do it. Upon first glance it looked like they were fighting each other, but Oliver's doing the movements while Ray's in the suit actually punching the guy. It's a major design flaw, but I kind of get the feeling that the suit is only for Arrow and he'll actually be shrinking on his own show.
  10. I just realized that in that preview Oliver's controlling Ray's suit to beat the shit out of the metahuman that chokes Felicity out. Can't lie - I'm gonna love that. Also, LOL Ray
  11. Felicity did. Donna said, "If your father was here-" And Felicity replied with, "He'd be arrested."
  12. I especially loved it when she was like, "You're just mad at him for lying to you about Sara!" LMAO
  13. So, in the preview, what's the deal with Oliver and Ray fighting? Again? And it seems like Oliver's got that weird glove on that SA posted a pic of on his Facebook. Are they really fucking fighting again or is Ray trying out some mess with his suit and simultaneously showing Oliver how to use his new bionic hand?
  14. Yeah, she watched it all on the news though, so...solidarity and all that.
  15. He was! He took an arrow for Felicity and got hit in the chest, and while they were operating on him he developed a blood clot in his big ol' brain. Of course, he had developed nanotech that could be injected into his blood stream that would shrink the clot, but the surgeon refused to perform an experimental treatment, so Mama Smoak distracted him so that Felicity could inject him with the tech. He seized for one bright, shining moment, but alas. He survived. I'm guessing he'll be able to shrink soon because of it.
  16. I know this is terrible, but if this is the Lance we've got from now on, I wouldn't mind if he kicks it. With dramatic deathbed forgiveness for Laurel, but probably not Oliver since he seems to be the biggest sinner in his eyes now.
  17. Thoughts as I watched: Felicity spends most of the episode at Ray’s bedside when the people she cares about are on the run from the cops? Yeah, okay. Quentin outs Oliver? Yeah, okay. Laurel telling Quentin he’s only mad at Oliver because he lied about Sara being dead? LOL, okay. The Arrow logic that has Quentin pissed at Oliver, again, for not telling him about Sara being on Lian Yu when he didn’t fucking tell him that because he thought she died later? Typical. So typical. Quentin being gullible as fuck? Okay. I actually cackled when Lance told the officers he wanted a pic of Oliver distributed to every cop in the force and that one cop holds up the douchey pic of him (sans Robert). The Ray Show starring Ray being a completely separate entity was never so obvious as it was tonight. Good lord. We’ve got Oliver being chased by the cops and then do do do Ray playing airplane with his oxygen monitor with quirky happy music playing in the background. I guess they’re trying to show the difference between her life with Ray and her life with Oliver, but good god. Oliver saying “follow me. Just a little bit further. Till the end.” Gah. Well, now we know what happens to Roy.
  18. The thing that's especially stupid about the ARGUS argument is that it could very easily be addressed. I mean, given the League's code or whatever, I imagine that they wind up doing Waller's dirty work sometimes. She has no incentive to obliterate them or to help Oliver, so Oliver could go to her and either a) have her tell him no for that very reason or b) agree to take them out in exchange for something that's a price higher than what Oliver's willing to pay for the help. Easy peasy.
  19. So, what's this "only Ray can save Ray" business that the CW account tweeted? Does this arrow he gets hit with have some kind of poison that only he can figure out the antidote for? Are they going to pretend he's a medical doctor now? Or does he get injected with some self-destructing tech when the arrow or whatever hits him? I don't get it.
  20. She's been through some stuff and I don't begrudge her her feelings and I don't expect her to be up all the time, but I'm really tired of the crying. Every. Single. Episode. And we'll have more crying in 3x19 and 3x20 probably. Give this girl a nice long vacation, please.
  21. Nah, it's not terrible. You're not invested in him, and honestly, why would you be? Up till now he's succeeded at everything he's tried and he's the one who got an apology when he acted like an asshat to Felicity. He showed himself to be a hypocrite. He's had no hardships that we've seen onscreen, so there's not much to invest in to care about him.
  22. Excuse you, the doctors "aren't saying anything good"!I liked that MS was a tad superficial and a little flaky in TSOoFS but the "most handsome man ever even in a hospital bed" or whatever she said was too much. I was glad she made that comment about Felicity finally having a BF, because I for real thought she was going to say something like, "at least he's rich!"
  23. Bleh, that sneak peek with Mama Smoak.
  24. So, once Quentin finds out that Oliver is the Arrow is he gonna be further pissed because no one ever told him Sara was on Lian Yu? Not that that would make more sense, but...
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