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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Technically, Ra's has already forced irreversible changes. Roy can't come back to Starling without screwing everything up. He's closed the window on Oliver being Arrow for the immediate future. So, I'm not sure if DR is talking about something that's already happened, or if there's more to come from Ra's for Team Arrow.
  2. Oliver never died, so there wasn't any need to resurrect him. Seems like Thea actually does die or is so far gone that she can't be healed any other way, so the LP is a last resort, so it's not a fake out.
  3. I can't find the quote, but I thought there was a spoiler out there about Diggle feeling betrayed and hurt by something Oliver did. That could be separate from whatever DR is talking about that Ra's does to the Team Arrow dynamic, but there were a couple of quotes out there that made it seem like something was going to be coming between Diggle and Oliver, at least for a little while.
  4. After reading the tweets about DR's appearance at the Calgary con, I'm really curious about what Ra's does that irreversibly changes Team Arrow's dynamic. Is it something that he hasn't done yet? Or is it the aftermath of what's already happened? Is it the dynamic of Team Arrow in relation to Oliver and Diggle, based on whatever it is that happens that hurts Diggle and makes him feel betrayed or whatever? Or are these two separate things, like Ra's screws with Team Arrow and he makes Oliver do/brings to light something that causes a rift between Diggle and Oliver? If he's got Oliver under his thumb, what's the point of going after Team Arrow? Unless he wants to destroy anything Oliver had left that would be worth going back to so he screws them up too just to be safe in case Oliver gets any ideas?
  5. Well, he's definitely going evil, it's just a question of how long it'll last. So maybe she does mean Oliver, because the next ep at least is probably going to explore that.
  6. Yeah, that could be it too. Although I'm wondering what that blogger/critic meant that Thea's journey takes her back to Starling but she could end up going back to Nanda Parbat. They wouldn't send her back home if she was still cocoapuffs, right? Or does Ra's send her back to SC to do his evil bidding?
  7. It might not. I suppose he takes an evil turn at the end of this ep, maybe? Or there's the hint of him taking an evil turn, so since the reviewer hasn't seen anything beyond this ep, I guess it's just an impression based on the end of this one.
  8. It could be a second first date, but IDK. Felicity already pointed out that they were past the point of dating, and by that point they've already had sex and they're already in love. They should go out together, not saying they shouldn't, I just hope the show doesn't play up then going on a second first date, haha. Maybe the Porsche shot is them en route to a new city, and Ray and Laurel (maybe Thea) stay in Starling. Maybe that's why whichever EP said we'd wonder how they come back from however they end the season.
  9. I think we can rule out Oliver doing anything that results in Lyla or Sara getting injured or worse. That's not something Oliver can come back from, and that's likely to leave Diggle feeling more than "betrayed." And I'm not sure the Porsche scene is what it looks like either. Not that it's necessarily a dream or hallucination, but I'm just not sure they're going off to be happy somewhere over the hiatus. I also wouldn't be surprised if they are, since MG said this feels like the ending of a chapter in the show's run.
  10. IIRC, the biggest complaint about Barry on the TWoP boards was that be was being too heavily promoted and pushed ("shoved down our throats," is a term I remember reading).
  11. Hopefully Felicity and Thea go on a road trip TO Roy. Him coming back to Starling is a move I cannot abide.
  12. I wonder if Roy breaks Thea from her post-LP crazy and Felicity breaks Oliver from his LoA evilness? Seems like that's the kind of parallel they love, and it goes along with the title.
  13. Possibly. Yikes. But if Evil!Oliver does it and he's not in his right mind...ugh. Maybe whatever it is has lasting effects? Don't even want to think about it.
  14. And Diggle feeling betrayed over something like that for any length of time would just be...I don't want to say silly, but maybe not Diggle like. I'm not sure what else Oliver could do that would make Diggle feel betrayed though, because Diggle being hurt over anything Oliver did while brainwashed or whatever would also be OOC.
  15. Oh, Andy's coming up again, definitely. I just don't want Oliver to knowingly be involved in his death. I really don't want him unknowingly involved, either.
  16. The only way that works for me is if Oliver has no idea he was involved. And how involved could he be? Deadshot is the one who killed Andy. Oliver could've been involved whatever it was that made whoever want Andy dead, but he can't have ever heard the name Andy Diggle.
  17. ^ I see where you're coming from, and those are valid points. It's just...that's a clip of five seconds of what is a longer conversation. I just don't think he's dropping a truth bomb as much as getting ready to tell Felicity that he's going to completely ruin Oliver as she knows and loves him, and there isn't a damn thing she can do to stop him. I think he's taunting her. Granted, it could be cliche, because you have a point about these writers. I'll wait and see on Wednesday.
  18. They've butchered the show plenty for Olicity - by whipping up contrived drama to keep them apart when the natural progression of things would bring them together. Not sure why anyone thinks that Ra's is actually telling Felicity to go tell Oliver how much she loves him like he's some kind of pathetic, evil shipper, like he actually gives a shit whether Felicity loves him or whether Oliver knows that. Actually, he probably does care, but only because he's going to use it to his advantage against one or both of them. It's part of a threat and/or general a-hole behavior.
  19. Maybe she'll remember things differently than they happened? Like she'll remember it like she knowingly killed her and didn't feel bad about it or something? Since the Pit is supposed to change you down to your soul and whatnot. I don't know, I've got nothing.
  20. Seems like that answer means that Ray breaks up with Felicity.
  21. Aw, they have a morning after. And we know it's not a hallucination/dream. Okay, that blogger got me excited about the ep again.
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