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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. There would have to be veils and Felicity would have to be heavily padded and on the highest heels imaginable under thick robes, haha.
  2. Haha, yeah, I thought that was a little weird that he carried her with just one leg hitched up.
  3. Maybe someone had to force him into taking the title like he's forcing Oliver? So it's either you live after being skewered by Ra's sword, or you inherit it? They're not very clear on these rules, probably for good reason: because they're stupid.
  4. If there were a Nyssa/Felicity switcheroo, I'd hope it would be so that Nyssa could wreck some shit while everyone was distracted. But I'd hope Ra's would know the difference between Felicity and his own daughter, so that probably wouldn't work, because unlike Quentin who was fooled by Laurel a few yards away, why wouldn't Ra's actually see his daughter up close? That's why I like my preferred Felicity/Random League wife switcheroo for the purposes of implementing some kind of plan. Bonus audience troll: they're married but not married, so LOL it means nothing.
  5. I thought it was a good segue into the two lights on the back of the truck in the HK flashback that scene faded into (although I agree with that one reviewer who thought that scene should've come before a commercial break).
  6. This season's plot is an awful mess, but I don't really tune in because of the plots. I'm ridiculously invested in Oliver, Felicity and Diggle, and none of that has changed despite the stupid behavior on all of their parts at various times during this season. This show still entertains me, even when it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Bar them doing anything really really terrible in the next three eps (and my expectations are probably the worst, so I think I'll turn up here saying, "Well, that wasn't as bas as I was expecting it to be,"), I'm in for next season, especially since they're talking about HIVE and Felicity's dad. I'll keep watching until I don't care about Oliver, Felicity, or Diggle anymore.
  7. If Nyssa has an agenda I think it's more along the lines of knowing how her father operates, so she goes back to SC because she knows Ra's will send Oliver after her and she can rally his people against him or something. I wouldn't be surprised if she did LP Sara without permission, but why take her back to SC? Seems like she'd want to keep her away from the people she loves, especially if she's a little cray. And wouldn't Sara of all people know what happens to Oliver once Ra's gets hold of him? Why would she be explaining that to Sara? Ugh, I need this season over with already.
  8. I'm sure she is, and normally I wouldn't think twice about the (what seems like) nudity, but on Tumblr, when he was asked about Laurel/Nyssa, he responded to the asker that 3x21 was her episode. Seeing Nyssa seemingly naked in soft lighting has me worried. Not that I care if Laurel is bi, but more sister swapping. Yuck.
  9. The choker was built on something that Sara, the Canary used. They both have Canary in their name. Canary Cry works for me.
  10. Guys, why does Nyssa appear to be naked in the extended promo? Where is she and who is she talking to? I thought maybe MG was trolling in his answer to that Laurel/Nyssa shipper, but...they wouldn't go there, would they?
  11. I will laugh my head off if the wedding does wind up being two random people that get interrupted by fisticuffs, despite MG mentioning it on more than one occasion and answering a ton of questions about it (present day, first marriage for both, wedding and a marriage). It would be the first time I'm actually relieved at the trolling.
  12. She opened the door for Oliver to take him down. I think he's trolling to a certain extent. He's mentioned the second wedding more than once in print pieces (and maybe in video interviews, I can't remember), and clarified that it was a wedding and a marriage because people were thinking that he was just riling them up because maybe Oliver and Co. run through a set where there's a wedding by two randos happening. Saying it's a wedding and a marriage makes it seem like these are two people we know. I think it's not being publicized because it's a plot event, not some kind of ratings extravaganza (like if O&F were to get married). I think it's being teased but not advertised because it's nothing more than a story twist (like Oliver marrying Nyssa or some League random), or something low key, like if Thea for whatever reason married Roy.
  13. The way this wedding ceremony plays out best for me is that Ra's tells Oliver he needs to get married for heir purposes, and has Oliver pick a bride out of a group of women (whose faces would be covered, because this is the only way this works). The team infiltrates, someone knocks the woman out, and Felicity takes her place (preferably because someone needs to get close enough to Oliver to tell/give him something to set forth some kind of plan of action to get him out of there). She and Oliver get married in a League ceremony, which is a sham anyway because it's not legally binding. So, they're married, but they're not really married. Ultimate shipper troll. There are ways an Oliver/Nyssa wedding would work for me, but...I just don't like it. And I'm not really a fan of a real O/F wedding, so this is the best I can come up with.
  14. She's in Miami, so I'm guessing the humidity is probably wreaking a little havoc there.
  15. It'd be a League marriage though, so it probably wouldn't really count as an actual marriage outside of the Nanda Parbat city limits.
  16. 1x22 airs after 3x22, so maybe he's in his right mind by then? Or maybe Ra's is just super interested in time travel.
  17. He and Felicity have a moment in this ep.
  18. "You really screwed the pooch with this Queen guy, Hank!"
  19. Here's what I don't get: Ra's orders Oliver to kill Nyssa, but he doesn't, and yet in the next ep his transformation is nearly complete? He only has to do two more things to become Ra's? Is there no punishment for not killing Nyssa, or does she agree to return to the League (hopefully with a plan to take Ra's down)? And thinking about Ra's telling Nyssa Sara's alive, if that's the case, HOW is she alive? He was so against Nyssa's attachment to Sara, why would he have ever tried to put her in the Pit? Unless it was to experiment on what would happen with a dead person instead of a mostly dead one. But in that case, why try it with Sara instead of the randoms he kills fairly often by the looks of it?
  20. I really didn't think that Ra's shocking news could be that Sara's alive. So, maybe Oliver and Nyssa aren't required to marry after all. Then again, maybe they are. Maybe Ra's uses Sara as leverage to get Nyssa to do what she doesn't want to do? Hopefully if Ra's demands that Oliver marry anyone, it's Nyssa (with her permission and with the plan to fucking burn Ra's to the ground), or some League rando.
  21. Awww, maybe they'll all be witnesses to this ceremony! Hope Digg got ordained over the internet to be a Nanda Parbatian minister, bless.
  22. Is one of the tasks that he has to kill Ra's, because MG has stated time and again that Ra's is a job that you have until you die. The shocking news he's going to deliver is that she has to marry Oliver for some reason that will ultimately make no sense whatsoever since he ousted her as heir.
  23. Cisco knows Sara is dead and went by "Canary." Him fanboying "Black Canary" is him fanboying Laurel.
  24. So, based on the 3x22 description, Oliver and Nyssa are getting married, yeah?
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