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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It's not Laurel-specific, I just think it's a funny thing to write. It makes me imagine her looking around trying to figure out where that beeping is coming from.
  2. No, he didn't. I think it just looked that way when he looked down and was bringing the blanket up over his legs.
  3. The "Laurel's radar pinging" is cracking me up. I want to write scripts. It seems like fun.
  4. She didn't, she just brought it up to her chin for whatever reason.
  5. He had to do it because he couldn't resist the trolling, especially when he knew there was going to be another wedding that he was going to tease, so people would think it was Oliver and Felicity, haha.
  6. I'm relatively sure anyone who's upset with him about the wedding will forgive him if O&F drive off into the sunset, haha. Especially if Oliver and Nyssa marry each other, since it'll be a sham.
  7. She also said that she had no idea who got married, that they were keeping it right under wraps. She could have new info though (for all we know this wedding takes place at the end of 3x22). I feel pretty sure that it's Oliver and Nyssa though.
  8. I think the wedding is most likely Oliver and Nyssa. After that, Felicity and Oliver. I'd like to say Roy and Thea, but I just don't see how that works, because if Roy's only coming back for 3x22, is Thea not in the finale at all? Do they get married and then Thea leaves to finish getting her brother out of the LoA? Seems to me that Roy was wearing a mechanic's outfit in the BTS pic of him shooting 3x22, so I really think that Thea goes and sees him wherever it is that he's living now. It would be weird if she married him and left to return to SC, and it would be weird if she married him and stayed and let everyone else deal with stuff at home, especially since next week's preview shows her suited up.
  9. I can see several reasons: Laurel finds out that Ra's stabbed Thea, Laurel's on the first plane to Nanda Parbat to raise hell with Ra's because she's consistently a hothead, and they absolutely do not need that, not when Oliver's desperate to use the Pit. Top that off with her growing friendship with Nyssa and probable knowledge that Ra's did something that hurt her - more powder in that keg. Finally, telling Laurel would mean fighting her about going with them. Oliver probably didn't want the fight, and if he didn't put up a fight and she went with them, I can't see it ending well, not being in such close proximity to Malcolm (for obvious reasons) and also being in such close proximity to Ra's (for other obvious reasons). I know this sounds terrible, but keeping Laurel in the dark made everyone's lives a whole hell of a lot easier, and probably removed a lot of potential stress from the trip.
  10. To be fair, I don't think she likes him very much either.
  11. Nah, I would've even kept that from her. She would've been on the next plane to Nanda Parbat for sure. I know Laurel cares for Thea, but I think Oliver was probably right to keep Laurel in the dark about a potentially volatile situation, especially since Laurel has a tendency to be a bull in a china shop and Oliver needed to keep things calm with Ra's at least until Thea got put in the Pit. He told Laurel that Thea was very sick, which isn't exactly a lie. Why put Laurel on a path that's going to probably wind up with her getting tangled up with Ra's when Oliver's going to hand himself over anyway?
  12. At first I didn't really get it, but now I can understand him lying about them taking her to Nanda Parbat, because I don't think for a second letting Laurel know they were taking her to the League of Assassins HQ with Malcolm is a good idea if he could possibly avoid it.
  13. I'm glad Felicity went to Ray for the jet. Apart from the fact that they needed some kind of scene for him to break up with her and be the cool, nice ex boyfriend, why on earth would any of these people make Oliver deal with the issue of transportation when he's basically leaving his life behind? Yeah, he could've liquidated his assets (if he even had any), or used Thea's money (provided her assets were unfrozen - who knows if that ever happened), but time was of the essence and it's one less thing he had to worry about when his sister was dying. They saw the opportunity to combine two plot points so that we got more time for something else, and it makes sense storywise that Felicity went to Ray for the jet because she wouldn't have wanted Oliver to worry about something like transportation if he didn't have to. I saw some comment earlier wondering why they needed a jet now when Oliver and Diggle managed to get to NP just fine last time, and I'm guessing this time it's because of the fact that they needed room for Thea - someone they could not have gotten on an international flight with a common carrier.
  14. Well, he wouldn't have been outright saying "you're the best omg you no longer need training!" but does he think that once he's gone she's just not going to go out anymore? He could just tell her that he wants her to stay and make sure things are safe, I mean, there are about a thousand reasons to not take her. Is Laurel Lance the person you want to take into the LoA compound at this point? Plus, she and Oliver are antagonistic as hell, and I'm guessing he didn't want to fight with her at that particular point. Actually, now I totally get why he lied to her. I wonder if at some point she was going to try to go, because didn't she have a bag in her hand in the preview?
  15. Simple. Because he and Felicity are in love with each other and he and Laurel aren't, and he obviously wanted Felicity with him, since he didn't put up even one bit of a fight when she told him she was going to go. I honestly thought he was going to ask Laurel to stay behind and watch over the city (which IMO would've appealed to her, especially Oliver giving a vote of confidence in her abilities).
  16. I'd say he lied to her to keep her from going, but all Oliver needed to do was tell her that he needed someone to watch over the city. I mean, I figured that's why he would've told her not to go anyway.
  17. What it means is that he didn't interact with anyone other than Felicity until 3x17. So, he was off on his own happy-go-lucky island that had a tone that didn't even fit with the rest of the show. They should've integrated him more and figured out a way to get him and Oliver or Diggle in a room together more often (although I know why they couldn't do that, because he truly couldn't know Oliver in order to think he was out murdering people). Ray's the type of guy who needs a straight man like Oliver, which is one of the reasons why Felicity worked so well - she brightened Oliver up. Put two Felicity's together and it's like you're watching a completely different show.
  18. MG released the script page from the deleted scene, and now it makes sense why Laurel didn't seem to know what was going on in the last scene, and it was because Oliver lied to her about where they were going. She didn't know they were taking Thea to the Lazarus Pit, because he told her they were taking her to a "specialist."
  19. It looks like Felicity's wearing the same dress in the dinner scene that she's wearing in the pic where Digg's hugging her, so I guess maybe he invites her over because she's upset?
  20. Nobody is saying that it does? We were merely wondering how the scenes would've initially fit together if the scene at the airport WAS included and not cut, because if it was included and they used the scene of Laurel at the office, then it still seemed then that she didn't know what was going on. That's all.
  21. Generally speaking, yeah. But perhaps whoever wanted a closeup of the wedding pic came up with that after the wedding was shot. It probably would've been a good idea for them to get a few candids, but...meh. I don't think it's a big deal.
  22. Seems they meant for it to be a candid or something. IDK, I'm not going to nitpick something like that. Maybe they didn't think they'd need a framed photo when they were shooting the wedding?
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