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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So, we've got Nyssa, Malcolm, Laurel, and an unnamed person to the right of Laurel (that looks like a female? Thea maybe?)
  2. Thank you, @foreverevolving! Now I'm kind of dreading what MG said about Sara and Nyssa having a reunion "of sorts." Here's hoping Sara just doesn't remember her, and doesn't murder her or something.
  3. Also, I didn't notice this my first few viewings, but Laurel ditched that godawful wig.
  4. I think Laurel is definitely the one in the white. I spotted Malcolm, but I couldn't make anyone else out - although there seemed to be at least two others there.
  5. It looked like a tech thing - a ball of some kind? It's possible Ray's in it - although tossing it around like that if he is is a little mean, haha. It really does. BUT HOW CAN HE SEE
  6. So I guess the theory about using the Pit without permission isn't going to hold up, unless most of them get there after it's done.
  7. Anyone able to make out who's standing around the Pit when Sara comes out of it? Looks like Laurel, and...who?
  8. Also, it looks like Thea might be a tad murderous?
  9. UGH @ Quentin cracking Diggle over the head with his gun and talking about Oliver being a monster inviting other monsters into the city. I loved the rest of it though!
  10. I don't think that's the full one? People there said it was close to 3-ish minutes (although the excitement could make them overestimate).
  11. Aw, look at them. :*) The screaming is killing me, haha. Felicity had his new suit made. :*) Diggle's helmet does look better in action. Bless.
  12. People at DragonCon got to watch the trailer, and their tweets have me SO EXCITED.
  13. He hit the guy with a chair and then ran away so that the match would have a controversial ending. He displayed absolutely no physical prowess that was on par with other WWE performers (although the guy he took out with the chair might be embarrassed).
  14. He didn't though? Unless he did it in some other article - he's saying the match was embarrassing for the WWE, not that Stephen's performance was bad. Although I am looking forward to a Facebook or Twitter rant, like AyChihuahua suggested.
  15. IDK, we'll have to agree to disagree. The match did play in a way that suggested SA was in over his head, but based on the few tag-team matches I've watched, it seems like someone in the match is always in a little over their head and gets beat - and those people are wresting pros. SA did the same thing they did. I get what Austin is saying, and I don't think it matters that SA is particularly athletic. It'd be like if Arrow allowed walk-ons to come in every week, and said walk-ons were on par with the seasoned actors. Do that enough, and it kind of makes you wonder what's so special about the actors. Maybe part of his worry is that SA did well (he's obviously going to be back for a match at some point), so they'll be looking to do more celebrity spots like that.
  16. No, he's implying that if it looks like anyone can walk in off the street and do what the pros are doing, that it's bad for business. I can't say whether he's right about that or not - everyone I know who watches wrestling knows that they're basically doing stunts and don't care, but he's not entirely wrong in that if too many celebrities come on and hold their own, it doesn't look so good for the pros.
  17. Oh, maybe it is. I thought it might've been a CW thing, since they also have a (non Arrow-specific) show called Fan Talk.
  18. IDK, I can see how someone who came up in wrestling wouldn't take too kindly to the idea of a celebrity—regardless of their athletic ability—coming in and being able to hold their own with pros who have been in the business for a while. I don't care what your job is, if you value what you do and take pride in your dedication to it - whatever it is - you never want it to look like someone can walk right in off the street and do it just as well as the other people who have been training for and doing it for years.
  19. The CW has a web series called Fan Talk. They usually have a guest that's affiliated with the show, and ask them questions that fans have sent in. I'm guessing it's them? Nothing wrong with them going to the cast panel - if they are.
  20. I was wondering what exactly he thought was embarrassing, since SA was able to hold his own. Then I realized that's what he thought was embarrassing...for the WWE, haha.
  21. Yeah, Ra's was going to destroy the city anyway, because he wanted to get at Damien Darhk. Oliver didn't know that, but his giving into Ra's did give him some lead time to stop it. Granted, that didn't figure into his decision-making process, but I don't think agreeing to Ra's proposal makes him less of a hero, especially since his plan was to defeat Ra's from inside the League, not only stopping the attack on SC, but also ridding the world of the threat of the LoA.
  22. Yes, or they could have not had any scenes in the new lair in 4x05. I still think that's probably some random warehouse, though - one that might possibly be used for the set of the new lair.
  23. It definitely resembles the concept art (although it seems like they might have flipped the design if that's the same area where the cars were parked in the concept art), although it looks way more industrial here than it did in the pic. I don't think this is the new lair though, because SA said they hadn't filmed in the new lair yet, and that was when they were filming the episode that comes after this one-although maybe there just weren't any lair shots in that ep. IDK. Looks too unfinished to be the final version, IMO.
  24. I can't decide if that's the new lair or just some random warehouse. Or maybe it's the new lair before it's finished. ETA: that's probably not the new lair. SA said at WW Chicago that they hadn't filmed on the new set, and they were filming ep 5 then.
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