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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Felicity is 25 - she said so in Left Behind. So I don't think we should put too much stock in those cards.
  2. Oliver's has his birthday on it, doesn't it? May whatever, 1985?
  3. I read fic for the ships. I want as much as my ship as possible in said fic. Unless a plotty, action-type event is central to the fic's premise, then I don't really care about whatever actiony thing is going on. I don't really care about relationships that aren't the ship, unless they move the ship along. I don't care about OCs pretty much ever. I like 'em short and sweet, so anything that goes over 50-75k is difficult for me to invest in. I'm basically super picky, but at the same time will give pretty much anything a chance. So despite it breaking my normal rules, I love So Caffeinated_so caffeinated, and am of course hooked on NWoBT, but I'm also anxiously awaiting the next chap of her Firefly crossover fic. And I liked the O/F parts of What Happened in Vegas - I lost interest in anything involving Tina or Tak. Somewhere Out There just hits almost all of my fic spots: it's short, it's about O/F, no OCs, no actiony plotty plots (yet), and I find it to be well-written and touching. It's low-key angst in an incredibly bittersweet and longing way. I love that.
  4. So, we're discounting the role that Digg had in helping Oliver throughout S1, S2, and S3, because the person that Oliver has spent the last 5 months with encourages him to get back to crime fighting? Okay.
  5. She and Diggle have had a hand in Oliver's transformation through his hero personas through the years, so that's nothing new. And we know that she has a connection to Curtis Holt who may or may not become Mister Terrific at some point. If there's tech involved in his transformation, who else should he go through? Engineering geniuses Oliver, Laurel, Diggle or Thea? Like it or not, new characters are most likely always going to be introduced through their interactions with people we already know.
  6. I don't think the pep talk counts since Laurel was dressing up and fighting crime before she had that. Yeah, she might have convinced her to keep going, but she started on her own. And yeah, she gave Thea Roy's address, but Thea went to see her on her own, and Roy was the one who decided to give her the costume and encourage her to use it. Okay, but that's not what you wrote.
  7. The black straps with the silver studs on the sleeves are the same, but Sara's is short, Laurel's is long. Sara's is 3/4 length sleeve, Laurel's has long sleeves. God, insinuating that they're the same jacket is so stupid. At least Thea wearing Roy's suit is at least somewhat believable since she could alter it by removing material. We're supposed to believe that Laurel had the jacket and the sleeves lengthened? THAT'S STUPID. I'd rather they just had her walking around in the damn jacket all the time than alter it to make it part of her costume.
  8. There has been one since Barry - Ray. And Ray was one of four new heroes - three of which Felicity had nothing to do with.
  9. I guess we're supposed to believe she had more than one? IDK
  10. I always figured she just had another jacket on. Which would make much more sense (logistically, not sentimentally, of course).
  11. I never, ever got that Laurel's jacket was supposed to be Sara's. Was that explicitly stated somewhere (or did I miss it somewhere in this thread)?
  12. Uh...what? I mean, yes, they have had him as a supporting character to Oliver and Felicity as a couple, but really just supportive to Oliver as a character. And I really don't get where you're coming from with Felicity getting more prominence. I mean yes, to a certain extent, because she is/was Oliver's love interest, but Diggle's got the storyline about his brother (which was part of a storyline in S1, S2, and allegedly in S4). He's worked with the Suicide Squad in his own storyline twice. He's gotten married, had a baby. We what, met Felicity's mother and ex boyfriend? And her "storyline" with Ray was more about Ray than it was her. So yeah, more recently we've seen more of Felicity, but Diggle has gotten much, much more character development over the course of the series.
  13. It doesn't have to, but I'm pretty sure that was their intention with Barry, especially since they did a chem test with Grant and Emily. They wanted us to like him because Felicity liked him, then hoped that we would like him enough to watch his show (or at least tune in when Felicity went to visit him and keep tuning in after she left).
  14. That's because chances are highly likely that they have marketing numbers that show that audiences respond to Felicity - and when you're trying to launch a show based on a new character, who do you pair her up with? The person that you know your audience likes.
  15. Apart from helping with the Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow, revolution, Felicity had a hand in helping Ray create the missing components of his suit. He went to her already wanting to be a hero. Who else has she had a hand in "creating?" We haven't seen her with Curtis Holt yet, and the EPs have said he's not becoming Mr. Terrific yet. Felicity had one villain out of however many come after her specifically... The Ted Kord/Ferris Air shoutouts are the best, because they're forced to be subtle and consistent with them, because they're probably not ever going to be able to get Ted Kord or any kind of Green Lantern actually on the show. Once they were able to do that, they'd blow their load with those characters like they do with any other comic character they're given permission to use. Greg Berlanti's "why wait for this storyline when we can do it now" philosophy hurts a lot with this show, especially when it comes to the "big names." They really just want to be able to say 'so-and-so awesome comic character is coming to Arrow' to get people excited, and then they mess it all up. I personally don't care because I don't read any of these comics, so it's whatever to me.
  16. She wasn't eyeballing Sara's costume. Just her mask and wig and the little canary cry bombs. Seems like Sara was buried in everything but the jacket. They never explained where Laurel got her costume though. Seems like she had it ready and waiting, haha
  17. I'm pretty sure the gag reel is already up on YouTube-it was released a long time ago, whenever it went up on iTunes.
  18. She said she was in talks to appear on Legends, so it's not like to be surprising if she did.
  19. Wouldn't the production budget and advertising budget be separate?
  20. Hopefully she does that while they're holding each other, in between kisses.
  21. SHE NEEDS TO STOP but also not stop and post the next chapter right away i'll be in the corner weeping
  22. His first comment was that stereotyping Texas wasn't any better than stereotyping Texas. Someone replied that one ends up with a 14 year-old boy getting arrested for making a clock, and one doesn't, to which he asked the commenter how many times he'd been to Texas. He mentioned that what happened to Ahmed was awful a couple of tweets later.
  23. He can type what he wants and think what he wants. But when he weighs in on something he doesn't know much about (as he said in his response to that video), and people try to educate him about why he is wrong, the best thing to do is to not tell them that they're bored and irrationally outraged, or to be a sarcastic asshole about being an "oppressed white male." If he had taken his little break after that video he posted instead of continually being dismissive, he wouldn't have had that problem. He can type whatever in the hell he wants - if he blasts that out to over a million people, he's going to get some blowback. It is naive and ridiculous to think otherwise. That's not what happened at all. This unfolded in the span of about a half an hour - he didn't take a break, he didn't go about his day. If he had actually taken a break when he said he was going to and let it drop, instead of stirring the pot with his antagonistic follow-up tweets, people still would've been mad, but this probably would've eventually blown over.
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