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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought the confrontation between Oliver and Laurel when he found out Sara was alive was pretty OTT. I mean, he was actually really gentle and not angry when he found out that they had lied about the spa weekend? And he didn't really seem to be all that judgmental about it. I'm only halfway through the ep, but Thea is killing me with the one-liners.
  2. I don't think Thea outright mentioned having to kill people in front of or to Laurel, did she? Although she did wake Laurel up in NP and wanted to leave, before yelling, "I WILL NOT KILL PEOPLE!" in front of Laurel. And there was mention of bloodlust, so I'm guessing Laurel was just completely not curious at all about the goings on around her as per usual, haha.
  3. I wonder if they code them in any way to know who could've leaked it (LMAO, I know, this is the CW we're talking about)? Seems like they sent out a lot of screeners for this ep.
  4. It seems like maybe that's addressed in this ep based on some stuff I've seen on Twitter. Lying to someone because you're angry that they lied is stupid whoever does it. I'm interested in seeing how it plays out though, because Laurel's reasoning for not telling Oliver at least was because she didn't want his judgment. And that was an ep after she chastised Digg not to keep secrets, LOL. He made it seem like it was character issues (like, issues that the audience might have had), not her personal issues. But maybe it's both?
  5. Matt Mitovich from TV Line is on Twitter chatting about the ep. He said that the ep addresses "lingering issues" with Laurel.
  6. Yeah, I don't get the getting angry about someone lying to you and then turning around and lying to them. Thea did the same thing last season, and it was stupid then too.
  7. EBR's crying isn't my favorite, but I'm okay with it as long as she doesn't talk. Or if she does talk, it needs to be verge of crying, like when Oliver came to talk to her in the lair in 4x2.
  8. They're not talking about The Flash's ratings, though. They're talking about getting people who watch Arrow to tune into The Flash. Maybe they were concerned that people would watch the pilot and be turned off (they're two very different shows, and there's no way they could've banked on people who loved the dark tone of Arrow to love something lighter like The Flash)? Watching Barry on Arrow is a different experience from watching him on his own show. No one in that article is saying that Felicity helped raise The Flash's ratings - they're saying that Felicity got more people who watched Arrow to tune into The Flash.
  9. They wrote Felicity's crossover ep before The Flash had even aired, and as the article states, AK said it was a move to draw Arrow viewers over to The Flash. No one in that article said it was for a boost? The article only mentioned Arrow ratings because it's an article about crossovers, and the first Arrow/Flash crossover resulted in Arrow's best rating thus far - they didn't mention Flash's because their best ratings came in a non-crossover ep.
  10. I understand Laurel not changing her clothes now, but Sara had to have been super rank from decomposing in them, so why they didn't change her after Malcolm sedated her, I have no idea. And why they didn't bring home some of that powder or whatever that they used to sedate her, I also don't understand.
  11. He's talking about Felicity's first appearance on The Flash, which was designed to pull Arrow viewers over there - not the double-header crossover.
  12. This fromTVLine (which I'm pretty sure is posted somewhere here, but if not I can post when I'm not on my phone): Guess this is our reverse hallway scene. http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/10/arrow-episode-405-haunted-latest-from.html?m=1
  13. I didn't think "I don't want to be a woman you love" was bad in context. That dialogue is both a cheesy thing to say, and something that this Oliver would never, ever let come out of his mouth in that particular way.
  14. That script page reeks of red herring. Like, so badly that it's slapping you across the face a hundred times, baby fish mouth red herring. The ring to grave transition was anvil-y enough, but compared to the dialogue, it's subtle, haha.
  15. Yeah, I'm glad they changed it - that dialogue was like 10 anvils at once. And I think they definitely want us to believe it's her - I posted this yesterday, but I really do think Oliver will propose in 4x09, and then something terrible will happen, leading us to believe she's the one in the grave over the hiatus. Still think it's Quentin in there. And thank god they cut that dialogue, because it was awful. Oliver would never say something like that, haha.
  16. Yeah, it doesn't bother me either. I'm not sure if she knows he's alive or not, although since he wasn't wearing his suit at his TOS (time of shrinkage) but it still somehow recorded his "last words" after the explosion. I would hope that after the initial words that we heard from him in that recording "I'm sorry Felicity, this is my fault" that he actually asked her for help? Unless they're going to try to sell that he didn't shrink right away and he actually thought he was dying. So I'm hoping she has some idea, otherwise WTF show.
  17. I'm actually not sure that she's as in the dark as it seems. I think it'd be a nice surprise if we find out that she knows about the ring.
  18. Didn't MG say that Felicity was gonna be pissed that Oliver and Donna have been keeping in touch without her knowing? And given that there's gonna be some tension between O/F in 4x06 because of Ray, I think it's probably got something to do with that.
  19. Pretty sure she's going to hide the fact that she thinks Ray is alive (maybe because she's not sure, or because she's worried he'll feel insecure about it), but it seems like that will come out in 4x06, based on the ep summary.
  20. I think it's natural to want to save a loved one, and to do what you can to keep them safe and alive, and that if it were easy to just say "Screw 'em, my concern is for the greater good!" that they wouldn't be very interesting or sympathetic people. I mean, in Felicity's instance, what would've happened if she just let Oliver die? What would people think of Quentin if he said, "Okay Darhk, do what you want to my daughter, my morals are more important." The struggle to protect your loved ones while working for the common good is what makes these stories interesting IMO. I don't think Felicity was wrong, and I don't blame Quentin for wanting to protect Laurel. I would probably do the same thing in both scenarios.
  21. Yeah, I agree that the situations aren't the same at all, but I'm sure that in-show Laurel will be right by pointing that out to Oliver. I'm also fairly positive that in the show, Sara will have already lost her soul - that she was in a hell-like place before Laurel decided to bring her back, and that the bringing her back will be what allows her soul to be restored. I will be shocked if in-show anything that Laurel did caused Sara's soul any kind of harm. Since MG said that she's 100% in the right, I'm guessing that resurrecting her and allowing her to live on and be the hero she never thought she was is going to be giving Sara a second chance, saving her from eternal damnation or something equally stupid like that.
  22. Agenda-based Tumblring is such an amusing idea to me, haha. Could be he had a bunch of nasty asks about WTF they're doing with Laurel in this resurrection storyline and he didn't feel like diving into it, or it could just be that there were a shitload of Olicity/Felicity asks in his inbox. He's said previously that Laurel is 100% in the right, so I don't think he's trying to prep anyone for snowflake treatment - he already told us she's doing the right thing, LOL. Nothing to prepare for. Sara's soul is going to be caught up in a terrible hellscape, she'll thank Laurel for getting her out of it, and I'm guessing the fact that she escaped and went on a murderous rampage because Laurel didn't want Oliver's judgment and was stupid enough to leave her unattended in a basement will probably be overlooked, and Sara will struggle with her bloodlust and the fact that she killed some folks in a soulless pit rage before her soul was restored over on LoT. Quentin gets his lost daughter back (hooray!) Laurel showed her incredible sticktuitiveness in the face of literally everyone telling her she was being a dumbass, but look, she was right! Yay Laurel! -fin-
  23. My kidnapping theory was based on the fact that DD was at the Queen for Mayor Christmas party, so hallway pics don't change that one way or the other.
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