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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She's watching a show she was cast to be the love interest in, and she wants that role back, would be my guess.
  2. So, based on last week's preview, we know Vixen is in Detroit, right? And from the comic preview, it seems like Oliver travels there to get her? LOL. I love that with his son missing, he brings his Green Arrow gear for no reason whatsoever. When time is of the essence, you don't check bags, Oliver!
  3. Coming soon: "I know it in my marrow."
  4. I'm all for getting a laugh out of Laurel being ignored, so sure!
  5. I like to have all my meaningful convos in areas where I can get run over!Hopefully they're at the hospital meeting with a dodgy surgeon to implant that thingamabob into Felicity's spine, not just loitering. ::fingers crossed::
  6. I like it, but I liked it more in the beginning - I agree that it's meandering and a little repetitive. I'm glad we're finally getting back to some plot though. But it made me think - if something happened to Ellie in present time, would that really change anything? Because Oliver and Felicity presently know about her, could still have her, and then when whatever's happening in the future that causes them to send her back to the past, they could just do something different then, like tell Barry not to stop at that particular point in time or something. Time travel, man. Makes my brain hurt.
  7. I'd hang onto it as long as a member of the Queen family (especially Moira) was alive and kicking, but that's just me, haha.
  8. Plus - I know the flash forward was for narrative purposes and isn't really indicative of who's in the grave, but if it is Quentin and Oliver and Felicity are sitting there planning on killing his murderer, seems like Laurel isn't getting much of a say in it, LOL.
  9. I'm guessing she kept the check as proof that Moira paid her off in case Oliver found out about William, not because she ever planned on cashing it. Not sure what good it would do her legally, but I suppose in her mind it might not hurt to hang onto it.
  10. I'm pro-ARGUS disappearance because if Samantha knows that William got kidnapped just for being Oliver's son, and is then given another reason why dangerous people would be after the kid, and then she and Oliver decide that Oliver could and should be involved in William's life as his actual father, they are all bigger idiots than I think they are, and the bar there is already set pretty low.
  11. Since they went from Oliver keeping the secret because Samantha asked him to, to Thea encouraging him to keep it from Felicity and everyone to "protect" William, I would've thought that the first objection Felicity would've raised apart from what this does to their personal relationship would've been why on earth Oliver thought that telling her or the team about the kid would somehow lead to him being unsafe? But WM (I think) gave that interview a while back about how they'd explore the idea that honesty isn't always the best policy and that there was a grey area somewhere in there, so I don't think they're pushing Oliver's "predicament" to somehow make him more sympathetic, it seems like they're making the argument that he might actually be right? But then, if he's right, then why does this blow up in his face? For the breakup, I know, but what lesson is Oliver learning here? Is there one? IDK. All I do know is that this is going to be a bigger clusterfuck than I initially thought it would be, haha.
  12. I'm not sure why they had Malcolm tell Oliver that he knew about William at all. It would've made him going to Darhk at the end there an actual surprise, and would've made Oliver look at least a little bit less of an idiot for flat-out ignoring it.
  13. The shot in the scene with Darhk is way to quick to be able to tell for sure, but she is wearing it down in the lair - I think maybe that person is looking the super LQ thumbnail pics found on the CW's promo site. You can see it in the ones TVLine has up. Since it seems like she's there at least two days, I wonder if Laurel invites her to stay. Or maybe Oliver and Felicity offer her Thea's old bedroom. None of these scenarios would be awkward at all! I can see being uncomfortable with Samantha down there, because her mere existence and reason for being in Oliver's life was unknown to Felicity before this episode. As for Laurel though, KC's personal head canon doesn't mean anything - the show hasn't given any indication that it's at all based in reality.
  14. Cannonballs off of high places are one thing, but cannonballs off of high places into a small, cement-surrounded hot tub or whatever that is (based on where his shadow is on the ledge there) is a whole other level of stupidity. I hope that's photoshopped or somehow not what it looks like. Because damn, haha.
  15. I'm confused. I thought the EPs always planned on bringing Samantha and son back into the picture, and SA just suggested the meeting with Samantha at Jitters in S3?
  16. I love that they're probably going to have her approach some doctor and ask him to implant this non FDA-regulated thing in her spine. Since there seems to be only one doctor on this show, I hope she goes to the dude who told her he wouldn't inject him with the nanites. Maybe Curtis can operate on her!
  17. Someone might have reported it - I think reported posts get temporarily hidden until a mod can deal with it.
  18. He totally puts a moist maker in Felicity's sandwich. ETA: unintentional innuendo
  19. Dear William, I am you're* father. *he so makes this mistake
  20. This is another problem with the plot line they've chosen to write. After having some time to let this idiocy sink in, it makes sense (to me) that Oliver might want to tell her that he's the Green Arrow on his own, given what little bit we know about his and Samantha's dynamic. For reasons that are stupid, because this whole thing is stupid - Oliver feels beholden to her in order to keep seeing the kid, and doesn't want to risk pissing her off for fear that she'll take that away from him (ignoring the fact that law and lawyers exist, because this show has done that). With her knowing that William being Oliver's son is the very reason that he's been kidnapped, which was the reason she stated for not wanting Oliver around in the first place, then it makes sense that he'd want her to know that he is also capable of getting William out of messes like that, because he's the Green Arrow. A revelation which, of course, should make her want to run away screaming, because that's two strikes against him in the "putting the kid in danger by association" column. Bleh. Can it just be Thursday already? Or May, even?
  21. If that's what it is, it would explain the dopiness at the end there.
  22. I highly doubt it since DD is the one who notifies Oliver that the kid has been taken, and not Samantha. But yeah, hopefully I'm wrong. I don't *want* her to have raised a moron.
  23. A decent parent would've been present for her son's first meeting with a guy he'd never met and she didn't even know very well. Instead she let Oliver introduce himself to William as a friend of hers on his own, without her around - so now William thinks that he can trust people he's never met before who introduce themselves as his mother's friend. Which I'm guessing is what Damien did when he took him since William seems to think Samantha actually asked Damien to watch him, and doesn't seem to be alarmed that he's in some stranger's home.
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