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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The reviewers said that they liked the way the Flarrowverse was interconnected, and that that the way they incorporate fan service is amazing. Unless I missed it, they didn't comment on the quality of any of the shows.
  2. Oh, I thought that what SA has said about what he will and won't do/where he will and won't be doing it was independent of the thought that perhaps his TMNT contract prevented him from doing press/promo for a movie from another studio that he's not even in.
  3. I'm worried that these stories won't ever be completed, but for a different reason. I think so_caffeinated is a very talented writer and I enjoy her stories a great deal, so this is definitely intended as constructive criticism. You Have Not Failed This 'Verse pretty much reached its conclusion with the last chapter. It could use one more to tie some things up, but instead, a new plot line was introduced and we have (per the author) another 15 or so chapters left to go. I think she can be trusted to finish it...eventually, haha.
  4. I don't think the alleged issue was SA promoting other properties, period, but other movie properties? Maybe I'm mixing up conversations. If there isn't an Arrow promo, there has to be a reason (not saying it's contractual). No way were they just completely forgotten/ignored.
  5. Yeah, I didn't want to outright say for sure since I don't know for sure. It just seemed like a pretty safe guess based on the past winners, haha.
  6. I'm probably reaching here, but it could be that he asked them not to. He's been so outspoken in the past about awards being BS, and this seems to be the ultimate in BS awards, since I'm pretty sure most of them are arranged by the studios for publicity purposes pre-release, and not based on any actual acting talent or strength of performance.
  7. I think they're talking about a clause in his contract or something that doesn't allow him to promote movies for other studios, not an availability thing.
  8. I get you, but I was responding more to this (which I probably should've quoted): I think that, as with most requests for various storylines for Felicity, it comes from one place - a desire to see her worth and the love that the audience has for her translated into a really good, fully fleshed out arc for her that does her character justice. If she theoretically would be kidnapped as the season ender, there's hope for that..." I don't think there is hope for a really good, fully fleshed out arc for anyone who isn't Oliver - and at this point I don't think there's much hope for one for him, either, even though he has the best shot at it. The show's track record for giving things time to breathe isn't good. And probably won't be getting any better.
  9. I honestly don't mean this as snark, at all, but I think the show has a pretty consistent track record of rushing through storylines and not really giving most of them their due, especially in the last two seasons. They try to do too much with too many people. Even with one of them leaving, I don't think this that's something that's going to change anytime soon.
  10. I think I'm in the minority in that I thought Daredevil was incredibly boring. Not terrible or anything, just not even remotely engaging for me. I tuned out after 4 1/2 episodes in the first season). Arrow at least entertains me, and keeps me wanting more. Daredevil? Not so much. I'll give the second season a shot, though, especially if what FurryFury wrote is true.
  11. Make it romantic. Refer to them as rendezvous.
  12. I would also settle for "Damien Darhk's World of Corn."
  13. I'm sorry, but the underground world is officially called "Corn Palace."
  14. Like the oldest Cup 'o Noodles ever.
  15. She has always posted old pics, though. This isn't something new she's doing now that Laurel's been killed off. She's not trying to pass anything off as being recent.
  16. I don't think it's cruel if it's a legit wig fitting for something and not an old picture.
  17. 4x17 seems to be Curtis helping the team while Donna, Thea, and Felicity are trapped because the Bug Eyed Bandit is holding them hostage at PT over Felicity's spinal implant. I can see why there'd be a lot of opportunity for humor here. Whether they actually deliver or not, I guess we'll see.
  18. I can imagine Felicity turning to Curtis and saying, "So, you're a certified family counselor, right?"
  19. It seems like some of the CinemCon awards are kind of a promo thing for upcoming films, so I'm guessing he'll likely be there.
  20. Yeah, that has to be wrong, doesn't it? Why would they take a break a) at that point in the season, and b) during sweeps?
  21. Yeah, they picked up with him agreeing not to tell anyone, so I guess we're to assume everything before that happened the same way it did in the first timeline.
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