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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Whenever Oliver has a scene with the FBI lady, I imagine Stephen giving Facebook a stern talking to about how awful Twitter is or some other thing that's pissing him off.
  2. Kord Industries has THE WORST security.
  3. You can't be too worried about the tremor if you aren't willing to say something about it, lady.
  4. Did Dinah slam Diggle's good shoulder into that car? C'MON GIRL
  5. 6x06: Promises Kept Press Release: OLIVER MAKES A BIG DECISION — As Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) continues to uncover clues about his son’s last few years, Oliver (Stephen Amell) makes a big decision. Meanwhile, the Green Arrow (David Ramsey) leads the team into battle against “The Dragon,” a villain who is stealing valuable tech in Star City. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Rebecca Bellotto (#606). Original airdate 11/16/2017.
  6. I wonder what Carina would do if for a full 48 hours she couldn't name drop a single soul.
  7. Does Oliver think...does he think that E1 Laurel would've kidnapped his kid and tried to kill everyone? Did he know in his bones she was gonna have a break in the near future? If this is how he saw her, yikes!
  8. I don't really get where Oliver's motivation has changed - even before William voiced his concern that Oliver would be killed as the Green Arrow, Oliver was trying to get Felicity to come over and have dinner with them. Seems like he's been wanting this for a while, but they agreed to put it off, and now she's dragging her feet for whatever reason. If she's not comfortable around William and he knows that's holding her back, I think asking her to tutor him is actually a great way to tackle that issue.
  9. She's the one who seems to be putting the brakes on things though - I mean, from what little bit they've shown so far.
  10. Then...why does he have a quiver full of arrows? Does he just randomly bust out with a gun now? Well, William. If you're gonna be around, at least you can be useful!
  11. I think he's probably met Felicity - at least in passing - but just doesn't have any clue about what role she plays in Oliver's life (since she mentioned in the first ep that they agreed that it would be confusing/weird to bring another element into their lives since he was just getting used to Oliver).
  12. I know most of us here did. My point was that it doesn't seem like a whole lot of other people thought about it the same way, which is why it would be surprising.
  13. I think it's probably surprising in that he's going to someone who isn't a parent for parenting advice (although I personally think it makes sense for him to go to Felicity if for no other reason than she was raised by a single parent and has issues with her own dad). I comment on a few Arrow message boards, and the overwhelming consensus was that Oliver was going to ask another parent for parenting advice (most - for whatever reason - thought it would be Slade).
  14. I don't think anything about the pics were spoilery. He didn't even have a wedding ring on (per one of the people who took pics with him).
  15. She posted this video. The fan she took the video of saw it and called her out on Twitter for being rude and judgmental. Carina apologized and (IIRC) said something about how she immediately felt bad after she posted it.
  16. She caused a little bit of a fuss at the HVFF in England for posting snaps of a couple Olicity fans getting their pictures taken with SA and EBR and making fun of them (which she later deleted and apologized for). Other than that she's your typical annoying name dropper who was embarrassingly desperate to get into SA's inner circle. Glad to see she finally made it. :*)
  17. At least they didn't mention her eating soap or sucking on her dog's lips in that list. Upgrade!
  18. Didn't he tweet about a convo he had with Marc last year and made it seem like Marc had given him some assurances that he'd been heard and then he had a fit when he found out about Olicity getting back together again?
  19. Yeah, I actually despise Donna, but I get a kick out of the reaction to her. So...I'm counting this as a win in my book.
  20. Too bad it's on InfoWars. :|
  21. Delicty and OTA haven't really been a thing in going on 4 years. At this point? It ain't coming back.
  22. Only 4 (I think) of their OGs are still around (Meredith, Alex, Bailey and Webber), but they all still share plenty of screen time with each other that references their shared pasts together, even though the new people outnumber them by a lot and they all have new stories with said new people. Like, Meredith and Alex are still close, and we still see them confiding in each other and having each other's backs. And they actually show their conversations and interactions, even though they don't lead in screen time. I think that would make people happy, instead of always referencing—for example—conversations Felicity and Diggle have had that we never see anymore.
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