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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The only way it ever stops is if Stephen stops it. From now on there are always going to be people replying to his tweets/quoting his tweets calling him racist trash over this. It won't ever stop on their end, so he has to let it go.
  2. He's probably never handled a conflict well in his whole life.
  3. Seems that way - that tweet Beth made about being able to write a whole episode set during the wedding = she wants to write Olicity all day every day and that's what's going to happen. It's impossible that she just had fun writing people at a party and everything that comes along with that. Impossible!
  4. If she does see the error of her ways, I expect her to suddenly turn on Diaz for going over the line, even though she’s spent all season not even knowing that a line exists. And that will be that because this is Arrow. Then she can go back to reading legal texts on Daddy’s couch and somehow continue outthinking someone who’s actually been to law school, the end. That’s about all the effort they usually put into any version of Laurel, so I wouldn’t expect anything more at this point.
  5. Hopefully this doesn't become a be careful what you wish for situation.
  6. Maybe it's a dosage thing? The more you take the worse the effects are?
  7. That wedding tweet of Beth's sure is sending a lot of people into a desperate tailspin, LOL. I don't blame the woman for wanting to write a whole episode at a wedding - having your characters at a party instead of doing all the fast-paced life-or-death stuff probably was fun to write! It's not like she wrote that she wanted to write the entire episode about Oliver and Felicity, LOL. Dramatic.
  8. Seems like this was in the works for a while since she took over the producer's previews.
  9. Wait, how is it that he likes to correct people's spelling on Twitter? It's "you're" not YOUR, like YOU'RE a Dumbass - yeah, that's it. Also my fave hashtag is missing again - BOO.
  10. Unless Rene was tortured via stretching, I just can't buy that's him.
  11. Could be. I thought he was still in England but he posted on FB about Vancouver today. So if it’s not old then could be him too. Definitely not Felicity or William. Seems too lanky to be Digg.
  12. Their feet are dangling off the end of that bed. Curtis is my guess.
  13. The docket # in ep 21's title is different than the one for his GA charges - so either Oliver's trial is going to span three episodes until he's found guilty of whatever crime it is that gets him a life sentence, or we get two trials in three episodes LOL. I...really can't tell which is more likely in this craptastic season. With Canadagraph's tweet, I'm guessing maybe the two trials is more likely? If he gets found not guilty of whatever he's charged with and then gets a life sentence for something else.
  14. And now he'll be arrested for allegedly murdering Quentin. Presumably RIP Lance - you were great 20% of the time, godspeed.
  15. I don't blame him or judge him for getting mad about what people tweeted at him - some of it was mean and stupid. People going after his career, the show's ratings, etc - you're allowed to not like an artist who is more successful than you. A lot of it was very dumb. But Stephen's problem is that he never knows when to stop and he always makes things worse for himself. The Batman joke was the perfect way to handle it, because it didn't let people know it'd gotten under his skin. He needs to learn to just let it go.
  16. A few thoughts: 1. Typical Steve 2. Can you imagine how insufferable he must be to fight with IRL 3. Someone should just:
  17. I would be fine with it if they didn’t set him up as such a moron. I don’t believe in any way this idiot could keep a whole city under his thumb for that long without accidentally blowing it up or losing all its money. Considering he already nearly did both those things.
  18. If he offs Quentin I wonder who's going to be the new mayor? Is he going to have newly returned Laurel Lance run or just install her directly into City Hall with some economics books she can use to get her fully ready for the position. LOL
  19. He's gonna 3D print the HELL out of Star City in 5 months.
  20. And what a dumbass, awful villain to choose to do this with LOL.
  21. If Stephen was telling the truth and Oliver 100% does not get outed, I wonder if Diaz frames Oliver for murdering someone (Quentin would be my guess) as himself, so the Green Arrow stuff stops mattering? Or Oliver gets found guilty of being the Green Arrow and denies it still. Or he does get outed and he lied.
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