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Posts posted by starri

  1. That's me being dim.  I thought you were asking how long it lasted.


    Compressions and (when you can) cardioversion/defibrillations are both part of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS).  When you have a rhythm you can shock, the guidelines are to do two minutes of compressions between shocks.

  2. Not as many as TV would have you believe.  It's really hard to give numbers because every hospital has a different patient population and so you see different stuff.  The most dramatic example I can personally think of recently was during the blizzard where there were two codes and a DOA from the same car accident.


    If a patient is younger, you probably will code them longer.  If they were down in the field for a long time, it's usually shorter.

  3. I'd forgotten about Grill Charms.  I can't remember the last time they did an update on a Season 1 deal.


    Lori also knows her market.  Notice how often she comments "I saw that on Doctor Oz" not "I saw that in the New England Journal of Medicine."


    It's weird, but the Wicked Good segment made me think that Kevin's royalty deals aren't as bad as they look on the surface.

  4. The battery charger backpack guys' product reminded me too much of that luggage that had a charger in it. Also, just because you have an idea doesn't mean it's worth a million dollars....

    I imagine it would also be hard to take in a plane.  I don't know, I honestly didn't hate the guys, and the idea was interesting to me.  But I like my Taaluma backpack too much, and I wouldn't drop $500 on a new backpack.


    I'm kind of glad that Chapul is doing okay, because the idea is interesting, but those bars had too much damned sugar for me.

    • Love 1
  5. A question for those of you who work in ERs, how often do you do chest compressions (not the shock thing, but CPR by hand)?   

    Depends on how long the person running the code wants it.  There are a lot of factors.

    • Love 1
  6. I don't think you are.  And I know the show can and probably will upend this, but it felt like there was the encounter between Eric and Taylor that was consensual that Taylor had obviously enjoyed, and then there was the other part he didn't remember.

    • Love 2
  7. This may be stupidity of a straight female, but it seemed odd that either Eric or Taylor stated they didn't care if they were top or bottom.  Surely there's some preference.  Maybe it's because they're still new at this.

    I can only speak from my own experience, but it sometimes takes a little experimentation to discover which you prefer.


    Also, there is that elusive creature the versatile.

    • Love 3
  8. Christa's perspective-was probably legally wrong but ethically it was not wrong. As animal doctors we get to be god when ever we feel like it human doctors do not get the same choice.

    It's ethically wrong too.


    The key phrase of the Hippocratic Oath is "Above all, I must not play at God."  No doctor has the right to impose his or her will onto a patient, no matter how much she might want to.

    • Love 2
  9. I've given to a few Kickstarter projects, probably most notably Veronica Mars and MST3K, a few web series, a niche videogame, and a documentary.  Some of that stuff wouldn't happen without crowdfunding, and I'm happy to kick in a few bucks.


    But then there was something I ran across the other day where a young couple from Southern California wanting to raise $5000 in order to fornicate (their phrasing) in all 50 states.  Now, it's great to have goals, but as a slightly younger Old (not quite 38), it seems to me that if you really needed five grand, perhaps getting a job and earning it might be a better option.

    • Love 1
  10. I have no idea how Melissa and Katie's makeup wasn't top looks.  It was by far my favorite.


    As far as McKenzie's short dresses go, the woman has great legs.  Let her show them off if she wants.

  11. The rights of a child to live don't always supersede the parents' religious choices, at least not in my country - there are several examples to the contrary.


    My 'scenario' was about an incapacitated teen - the next of kin, in this case the parent, gets to make the decisions, just like a spouse making decisions for an incapacitated adult.

    Well, under the laws of the United States, and the canon of medical ethics, that's how it works.  In the previous episode thread, I pointed out that a Jehovah's Witness cannot prevent their critically ill minor child from getting a blood transfusion.

  12. Oh no, I don't think Leslie and Terri would be quite so loathsome if the performances weren't so good.  Frankly, they'd come off like cartoon characters.


    It's not even a "love to hate" kind of thing, it's a real visceral hatred.

    • Love 1
  13. I'm not sure what the conclusion will be, but it seems like they would have found DNA from another source, if Taylor had consensual sex with Eric and then raped by another.  As to not acting like a rapist, Eric certainly demonstrated rage and desire to dominate when he jumped on his younger brother and attempted to choke him out.

    I'm not trying to say this excuses his behavior, but it seemed to me that he was freaking out that the brother would find the incriminating texts.


    I like the focus on class differences and a twist on the rope of rich white privilege, but why do both boys involved in this incident have to be lower income kids?  It has to be more complicated than this, because it's just leading to the implication that you need to keep the rabble out of the rich kid schools.  I'm sure that's not the intended message.

    Eric might have a lower income than most of the kids at his school, but he's also not a scholarship case; the dad made some comment about how he and the soon-to-be-ex are in debt because of his tuition.  And the broader point is that people are going to believe the middle-class kid while this great swell of private, for-profit school PR behind him, not the poor boy.

    • Love 1
  14. I also think it's interesting to contrast this situation with that of the girl and the religious father who was refusing healthcare in favour of prayer, despite being told that the daughter would die without the surgery. What if the girl had been unconscious and unable to make the choice herself?

    Apples and oranges.  The rights of a minor child to live supersede the rights of the parents imposing their religious doctrine.  With an incapacitated adult, decision making always goes to the next of kin, and the spouse is first in line.

  15. Am I wrong in thinking that perhaps Eric and Taylor had a fully consensual encounter and then later there was a separate assault?  Because Taylor seemed awfully moony over Eric before those photos started going around.

    • Love 8
  16. The ER's are organized by sections -- a large room for cuts and sutures, various small rooms for medium length stays, and large rooms with beds separated by curtains for people who are either very ill or just need to be examined and then discharged.  We've had people on gurneys in the hallway when it was overcrowded but they were always taken into a room for actual treatment.  It's an issue of respect for me.

    Must be nice.  My hospital has three trauma bays, four critical care rooms, an isolation room, about 30 treatment rooms with perhaps a third of them reserved for Peds patient, and two curtain rooms (for maybe 20 additional patients) for cases that have been admitted by don't have beds upstairs yet.  Plus patients on gurneys in the hall (I've sutured patients there, and it's pretty common to administer EKGs as well), and an area we call "Chairs" where extremely minor cases who either need to be evaluated by Psych or have just past triage and don't have a gurney yet end up.  It's utter chaos, and I kind of love it.


    But there's no way an ER that had something like Center Stage would ever pass inspection.  They do so many things there that should be done in an OR, but instead of doing what ER did and just ignore the issue, they prefer to act like there's never an open OR.



    I've been in the wife's position, holding a medical PoA while doctors argued with me, with test results that supported my side, because they thought they were gods and always right.

    Did I miss something about why the wife had to present a proxy?  Because Neil was like "she gets to make the decisions,' and I'm like "duh, he's incapacitated and she's the spouse."

    • Love 1
  17. I really, REALLY tried to give Leslie the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps we'll see that she's a human and not a reptilian zipped inside a skin suit eventually, but I honestly think her scene with the school's board of directors made her irredeemable awful.  Possibly even worse than Terri, since Terri's primary motivation is to protect her son.

    • Love 1
  18. I always thought "mansplaining" meant a situation in which a man projects his own insecurities on a woman's behaviour and provides totally wrong explanation to "female frustrations" (like: she's on her period, or she just broke up with that guy). Rhodes was in the right in this situation.

    He made a comment to her about not wanting to seem like anything other than a "big, mighty surgeon."  She also made a comment to him about him saying that she was just a "crazy bitch."  To me, that's pretty textbook mansplaining, but I'm not a woman, so maybe it isn't my place.


    Implicit in his comment about her is the fact that even now female surgeons have to work twice as hard as men to be taken serious in the OR.  It's still this very alpha male, lets-see-who's-bigger kind of environment.  My hospital is a fairly progressive place, and now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know of a single surgical attending that's a woman.

    • Love 2
  19. Urg...Dr. Lulu (now I'll never know her character name!) and Connor were really, really good. I know, her getting angry at him for her own injury is cliche...but it worked. And him just being there, even when she was pushing him away? Man, I liked it a lot. I even understand why she was getting so angry and blaming him for this random stuff. Angry at herself, wanting to do surgery but having an injured arm, she misplaced her anger. Now, don't do it again, Dr. Lulu! Don't make me hate you down the road! 

    I can't say I was particularly fond of Rhodes mansplaining to her why she was angry.  Zanetti is a grown woman and Rhodes' boss, his need to spell out her feelings for her was condescending.


    Frankly, I would have been preferred if she'd stayed pissed at him


    Also, my spellcheck recognizes "mansplaining."  Huh.

    • Love 3
  20. I'll wager that those protocols don't involve fraudulently claiming to have a court order by waving a paper around.  Leanne would be in super deep, even her super doctorism can't save her

    It always does.

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