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Posts posted by starri

  1. If they move it to Broadway, I hope they keep Shanice Williams. She's a real find.

    Amber Riley isn't much of an actress, but good gracious, that girl can sing. As can Mary J. Just in terms of vocal power, I think they were the winners.

    They should have changed the key on Latifah's songs. It would have suited her voice better to not be so low in her register.

    I was a little disappointed that "Ease on Down the Road" and "Brand New Day" were a little flat compared to some of the solo numbers, but everything else was so good, that didn't bother me so much. The costumes were great, as were the sets, both the physical stuff and the screens.

  2. Dr. Lulu Spencer can stay.  At least the hospital has one attending.


    Reese (?) might have more success listening to her heart if she'd bothered to put her stethoscope in the right way.  It's an awful pet peeve of mine, and I will try to make it the last time I mention that for medical dramas this season.

    • Love 3
  3. Anyone with an MD can call a code.  Nurses and paramedics and the rest of us can't which is why paramedics have to wait till there is a doctor there to pronounce death.  I'm not sure about interns though.  If they can't then every doctor but Reese can terminate a code.  Whether they should .... that's another question.

    In my hospital, any code is supervised by an attending.  If it's a trauma code, there are two: one from the ER and another from the surgical team.  I don't know if that's a common practice or not, but I feel like it's the case in every teaching hospital I've ever been in.

    • Love 3
  4. Red-headed doc really blew it.  A guy comes in with signs of a heart attack, has a normal EKG, and he doesn't admit him for overnight observation?  He let him go home with "maybe reflux, maybe stress".   People don't tend to go to the ER with chest pain unless it's pretty severe.  Even if it was reflux, or stress - those can also be serious.  He was too quick to listen to the patient's wife saying it was "all in his head". 

    Not everyone who comes in for chest pain is having heart problems, especially when they have a clean EKG, negative enzymes and (IIRC) a stress test that showed no ischemia.  I mean, it happens, but the whole thing was just setup so Dr. Ginger could manpain his was through a seemingly futile resuscitation.


    Does this ER not have any attendings?  Residents or even fellows should not be the ones deciding whether or not to terminate a code.

    • Love 2
  5. Hopefully, Trish will appear in the eventual Defenders show that's being planned. Every group needs a clear-headed, empathetic member who doesn't lose sight of their goals. That's Trish.

    I said this elsewhere, but once they cycle through all of the shows, I really, really want them to do a Heroes for Hire series.  There was a version of that in the mid-00s that starred Luke's sidekick Misty Knight and Iron Fist's sidekick Colleen Wing and had appearance from Black Cat who could so easily be replaced by Trish since she's tied up with Spider Man.

    • Love 1
  6. This is one of those times where even in two brief scenes, the all-too-human villain of Trish's mother is almost as bad as Kilgrave.  Imagine an even worse version of Kris Jenner.


    I was thinking that by showing so much of that scene in the police station in the trailers might have defused the tension, but seeing that it looked for all the world like the only people Kilgrave was controlling were the people with the guns, and the people one the business ends of them were aware of what was happening and terrified, it sold it for me.  And we got Stan Lee's cameo in the background again.


    Did we see the bullpen on Daredevil?  The set looks different, and given how Marvel tries to keep its shared universe consistent, it surprised me that they'd use a different set.

    • Love 1
  7. Could someone please help me out - weren't the bride and groom flying from LAX to Mexico for their wedding?  I'm thinking I must be wrong about that, because otherwise why  would anyone be smuggling cocaine out of LA to Mexico?

    The bride convinced the groom to swallow a package of cocaine so they could use it to party when they went on their honeymoon.  Which is yet another reason to hate destination weddings.


    I assume Taylor is suspended so Kevin Dunn can go film the next season of Veep.


    It takes a lot of skill for me to enjoy a show intentionally yanking on my heartstrings, and I've mostly been left cold by the series so far, but "They Live In You" is one of the best songs from Lion King, so they finally got me.

    • Love 1
  8. I wouldn't have said that NBC should bother cribbing from itself, and certainly not from a character as Gary-Stu-rrific as Tragic Coincidences. At least Rhodes didn't come roaring into the nurses' station on a Harley.


    • Love 1
  9. I think it was "leagues" as in bubble soccer leagues, not "leads" but it took me a while to come to that conclusion.  

    The closed captioning said it was "leads," and there was separate references to "leagues."  So I still have no idea what the company does.


    I got the impression they were only calling the frozen product that, but the brand/company in general was still/always Bantam Bagels. They may have dropped it entirely though.

    The website still them Stuffed Bagels and there's a separate entry for the supposedly forthcoming "Cake Stuffins" and "Muffin Stuffins," so perhaps Lori took the hint.

    • Love 1
  10. So, did Laurie finally drop the "Bagel Stuffins'" name?  I didn't hear her say it when talking about Bantam Bagels. 

    Despite her claim, I've yet to see a Bantam Bagel in a Starbucks.


    And yes, according to their website, they have scrapped the name.  It's funny, around the time she was so gungho about the name change, she put it out on Twitter and didn't get the response she expected.

    • Love 1
  11. I did like the T-shirts, but like I said with one of the other T-shirt companies that came through here, I didn't $48 like them.


    I'm glad that Mensch on the Bench is doing well, because I'd much rather there be a holiday tradition that teaches good values instead of that behaving for three weeks gets you presents, but at a certain point, isn't the Hanukkah market going to get saturated?

    • Love 1
  12. I don't know what the real odds are for that cancer (I suspect they're not really that low) but let's work with it -- the mother has decided that the best outcome, since it's doubtful she'll survive very long herself, is to have the baby be as healthy as possible, maybe because she loves it, maybe because infants with disabilities as difficult to find adoptive parents for.  Malaya's desperate need to "save" her and sacrifice the baby seems to stem more from Malaya's guilt than any medical foundation.

    What is Malaya guilty about?  From the way they were talking, Liz Parker left her, not the other way around.



    Now if she had decided to deliver the baby in order to save herself, I could see some parts of the population taking her to court to force her to carry the baby to full term to give it the best chance for survival.

    Non-starter.  Until a baby is no longer physically connected to the mother, it is considered part of her body and is not a legally distinct entity.

  13. Only, not apparently on this show. That's the one thing that is bugging me  about this very stylish and interesting show. That nobody seems to be able to say Hulk or Captain America. Why is that? It's all owned by Marvel..are the names some intellectual property deal that I don't understand?

    Because the Netflix shows are so tonally different from the rest of MCU, they have tried to keep them distinct from each other.  The kinds of characters we're seeing here are really unlikely to be Avengers fanboys, so it kind of tracks.  Although, yeah, they really should stick Avengers Tower into the skyline.  That bugs.

    • Love 3
  14. The asshole Ms. Eastman was a nice bit of lightness in the darkness, shooting Jessica notwithstanding. How did she know Jessica was 'one of them'?

    The wife of the man Jessica served papers on in the first episode was a client of Ms. Eastman's horrible jewelry designs.  Probably ranted about it in passing.


    I said early on in Daredevil that I thought Karen Page was ultimately the hero of the show, not Matt, and I'm wondering if I'm going to walk away thinking that Trish is the hero of this show, not Jessica, too.  


    I really dig the way they kept the detail that Jessica can fly, she's just not good at it.  And they visualize it so well, too.

    • Love 2
  15. Even when she's in the midst of a breakdown, I'm impressed that Annalise still knows exactly which buttons to push.  "I ruined your life" probably wouldn't work on Connor, but "And I'll ruin Oliver's too" certainly did.


    I want one episode where Connor, Oliver, and Michaela go on a roadtrip together and nothing bad happens.  Like a Doctor Who "Everybody lives!" moment.


    This is going to go sideways if it turns out that Catherine actually didn't help Philip kill her parents.

    • Love 3
  16. Is anyone else noticing when there's purple in the background? When she was creeping down through the building (getting attacked by residents) I kept seeing paintings in the background that were rather vibrantly purple. Combined with the scene changing color to when she has a PTSD episode... purple is obviously a Danger Color in this series."

    I don't know if this is common knowledge to people who are watching the series without any background on the comics, but Kilgrave uses the supervillain name Purple Man.  In the comics, he actually has purple skin, but that's a little hokey for a series that's playing it as adult as possible when you're talking about people who can "jump and then fall" or have unbreakable skin.


    Wow, Trish kicks ass, and she used to use the Patsy name.  This gets better and better.

    • Love 3
  17. I think if Claire had been at Metro-General that day, she probably would have figured Jessica out with one look.  And probably would have helped her happily, which would have prevented us from seeing Jessica have to improvise, throwing in references to both ER and Grey's Anatomy.


    I really fear for poor Hope.  I just don't see this ending well for her.

    • Love 1
  18. It could have been in a pocket in his trousers.  In my youth I've experienced all manner of shenanigans on the water.  Jumping, falling or being thrown off a boat and left to swim for shore of hitch a ride from another boat...  It's amazing what survives in your pockets.

    When you come in to the emergency room as a trauma case, one of the first things they do is cut your clothes off.


    It's really hard for me to square what Jesse said about Angels Memorial being the place where the President goes if s/he gets in trouble with the same place that never has enough staff.  A trauma center is required to have 24 hour staffing of a bunch of different specialities, and they always seem to be short on a bunch of them.

    • Love 4
  19. Veronica Mars With Superpowers is exactly what I wanted this show to be.  Although I was not expecting it to start off that dark.


    The credits are supposed to look like David Mack's covers for the Alias comic.  He may actually have been the one to do them. 51l9MbP6nGL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

    Should we assume that Jeri Hogarth was working for Kingpin?

    • Love 5
  20. Oh absolutely. And the awe the nurses showed was definitely because he's HOT and speaks Spanish too! LOL!

    Oliver Platt's line about him getting everyone's estrogen receptors going, and I was like "Hey, my testosterone receptors too!"


    Could they work in a reference to County General at some point?

    • Love 2
  21. Seriously show? The needle-stick HIV scare trope?

    And he put pressure on it.  NEVER DO THAT.


    And also, I loved them operating with the C-arm in the middle of the ER.


    Ted was right about the bromance between Angus and Mario, though.

    • Love 1
  22. Heh, I don't think he was referring to that special sauce, I think he meant the pasta sauce. It probably had garlic, onion, and spices in it which lent some, um, unique flavor to Laurel's intimate secretions.

    Honestly, I thought they could have been implying either or possibly both.

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