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Posts posted by starri

  1. That is not what makes for its prestige's name. Rather for young doctors treating the victims of the 80s through 2005 peak of South Central Los Angeles gang wars made it the place to go to learn and thus had the experienced doctors. TV wise today I guess you would slot Chicago Med there, since that replaced County General of ER fame

    Right, but if the President was in LA and s/he needed treatment, the destination of choice wouldn't be South Central LA.

  2. I have to say, I'm not a big fan of kiwi, but Mary's fruit tart (the proper one, not the competition ones) looked really, really good.


    I'm just more annoyed that Nicole made it through.  Like I said in the previous week, she's as into this for being a personality as she is for the joy of competing.  For however skilled the other bakers are or aren't, they don't seem to be quite that desperate to "rock it out."


    I wish someone had done a savory pastry.


    As much as I'm not invested in the outcome of this, I think I'd like Tim to win.  I'd be fine if Lauren pulled it out, but it would really annoy me if Nicole wins, just because she had a good week the first week, but not so much since.


    Also, after her pumpkin yule log bombed, why turn around and do a pumpkin pastry?

    • Love 1
  3. Dear Kevin, Don't say artesian when you mean artisinal. And strictly speaking, those cards aren't artisanal either, they're just fancy. Laser cut patterns assembled in a factory (not that there's anything wrong with that) is not really artisanal. Kevin's determination to squeeze every last ounce of blood from the wedding couple turnip seems pretty loathsome to me, but I'm not a fan of the wedding industrial complex.

    Honestly, this is one of those rare instances where I think Kevin was the better deal.  I'm not a fan of big mortage-the-house type of weddings either, but this is one of the few products on the market--and certainly that have been pitched on Shark Tank--that wasn't straight-up tacky.  I was afraid for a minute that the couple was going to pick Robert because of him saying that he liked their business model, but I think they made the wiser choice.


    Also, those cards were gorgeous.


    I wanted to throw something at the Christmas lights guy when he said he wanted to bring his lights into every home in America.  Yeah, I get that it was hyperbole, but given that there's a fair portion of America that doesn't celebrate Christmas, and an even bigger portion that couldn't afford $500 lights...Also, why spend all that money on something no one is going to see?  To my annoyance, my neighborhood is kind of renowned for its Christmas lights displays, but at least with those you get lookie-lous from all over coming in to see them.  Unless you're bringing people into your home, that tree is going to be for your family and your family alone, and after about ten minutes it would give me a migraine anyway.


    There are many of fine reasons to prefer natural products, but I wish shows like this wouldn't give a platform for people to spout their bullshit about how bad artificial stuff is for you.  In the past, Mark has been pretty willing to call it out, and I was disappointed that we didn't get to hear that this time.  Also, I continue to hate how Lori--and only Lori--calls Barbara "Barb."  You're not girlfriends out for martinis.


    Take a drink every time Robert says Tipsy Elves.  Oh, now you're dead of alcohol poisoning.

    • Love 10
  4. Groot is the World Tree! Groot is the World Tree!


    In retrospect, that should have been obvious.  


    And they moved the release of SW #9 from January 3rd to the 13th because of course they did.  Nothing like waiting another month for the end of an Event that should have happened two months ago.

    • Love 1
  5. This sounds like a morbid question, but I'm asking seriously because I don't know that answer:  Can't she stipulate in writing that her body be kept viable on machines until the baby is old enough to be delivered safely?  Or is that dependent on the medical condition?

    There's not really an accepted way to do it, because it's much easier to deliver a preterm baby (and at 30 weeks, a fetus is pretty advanced and the odds of serious complications are fairly low) than it is to keep a body going.  Also, while I don't want to go into any unpleasant details, when a body loses the ability to regulate itself, it goes through some really dramatic changes internally.

  6. I was wondering about that too. When McPreggers held up the tuning fork, I thought the issue was on the left side, but then they showed the right side of her head being shaved.

    NF2 causes the acoustic neuroma tumors on both sides of the brain.

    • Love 2
  7. Show is lying anyway about sarcoidosis being an African American only disease anyway. From WebMD: "...Sarcoidosis ... is 10 to 17 times more common in African-Americans than in Caucasians. People of Scandinavian, German, Irish, or Puerto Rican origin are also more prone to the disease."

    I think the racist patient looks like she could fall into the Scandinavian, German, and Irish subgroup. So nice going, Show.

    I'm not defending the sloppy writing (and I confess I did get a giggle at April trying to fist-bump her), but on the licensing boards, if you get a question where it goes out the way to mention that you have a female African-American patient, sarcoidosis is almost always the right answer.


    I was surprised that they went with SMA Syndrome with the awful mother.  The worst part was I spent part of the time thinking the mother was giving the daughter synthroid, before I remember that had happened on Code Black.

    • Love 2
  8. Isn't that the point in the name of the show. Code Black means they're overrun they shouldn't be taking so many cases, but there is no place else for them to go.

    But see, that's the problem:  They've said Angels Memorial is one of the country's premiere trauma centers.  But it also seems to be underfunded, under-equipped, and understaffed.  Both of those things can't be true.  Real prestige hospital--Johns Hopkins, Massachusetts General, UCLA Medical Center--don't look anything like that.

    • Love 2
  9. Yes, OR's are tied up for other patients such as inpatients, c sections, and other ER patients. Hospital is probably small so doesn't have a lot of OR rooms and if they do, not enough anesthesia, surgical nursing staff at night. They show other doctors taking care of patients in the background- that big of an ER can't run on a few attendings and residents.

    Then they shouldn't be taking additional trauma cases.

  10. If they move it to Broadway, I hope they keep Shanice Williams. She's a real find.

    Amber Riley isn't much of an actress, but good gracious, that girl can sing. As can Mary J. Just in terms of vocal power, I think they were the winners.

    They should have changed the key on Latifah's songs. It would have suited her voice better to not be so low in her register.

    I was a little disappointed that "Ease on Down the Road" and "Brand New Day" were a little flat compared to some of the solo numbers, but everything else was so good, that didn't bother me so much. The costumes were great, as were the sets, both the physical stuff and the screens.

  11. Dr. Lulu Spencer can stay.  At least the hospital has one attending.


    Reese (?) might have more success listening to her heart if she'd bothered to put her stethoscope in the right way.  It's an awful pet peeve of mine, and I will try to make it the last time I mention that for medical dramas this season.

    • Love 3
  12. Anyone with an MD can call a code.  Nurses and paramedics and the rest of us can't which is why paramedics have to wait till there is a doctor there to pronounce death.  I'm not sure about interns though.  If they can't then every doctor but Reese can terminate a code.  Whether they should .... that's another question.

    In my hospital, any code is supervised by an attending.  If it's a trauma code, there are two: one from the ER and another from the surgical team.  I don't know if that's a common practice or not, but I feel like it's the case in every teaching hospital I've ever been in.

    • Love 3
  13. Red-headed doc really blew it.  A guy comes in with signs of a heart attack, has a normal EKG, and he doesn't admit him for overnight observation?  He let him go home with "maybe reflux, maybe stress".   People don't tend to go to the ER with chest pain unless it's pretty severe.  Even if it was reflux, or stress - those can also be serious.  He was too quick to listen to the patient's wife saying it was "all in his head". 

    Not everyone who comes in for chest pain is having heart problems, especially when they have a clean EKG, negative enzymes and (IIRC) a stress test that showed no ischemia.  I mean, it happens, but the whole thing was just setup so Dr. Ginger could manpain his was through a seemingly futile resuscitation.


    Does this ER not have any attendings?  Residents or even fellows should not be the ones deciding whether or not to terminate a code.

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