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Posts posted by starri

  1. In hindsight, the only way a story that started with "Everything dies!" could have gotten a happy ending would have been if "Everything lives!"  That's  a good ending.  I like Doctor Who too


    I can't help but feel they would have had more of an impact if they'd released it on time, but honestly, I don't think I've enjoyed an Event this much since the first Siege.


    Frustrations aside, the whole thing was, in the end, a great ride.

    • Love 1
  2. I continue to be more impressed by Lori's business skills.  I still think we're going to see her on BTT because she has a weekly quota of "Zero or hero" soundbites to make.  For all her idiotic stubbornness surrounding Bagel Stuffins, the way she handled Scrub Daddy in the first episode and Biaggi here was pretty savvy


    Luggage guy seems like if he was born a few generations earlier he'd be a consigliere for the mob. Just has that look.

    I thought the same thing (he also looks more than a little like Peter Scanavino from SVU), but given that one of his childhood photos showed him wearing a kippah, I guess he's Jewish.


    God, I fucking hate Simple Sugars.  Good for the young lady for doing so well, but it's a health and beauty product, not polio vaccine.  And it's not even that, it's that this is perhaps the sixth time that she's been given an update segment.


    I'd forgotten Lori's old, ubiquitous side-pony.  

    • Love 2
  3. The Hungry Harvest guy is probably one of my favorite pitches we've seen.  I know there seem to be a lot of businesses (usually with Millennials at the helm) that have some kind of charity aspect on the back end, but this, like the Taaluma tote bags was the one of the few were it seemed like it wasn't just tacked on in some bid to make it seem like they weren't there to alleviate guilt.  I wish he'd gotten to hear the other offers, but I'm glad he got a good deal.

    • Love 4
  4. As twee as I find urban beekeeping, I didn't hate the Bee Thinking guy when he first appeared, and I'm glad he's doing well now.  I do wonder why, if Daymond likes him so much, he doesn't find a way to invest anyway.


    I don't know how real or fake the Scrub Daddy crisis was, but if it was real, I may be more impressed with Lori's business skills than I used to be.


    I utterly lack any religious belief, but I try not to throw shade on those with them unless they're using them against me.  But the Godsock couple annoys the ever-loving crap out of me.  I totally walked away from their "difficulties" hiring people who don't exactly conform to their beliefs.

    • Love 2
  5. I really thought crazy eyes and head down sideways lady didn't want a deal in the first place. She probably just wanted to get on tv for free promotion. Unless I'm giving her too much credit and she's not that smart. She kept leaning her head all the way over and talking it was driving me crazy!

    I didn't think she was that smart.  I mean, she may have been there for exposure, but I honestly do think it's more likely she honestly thought she was worth that much money and the sharks would fall over themselves to make a deal with her.

    • Love 1
  6. It's not like he's going to run a code in medical school. He can have a code card in his pocket. Sadly, the route they are going with his character will probably having him kill a patient or almost killing one, even though it's ridiculous why he would have this type of responsibility only being a third year. I hope this show proves me wrong and shows some growth in his character, but it seems to be all about the drama.

    He doesn't need to run the code, and he may not need to know when to give a bolus of epi versus a bolus of amiodarone, but he should at least know why you shock v-tach and don't shock asystole.

  7. I am going to lose my sh*t if I see one more "medical" show in which surgeons waltz INTO THE OR without their surgical mask pulled up.  Seriously, whoever they are paying to be their "technical advisors" either are being disregarded completely for the sake of "we can't hear the pretty person talking if there is a mask covering their face" or they aren't doing a very good job of "advising". 

    The OR set on The Night Shift actually has a sliding door.  That's great after you've scrubbed in.



    He's a fourth year medical student. It's different memorizing things from books and doing things in the field, especially in such a stressful place like the ED. Lots of students did great with tests but were terrible clinically. Maybe Noah will end up doing residency in a less stressful field.

    They said he was a third year, but he still has no business being near a patient if he doesn't know ACLS protocols.  That's pretty basic.


    I felt for him when Choi was pimping him about the location of the bullet, because when a doctor I've never worked with before does that to me, I always freeze.

  8. Kevin is in many ways everything that I dislike about capitalism.  However, he is the most blunt shark when it comes to calling out bullshit.  Barbara does that too, and because she's more diplomatic about it I prefer her approach, but there are some presenters that are so obnoxious, they don't deserve diplomacy.  Also, there are times where he cracks up, and the way he looks when he loses it is kind of hysterical and endearing.


    Abs Pancakes are on sale for $39.95 plus shipping.  Don't miss this chance.  They also have a subscription service that knocks the price down a little as well.  And bear in mind, that's for a box that contains approximately 10 servings.  I mean, I'm sorry, part of going for that kind of body is having enough willpower to give things like pancakes up.  There are no shortcuts.


    I guess I'm not #masc4masc enough to get the appeal of driving earthmoving equipment.


    Tie Stuffins:  I'll stick with my tie bar.


    Fire Avert:  My smoke detector goes off if you turn on the oven and forget to open the kitchen window.  Add to that my not having used an electric range in close to a decade, and this is not a product for me.  I guess I see the utility in a senior community, but that seems like something that would be people would purchase and get a sense of security that's ultimately false.  Maybe Lori can convince him to consider change the name.  Fire Stuffins sounds good to me.

    • Love 3
  9. My person pick for #1 is Erin Moriarty. She is as tough as nails as an interviewer, and she tends to cover stories were there's a evidence that people were railroaded and she pulls no punches with shady prosecutors. Her coverage of the West Memphis Three (for which I believe she won an Emmy) was as good as Paradise Lost.

    I would sub Susan Spencer for Troy Roberts. Troy seems a little dim to me, and Susan is just so delightfully snarky. You can hear her eyes rolling in her voiceovers.

    • Love 2
  10. The primary antagonist of Lemire's first arc seems like it's going to be Mister Sinister, who is, like Beast, working on a way to reverse the sterilization from the Terrigen Cloud.  However, as is his wont, he's doing it by less than ethical means, which includes seemingly resurrecting Scott.

  11. I only read the one issue with Jean wanting to go to college, wasn't really sure what version of Jean that was. Is that the Teen Jean that Hank time jumped because he's an idiot?

    That's the one.  I believe the rest of the O5 are all in the new volume of All-New X-Men, but Jean wanted to try life away from the X-Men for a change.  You see how long that lasted.


    As far as Cyclops goes, there's a...development...about that in the most recent issue.

  12. I dropped Uncanny X-Men because Scott Summer/Cyclops was killed in Secret Wars and he was the biggest draw for me.

    I dropped Extraordinary X-Men because Lemire (who is great) brought Jean Summer back to life (or secret wars did it) but, I hate her so can't read it.

    It's the O5 version of Jean.  I don't know if that's a plus or a minus, although I can't stand her either.

  13. I'm not saying that Brenda's problems were exactly the same as Jane's--for all she put Fritz through, she was able maintain a relationship with him, and her addiction was junk food, not booze.  But I think early Closer was as close to Prime Suspect as you could get on American television today.  At least on TNT, maybe AMC or HBO could get away with a show that dark.


    I know Kyra even said that she'd started out using Helen Mirren's performance as an inspiration.

    • Love 1
  14. Isn't there supposed to be a Crisis on Infinite Procedurals with SVU in the mix as well?


    I mean, I watched part of the last one (the SVU part and then the following CPD part just to see how it resolved), but I don't know if I need a Dick Wolf miniseries when I'm not all that familiar with most of the players.

  15. It was either the fifth or sixth series of the British version.  The subtitle is "The Last Witness" and it may be the best of them.


    If you've never seen it, you should try it out.  It's probably the best cop show I've ever seen, and Jane Tennison, especially early on, is like a much darker version of Brenda Leigh.  Same troubles with her subordinates, same lack of a personal life, etc.

    • Love 1
  16. I really like those episodes, but I remember being kind of annoyed at the time that certain parts of the story were more or less lifted from Prime Suspect.  I guess if you're going to crib, crib from the best, and it's not like there weren't a lot of similarities between the two shows especially early on.

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