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Posts posted by starri


    Really? On a broadcast network? I think there are still standards and practices, even at 10PM. I'm guessing they cannot even show people mouthing swear words, the creators didn't want to alter their script

    When Southland (speaking of Regina King) was still on NBC, they used un-bleeped "shit" more than a few times.  I doubt any network show is going to tiptoe across the "fuck" line, but if they're trying to emulate a cable series, they could probably be a little saltier.  I'd prefer that to the blackouts.


    I'm not a huge fan of Hope Davis, but I thought she ran away with this episode.

    • Love 1
  2. Obviously the judge was well within the law to sentence OJ to the 30 years. I never disputed the legality of the sentence. But there's a reason why sentences for any particular crime is given in ranges. (I.e. 10 to 20 years, 25 years to life, etc.) It, as you said, allows the judge or jury to take into account other factors. I just have a hard time believing that if this was anyone other than OJ the exact same sentence would have been handed down. I mean, actual murderers dont get that much time.

    On the other hand, if any other celebrity who hadn't most likely murdered two people s/he would have received a much less harsh sentence than John Q Public.  Especially if said celebrity was white.  

    • Love 3
  3. I think when the guy puts out a book titled *If* I did it...you got to give him the side-eye even if you fully believed in his innocence prior. I mean that shows a complete lack of remorse, tact, etc. for not only Nicole and Ron's family but his own children!

    I find 30+ years in prison for a crime where nobody was killed or injured to be...excessive. And the judge might as well have said without parole, because there aint no way in hell OJ is getting paroled early. He's gonna do those 30 years or the vast majority of it.

    Well, there's the rub.  He wasn't given an illegally excessive sentence.  And unlike in the actual guilt phase, prior bad acts are allowed to be part of the conversation on appropriate sentencing.


    And frankly, if someone was killed or injured during the robbery, he would have faced even more charges and with a death, a probable capital murder charge.

    • Love 5
  4. If there were no other evidence besides that, I'd STILL think he did it (admitting my bias there), but there *is* other evidence. MONTHS of it. 

    One of Darden's most effective moments in the entire trial was during his closing argument where he builds up this narrative about Nicole being terrified...and then did a switcheroo and revealed he was talking about when he'd beaten her and she'd gotten the cops involved and nothing happened.

    • Love 6
  5. Now that you mention it, Face Off Academy might make for a really interesting idea for something to do in lieu of yet another season.  Bring in past winners to give lessons, have the judges and mentors teach, hell, even give the models a week to talk about what's least uncomfortable for them to wear.  At the end, the winner gets to go on to the real deal.


    Producers, you've listened to us about not going down the straight "Monsters 'n Aliens" path as much.  This is a really good idea.

    • Love 3
  6. I can't for the life of me understand why everyone thought Robert's looked so good.  It just looked like the model wearing a fake goatee to me.


    Now, Mel's I really liked.


    The biggest sin on Njoroge's makeup was the Fu Manchu 'stache.  Couldn't one of the other contestants maybe pulled him aside and gentle suggested he rethink it?

    • Love 1
  7. Boo on the writer of this episode for making my Dr. Charles suddenly incompetent.  Not only was that not a conversion disorder as he said, he not only talked to the father in the middle of the ER (confidentiality!) but approached him all wrong.  "Mr. X, we've found out some things that are making your daughter sick.  Maybe we could talk somewhere more private." Father: you're saying "I'm to blame".  Instead of saying "if you'd just hear me out", Charles should have replied 'No, not at all.  Let's talk and maybe we can make her better.'

    I'm still giving him at least half-credit.  "Somatoform Disorder Not Otherwise Specified" is kind of a mouthful.  

  8. I remember seeing her and Darden interviewed on...20/20?  60 Minutes?...maybe a year after the trial to give their take on what had happened.  The one thing that really stands out in my mind was how she talked about being more or less forced to put Mark Fuhrman on the stand, because as damaging as he was as a prosecution witness, he would have been worse as a hostile defense witness.


    Everyone remembers Rodney King, but few people remember the Rampart Scandal that happened a few years after the trial.  It ended up costing the city $125 million in civil damages.

    • Love 4
  9. Seeing a bunch of talking heads either yelling or speaking very loudly at each other really undercut any dramatic tension of the real story.


    I'm going to give the show one more week to see where they go after this, but I'm getting very close to hitting the eject button.  Rejiggering the show to make it more like Grey's Anatomy is not really a way to endear me to it.

    • Love 2
  10. I would never buy the phone charging, hard-drive storage backpack, but it doesn't stop me from wondering if it really functions as a backpack, or if it is just a wearable phone charger hard drive. Is there any extra room for a lunch bag or to stash your purchases or a bottle of sunscreen?  Did it have a little pouch to hold a bottle of water?  

    They have two different styles of bag, and they both have a capacity about about 1400 cubic inches.  That seems roomy enough for me.

    • Love 1
  11. The girl saw her father grieving over loss of wife, so she faked sickness  to try to help him refocus, but in turn I imagine the girl enjoyed the attention she was losing  from her dad' too w/the grieving.

    The dad got so into treating his daughter that he could cause ream harm -- that's why CPS had to intervene as   time-out  to stop their dysfunctional relationship and so both then could get help.

    "Faking" isn't exactly the right word here.  She didn't seem to be aware that she was faking the symptoms.  Dr. Charles (who increasingly is the person I want to be when I grow up) identified her as having "conversion disorder," which is symptoms without any organic cause, without her being aware she was doing it herself.  If she'd been actively faking, she'd have been diagnosed with "factitious disorder" (which used to be called Munchausen Snydrome when done to the self, or Munchausen by Proxy when done to another) in order to get attention.  If she'd been doing it to get something like missing school, that's "malingering."


    Although, frankly, it seemed like they were feeding on each other.

    • Love 3
  12. She had taken a month off. Maggie seemed surprised she hadn't taken more time.

    Ah, one of my favorite character types, the Enigmatic Surgeon. Also, what was the point of that?

    • Love 2
  13. (Damn. I never thought I'd become a Lori Greiner apologist. How did this happen? Time to find a thread on the kitchen safe and the power strip with a wood grain so I can really lay it on her.)

    I think Beyond the Tank is really turning some of us.  And I don't like it one bit.


    Maybe we should all watch the one with the password app and be reminded about how she knows women are just too stupid to use computers.  Or, just go back a few seasons to her side-pony look.  That by itself filled me with rage.

    • Love 2
  14. True Crime fans:  Criminal.  It's bi-weekly (I think, they were monthly when they started out) spotlighting of unusual true crime stories, both historical and contemporary.  Their most recent episode was about a former Chicago courtroom sketch artist who got her start sketching the Chicago Seven with the high point being covering John Wayne Gacy's trial.  It was just fascinating.  It also doesn't hurt that Phoebe Judge, the host, is an NPR contributor for North Carolina's WUNC and has just a fantastic radio voice.

    • Love 4
  15. 2. A medical student, by definition not yet licensed, doing diagnostics and ordering tests, initially without supervision from licensed physician?

    Med students can do that, they just have to have their orders cosigned.

  16. I think the half a million in sales was from their original (non wearable tech) bags. It sounded like they hadn't done much in sales with the tech bags yet.

    It's still pretty impressive that they're competing against really established brands like Patagonia, REI, and The North Face.


    Of course, the regular bags are also about a quarter of the price of the connected bags.

  17. Two hours of Erin Moriarty?  Yes, please.


    Am I the only one who thought he was really condescending towards her?  "Leave the finer points of law to the men, little lady."  


    She should have been like "I'm an attorney too, asshole."


    Kathleen Zellner is representing Steven Avery now.  The fact that she took his case kind of sways me more to the "innocent" side, since it seems like she's really careful about who she takes on.

    • Love 1
  18. Angela: Queen of Hel #4 is all about Angela and Sera's relationship.  I mean, it's through the prism of them trying to survive the onslaught of everything Hel has to throw at them, but the climax of the story is when both have to confront what their lives would have been like if they'd never met.  Sera would have gone on to be amazing no matter what, but without her, Angela would have been an amoral death machine.  And they're much stronger together than they would have been apart.  They're going up against Hela for the throne of Hel in the next issue.  Hela doesn't stand a chance.


    I'm reading this book pretty much entirely because I picked up the Angela Secret Wars series on a whim.  And I'm SO glad I did.

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