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Posts posted by starri


    Massively unpopular opinion, apparently, but I'm just not that invested in Neal and Crista. I like them both separately and together, but I'm not watching the show for them. I'm watching for the ensemble, and I've long felt that the emphasis on their relationship was keeping them insulated from the rest of the characters. Maybe this will allow them to be better integrated with the rest of the cast.*

    You can come sit next to me.


    I actually enjoyed this episode more than just about any of them since they came back from the winter hiatus.  I'm not quite sure why, since there was still plenty of soapy "goodness" here, but the medicine part was interesting enough that I could focus on that.  With that said, I totally loathed the way they had to make Neal make a Solomon's Choice between Grace's patient and Christa's.  It was just so heavy-handed.


    I was kind of annoyed that Paula Newsome didn't get a higher billing in the guest credits, given that she probably had more lines than even the Senator.


    If the show comes back, Mike needs to keep the beard.  Although I might have been losing my mind, but it looked like it was changing lengths between scenes.

    • Love 2
  2. Nope. For me, give him the quick way out. It's not like there is any doubt that he did it. He would still have a smidge of a life in prison. He could read, have visitors. Yancy's visitors are at the cemetery.

    If he's tried to commit suicide, he may well be in solitary confinement.  To my mind, perhaps because I am, if not really claustrophobic, at least terrified of being trapped places, worse than death.

  3. I really wish Susan Spencer had been the one covering this.  I could totally hear her snarking on the bunny/snuggles thing.  Adults should not speak that way for each other.


    I also have to feel really guilty because I thought Dinh was kind of hot.

    • Love 1
  4. Just thinking about this one this morning:


    Orion:  Central City builds statues to this fool who makes bad jokes and concerns himself with pathetic men like the Trickster.  I don't understand.

    Batman:  No, you don't.


    Batman just sounds so disappointed.

    • Love 1
  5. If you'd told me a year ago I would regularly be reading and enjoying Archie, I would have asked you to pass me whatever you were smoking.


    Ditto Doctor Strange and a comic starring a cheesecake pinup who started in Spawn and then got Publisher Reassignment Surgery and fell in love with a transgender fallen angel.

    • Love 2
  6. I had a busy week and just got around to watching on Hulu.


    Honestly, the gym guys were the only people I liked this week.  They seemed to have both a realistic valuation and reasonable expectations of their immediate business future.  


    I perhaps might have liked the chili couple, but Mark's busting out his copy of Ayn Rand's Treasury of Bedtime Stories really soured me on that segment.


    ETA:  The best thing about the episode was Daymond's fabulous pimp coat in the Three Jerks update segment.

  7. I had a rough encounter with an anti-vax parent last week.  Believe me, I had zero problems with what Halstead said to them, given that I had a really hard time biting something similar back.


    I would have felt more about the plotline with April's brother, except that we've seen him twice and we already know he's a lousy student.  I think it would (again) be more dramatically interesting to see that he really loves medicine but keeps screwing up.  But no, he's chatting up nurses about making a still.  Dude, just leave school and go make small-batch artisanal microbrews or some nonsense.  And April is a better person than me, because I'd have slugged him over that "doctor/nurse" comment.

    • Love 8
  8. If I can get a retcon of murdering, sexual predator Amazons and Zeus as Wonder Woman's father, then all of this foolishness will have been worth it. lol 

    I'm pretty sure they're keeping most of her current status quo.  Which is a shame.


    Scott Snyder announced he's not returning to Batman after all this shakeup.

  9. I will say Starfire's solo series has generally been pretty fun (if not exceptional), and she was wearing slightly more clothes than normal.


    I'm hoping some of the old continuity is going to involve Donna and Wally.  Wally seems more or less definite, but we've been promised his return being just over the horizon for I don't know how long.

  10. Bummer, I was hoping she'd write the title

    Wit that, and with Secret Six gone, I'm not sure if they're even going to keep her around.


    I'm honestly a little concerned for the diversity of creative teams at this point.  Only 7 of the books have female leads (and when you consider that Wonder Woman and Batgirl are starring in two titles each, it's really more like 5), and only two people of color.  I'm not saying that comics need to have a quota, but DC was finally starting to do a good job with that, and it looks right now that it's back to square one.

  11. I read the first TPB of Grayson recently, and found it okay, but nothing special. It felt like a Bond pastiche. The problem that they had with Nightwing was that they would never let him be seen as being on Batman's level, even when he was Batman. Outside of the Teen Titans series, they never really used an adult Dick Grayson, with all his connections to the wider DC universe, to best effect. It always felt like a half-measure, somewhere or other. Until that last run of his pre-New 52 solo title, with Peter Tomasi on writing duties. But that was aborted because of DC's boneheaded plans.

    I always wished they'd let Dick's turn as Batman go on for a little longer.  I'm not saying it should have been irrevocable, but it was something interesting, particularly his evolving relationship with Damian.  I haven't really been fond of the Mecha-Batman story, but it's at least been different, which is something this new initiative seems dead-set against.


    I just don't get that at a time that Marvel is getting such good results from trying to experiment a little (who would have believed they'd get such good buzz from Doctor Strange and Vision solo?), DC is retreating.



    Erasing Helena Bertinelli's Huntress was one of the things I'll never forgive DC for. She was such a great character, in stories like No Man's Land and the Nightwing & Huntress mini, and Birds of Prey, of course. But she fell prey to the fanboys in DC's offices, who clearly preferred the version of Huntress they read growing up.

    My big three crimes against fans were Oracle, the Renee Montoya Question, and Helena.  I liked the Convergence minis more than I've probably liked anything in the entire New 52.  Helena Wayne was Huntress for not quite ten years. Helena Bertinelli was Huntress for more than twenty.  "Classic" character my ass.


    There isn't a single Wildstorm character headlining a book, and only one Vertigo character.  So, what's the point of merging them?

    • Love 1
  12. See, Nightwing feels like a huge step backward to me.  Grayson was one of the few things about the New 52 that totally worked.


    Now, if the new status quo somehow has the awesome version of Helena Bertinelli back as Huntress, I might be all over that.

  13. Robert is still staying afloat - insert rubber duckie joke here.


    The schtick is tiring. It is a bit 'cute' in small doses (an eccentric, creative 'personality') but as a budding professional and not one at the top of his game (someone like the judges), it brings a bit of childishness, and not in a good way. I expect that he will be gone in the next couple of episodes.

    I will only say that the other contestants are much more patient than I am.  I just don't think I could hide my annoyance around him if I was there in the fishbowl/pressure cooker of a reality show.

  14. That actress played "Morgan de Witt" on the Bold and the Beautiful. I used to call her Morgan de Half-Wit. As far as her presentation went, that name still applies.

    She was Annie Douglas on Aaron Spelling's Sunset Beach first.  The jokes that inspired earned me a seat on the express bus to Hell.

  15. The Manson family death sentences were commuted not because of anything California did, but because the Supreme Court threw out the death penalty nationwide as arbitrary and unconstitutional.  They reinstated the option of the death penalty several years later.

    It wasn't the SCOTUS that did that.  It was the California Supreme Court ruling it being against the state constitution.   Which was immediately followed by a referendum that amended the constitution to state that it wasn't.

    • Love 5
  16. Are you sure it was ever officially refuted?  I'm reaching WAAAAY back in my memory, but I can see very clearly an episode shortly after the verdict where three of the jurors (one being the forewoman) were on Politically Incorrect with Roseanne as the fourth guest, and when Roseanne mentioned the breast implant thing, the jurors suddenly realized that when they were shown crime scene photos, Nicole's breasts had been blurred out.


    They were pitching their own quickie book.  While I disagree with their verdict, that may be one time I don't mind someone cashing in like that.  They had to go through the whole process too, and unlike everyone else involved, they weren't getting paid beyond the token per diem.

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