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Posts posted by starri

  1. I'm sure they'll contrive a way for Reese to become on ER resident, even though that would never happen in real life because Match is a binding contract.  But the thing is, I don't think I care.  I hated her at first, and all season they've made her kind of endearing.  Then she was someone I was actively rooting for, and I was almost hoping she'd open the envelope and find out she'd somehow matched into the ER, even though that would never happen either.


    Honestly, the entire episode was almost entirely made of Win.  Natalie and April were really relatable for perhaps the first time, and they even made Halstead seem almost human.  I know they showed the husband being a little more ambivalent about his wife's choice to be DNR, but I really wish they'd avoided the scene of him thanking Halstead.  That just seemed really contrived and awfully convenient.  Also, Halstead's scene with his brother at the Bean almost seemed to imply we were to think Halstead had done the right thing, which, no.  The only one who didn't come off particularly well was Maggie, and she's a character I really want to like.


    I was surprised to discover there are five more episodes left in the season, because that really seemed like a season finale to me.

    • Love 2
  2. That was the show's first truly great episode.  It all clicked.  This is possibly because Frances Conroy should be in everything.


    I've said that I don't really do more tradition sitcoms, and even though this isn't the same kind of multi-camera setup as, say, Big Bang Theory, it's still not the kind of absurdist humor that I usually prefer.  But I laughed from beginning to end this week.  Although Pat either needs a full beard or to be clean-shaven.


    The other thing that I've really liked about the show is that, while it's certainly not graphic about it, they're not shy about showing Kenny is as into boys as a straight teenager would be into girls.  I've only ever seen a few episodes of Modern Family, and Cam and Mitch always came across as kind of neutered.  Kenny, imagining a week in the woods with other gay boys was...not.


    And Eileen's finally coming around was actually quite touching.  Particularly Kenny telling her that he wasn't as afraid of coming out as she was because he has a better mother.

    • Love 1
  3. Maybe I'm being kinder to Clark than I should, but I wonder if her post-trial career trajectory was shaped at least in part by how ubiquitous and unflattering the trial coverage had been.  It seems like it would have basically destroyed her ability to be a successful prosecutor, because pretty much any courtroom she stepped into would know who she was.  I don't believe she ever tried another case, and she left the DA's office two year after the acquittal.


    Vincent Bugliosi basically followed the same path, except that he made two unsuccessful runs for DA and practiced as a defense attorney, before becoming a writer and media figure.  And he actually won the case.

    • Love 1
  4. Just cannot stand how they have written Halstead.  Please, please fix that. 

    Or send a rogue helicopter after him.  I hear that's a thing in Chicago.


    Either or.

    • Love 7
  5. [small voice]They should have cut Walter[/small voice].  That was just a boatload of poor decision-making, and I was annoyed that Glen didn't call out the wings more, not just because they looked bad, but because they also don't make anatomical sense.


    The Editing Gods play with us for their sport.  I was so ready for them to diplomatically tear Rob a new one, and then he got so much praise for what was, despite the lost time, a great sculpture.  Maybe I should have expected it, but that's the biggest reversal I can remember the show pulling.


    You don't go to Universal for King Kong, you go for Harry Potter.  But I was envious of Melissa.  My husband and I went there the Christmas before last and had an awesome time.

  6. The allegation is that he carried the glove from the murder scene and planted it at Rockingham.

    Okay, but then what are the odds that out of 260 million people in the US, the "real" killer just happened to own the same pair of gloves as OJ, of which only 300 pairs were sold, and only at a single store?  There's doubt, and then there's reasonable doubt.  This falls way short of the latter.


    Occam's razor is a thing.

    • Love 13
  7. tbh halstead is acting like he's fresh out of med school or something with his moral complex... i mean, i know he's "only" there on a fellowship but still :/ i mean, telling someone they're on a placebo, really?

    I don't wish to be any more charitable to Halstead than I absolutely have to, but I THINK the reason he was trying to break the protocol was that, since the woman wasn't actually being helped by the drug, she could go home and spend whatever time she's got remaining with her family and not in the hospital.


    Of course, the idiot didn't bother thinking through enough to realize that just because he ignored her wishes and got her enrolled in the trial, she wouldn't automatically be getting the drug...



    Don't understand why the blood used for typing & crossmatch ( prior to surgery ) couldn't be used for blood alcohol level testing. 

    Can't release patient information without a court order.

    • Love 1
  8. I lived through the unrest surrounding the Eric Garner death, and there was a cop in Brooklyn convicted of manslaughter for which the DA is requesting no prison time.  This stuff REALLY hit close to home.  I almost wonder why I'm watching it, because it's so good.


    For those of you bemoaning Gil Garcetti's putting his career first, he only won the second term by a few thousand votes, although the guy he was running against was possibly even more odious.


    What was up with Ito and all the hourglasses?  Was that really a thing he had?

    • Love 1
  9. I hate that this show keeps presenting things that aren't actually ethical dilemmas as such.  It doesn't matter what hospital policy is or isn't with respect to suspected child abuse, doctors are mandatory reporters.  I get that Natalie felt bad about reporting the woman for something that was ultimately baseless, but legally and morally, she was absolutely correct to do so.


    If I didn't love Dr. Charles and Reese so much, their story would likely have annoyed me for the same reasons.


    The charge nurse may be the boss of the nurses, but he or she is not the boss of the doctors.  I guess in the twilight realm of Chicago Med, the hospital without attendings, Maggie is the law.


    Halstead...yeah, I got nothing.


    Also, heparin does not work that way.

    • Love 3
  10. I'm glad Marvel is letting Marguerite Bennett end Angela - Queen of Hel the way she wants to.  The penultimate issue has Angela meeting up with the Thor that is not her brother, a lot of fourth-wall breaks (all of the editors notes are by Sera), and the Big Bad being Witch Hunter Angela.  They even worked in a reference to the box-office success of Deadpool, and I truly have no idea how they managed that so quickly.  I'm going to miss it.

  11. I guess it would have been too on-the-nose for the TV argument being over Martin vs Friends.  I think I'm glad they resisted that impulse, but I may also be a little sad about the missed opportunity.


    I totally felt for Tracy.  I get intensely claustrophobic when I'm stuck in one place for a long time, and I'm pretty sure I would have lost my mind after eight months of barely seeing anything outside of the hotel and the courthouse.  I was trying to have some sympathy for the others, but there was a lot of overly-smug things going on.  Armanda Cooley totally put me off, and I was really expecting to be impressed by her.


    It was so hard having to relive Barry Scheck's cross of Fung.  I respect Scheck a lot, and it's just so jarring to see him ripping apart DNA evidence, when he's made it his life's work to free people wrongly convicted by using the same technology.


    If you'd told me I'd have been incredibly moved by a scene involving Kris Jenner, I wouldn't have believed you.

    • Love 5
  12. I'm just glad they keep finding thing for Scott Lobdell to do.  I'd hate for them to lose such a major talent.


    If they're not going to go back to more of the pre-Flashpoint continuity, what's the point of all this?  And do we need two new characters with Superman's powers?


    Although Helena Bertinelli is Huntress again, which, thank God.

  13. I have never seen an interview with the Temple jurors.  It would be interesting to hear why they voted guilty.

    Ultimately, it doesn't matter.  He may absolutely have killed his wife, and the jury may absolutely have convicted him based solely on the legitimate evidence of his guilt.  But Siegler invalidated all of that by deciding to play dirty pool.


    What really depresses me is the knowledge that Texas will be more likely to vacate the conviction based on the fact that he's white.


    I will support any episode that features Marcella Fierro.  I adore her.

    • Love 4
  14. I didn't think Yvonne's was great, but I did prefer it to Melissa's.  I get why she went home, but I feel like the totality of her work this season has been stronger than Melissa.


    Walter's was clearly the best, but I've got to go against the grain and say I also really liked Rob's.

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