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Posts posted by starri

  1. I suppose there's some esoteric difference, but it's one of those words that gets attached to things to make them sound fancier than they actually are.  Like "small batch" or "single origin."


    I'm thinking of using my Innovation Pet chicken coop to start a small-batch egg business, which, like an African children's charity, you receive the name and photo of the chicken who laid the eggs.  I'm going to ask for $75,000 for a 5% stake.

    • Love 2
  2. This^^   She kept saying that the defense got all the evidence 'the law required her to give them'. Does that mean that she may have had evidence that would have helped clear David, but she wasn't required by law to turn it over?


    She just kept saying that over and over.  The Reporter (can't find his name) looked like he was getting very frustrated with The DA 'Kelly Seigler.

    I think it was even worse than that.  She kept saying that the law required her to turn over all potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense, and then proceeded to say that she was the one who determined what was and wasn't exculpatory.

    • Love 7
  3. I do not like Kelly Siegler, any more than I like any other prosecutor on this show who has acted in bad faith to secure a conviction.  She's been accused of at dealing dirty in at least 2 out of 60-something murder cases she prosecuted.  Which means that the remaining ones, no matter how straight-forward they are, also become suspect.  Sorry.  Seriously, fuck her.


    Her biggest crime is putting me on the same side as Dick DeGuerin.  She should face charges for that.

    • Love 7
  4. KITTIES!!!!!  The kitties didn't like Lori and loved Daymond.  Kitties have good instincts.  I found myself really hoping that Daymond got to take Darnell home, because that was freakin' adorable.


    Did Robert invest in a company called Tipsy Elves?


    I really like Daymond, but for the life of me, he can't find a way to invest with the beehive guy but is willing to pay Cowboy Guy's mortgage which he got behind on because of stupid business decisions?  And I was very impressed by the comments he'd made and how well he'd timed when he was going to cry when he was talking about hard times.


    I guess Madison is the Brooklyn of Wisconsin?

    • Love 4
  5. I still can't quite decide how I feel about Civil War II.  They've said that it's going to touch the entire MU, and the last time they did a story like that, it almost bankrupted me.  I will say that I'm happy they're not going to suddenly interrupt the flow of the ongoing series by forcing tie-in issues.


    Once they start announce more details I guess I'll have a better idea.  I just get skittish that they feel the overwhelming need to revisit what was a pretty good story in the name of corporate synergy.


    A new volume of Civil War: Frontline is probably too much to hope for.

  6. If they had a hung jury there is no way in hell they wouldn't have retried it.

    The whole trial apparently cost LA Country about $9 million.  In a city that polarized, particularly when Gil Garcetti was up for re-election (and he barely won as it was), I'm not 100% sure he would have been so eager to cut another check that large.

    • Love 1
  7. In that Eric's testimony would involve his raping Taylor, even if it was statutory rape due to Taylor's age (the paradox of Taylor being legally a juvenile and an adult in the same trial), by virtue of the Fifth Amendment he couldn't be compelled to testify. It would have to be voluntary only, with him waiving his rights in order to be cross-examined. He could appear as a character witness at sentencing only. Either way, he couldn't be subpoenaed.

    Age-of-consent in Indiana is 16.

  8. I Tweeted at McKenzie how much I liked the Foundation Challenge dress, and got an emoticon response from her.


    Not quite as cool as the time I got a reply from Jeri Ryan, but almost.

    • Love 1
  9. As basic as Ganesha was, at least Yvonne did a fantastic paint job on it.


    Up until Glen gave Robert the final kiss off, I was terrified they were going to use the Save on him and we'd be stuck with him another week of this.  I hate people who come onto these shows to be a character to begin with, but at least the last person to do it, Cig, managed to make some really good makeups.  Aside from lucking into a bye the week of the Gauntlet, has he ever been better than Safe?  I don't think I've been more pleased with an elimination since the annoying Sasha from Dina's season.


    I will say the guest judges were fun this week.


    ETA:  And that 60s Nancy Sinatra dress that McKenzie wore for the Foundation Challenge was fantastic.

    • Love 3
  10. I actually did get some genuine laughs out of the third episode.  Although I don't know who wouldn't laugh at "Who's to say Satan wasn't Irish?"


    Perhaps the reason I'm digging it is because Kenny is the rare sitcom character that I can actually identify with.

    • Love 4
  11. There was a thing in Variety today where John Ridley said that both Taylor and Eric were telling the truth.  They were both telling the story of what had happened from their own perspectives.


    I think the whole story has been like a Rorschach.

    • Love 7
  12. Eric, arrested for the beating, runs away, probably to live as a hustler. Gets away with rape, without even a bad conscience since he's doesn't think he's a rapist. Winner.

    He wasn't arrested.


    And I don't think he was going to go through with running away.  It goes back to the little brother's story about them trying to ride their bikes to Chicago and Eric telling the brother to turn back.

    • Love 4
  13. I know the episode was called "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" and that was the focus, it's interesting that no one has really commented on the scene with Bailey's cross of Fuhrman.  It made me incredibly uncomfortable, even though I know that was the point.  Nathan Lane is a stronger man than I, because I'm not sure I would have it in me to play that.  I don't even like reading the n-word.


    Even as a testicular-American, I was hoping Clark would have torn the throat out of that clerk with her teeth.  I remember Ito being a buffoon, but he's so much worse than I thought at the time.  I can't really add anything except that I was damned close to tears at several points, especially with her near-breakdown at the end of the episode.

    • Love 7
  14.  Kevin's involvement in what happened that night will never be known, because the show shifted focus to how he wasn't responsible for the boys beating Taylor up.

    Kevin may not have been held legally responsible for what happened, but I'm not so sure the show viewed him that way.  Like everything else, I think it's left for us to decide.


    However, that last scene between Terri and Kevin?  Almost totally redeemed her to me.

    • Love 2
  15. And what happened to Malia's mother exactly?

    Scott sent the power-stealing claws to Malia through Stiles.  So rather than have Desert Wolf steal Malia's mojo, it went in the other direction.  And presumably killed Desert Wolf in process, but I guess that's allowable because Malia's already killed someone?


    They really should have shown it more clearly.

  16. hoosiermom, I think you mean that the odds were a billion to one that the DNA belonged to anyone other than Simpson but again - - if you're thinking that number is higher than the number of people on earth, that should solidify Simpson's guilt.  But this jury acted as though that made Simpson seem more innocent.

    The prosecution also never seemed to figure out a way to counter the defense assertion that one of the reasons the DNA matched OJ was because it was tainted.  In fact, the opposite is true.

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