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Posts posted by starri

  1. Season 1 was aired so long before airing because it was shelved.  Once Empire exploded and made Terrance Howard a household name, they decided to capitalize on that and release at the height of Empire.

    Even though he was only in like two episodes?  Weird.


    The return of Leo and Gugino is almost enough to get me interested.  As are the changes behind the scenes, because no matter what happens, it couldn't possibly be any stupider.  


    But it's also hard to care about it when we already know what's going to happen.

    • Love 1
  2. Stick with it.  I almost feel this is a catharsis, or will be, or I'm hoping it will be.  I just keep holding on to his civil "guilty" verdict and to the fact that his murdering ass is in jail, even if it is from another crime.  If they release him in Oct of 2017, I'll feel differently.

    I think there might be an element of nostalgia to it as well.  Not for the murder or trial itself, but for the time period.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't start singing along to "Fantastic Voyage" as they were redressing Rockingham.

    • Love 6
  3. I was just thinking about that last night.  There must be some great reasons why it's up to the one charged with a crime whether or not to take the stand, probably something to do with "presumed innocent" and a bunch of other things I haven't even considered and I'm fairly sure lawyers will point out here.  Still, there is a part of me that feels like they should have to testify.

    I'm not a lawyer, but I think it also goes into possible Fifth Amendment areas.


    Besides, it seems like the very rarest of circumstances that a defense attorney would want to leave his/her client open to aggressive cross-examination.


    I have to wonder what would happen if someone tried to stage a mock OJ trial like Bugliosi did with Lee Harvey Oswald.  Unfortunately, the only two high-profile former prosecutors I can think of are Nancy Grace and Star Jones, which...no.

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  4. I have to correct myself:  There's no parole in Washington.  Prisoners can get a reduction based on conduct, but because he had a second conviction for using a gun, Bunny has to serve the entire sentence.

    • Love 6
  5. Question? Is it common practice to visit crime scenes by juries? If not, why was it done here? I understand them wanting to prove it was certainly possible for OJ to do it and get back home in the small timeframe, but I just don't understand the walking around inside both houses. A quick bus ride with a clock inside would have been more effective to me. But is it common practice to take juries to crime scenes?

    It's not unheard of.  I'm pretty sure the Manson jurors got to see the Tate and LaBianca properties.  This was a high-profile case where the State's argument had a lot of details about where things were in relation to each other.  Video and blueprints only get you so far.  And it was two separate locations.


    I had whiplash over my feelings about Cochran tonight.  The scene of him getting pulled over just made my heart ache a little, and I'm like "Okay, I can see how he feels."  And then we go back to "present day," and it gets kind of repulsive.  I have to remind myself that no matter how awful OJ is, he's entitled to a vigorous defense and that Cochran is only doing his job.  Ethically, he's right.  Morally, well, fate dispensed that justice, I think.


    I liked Dominick Dunne a lot, but he was a starfucker par excellence.  Which is why I was wincing at that scene in Ito's chambers, because it was just like two peas in a pod.  I had really hoped one of the people at that dinner party was supposed to be Joan Didion.


    Ito seems even more incompetent than he did at the time, if such a thing is possible.

    • Love 6
  6. Thank you for all the kind words.  It's not something that I bring up for sympathy, it's just an issue that I want more people to actually think about.


    Now, let's get back to Maureen's wardrobe.

    • Love 1
  7. Have they started production yet?  Because I know that Season 1 was filmed more than a year before the show aired, but if they want to air it this summer, they need to get moving.


    Did they get Carla Gugino, Shannon Sossamon, and Melissa Leo back?  Because why else watch?

  8. I'm sure you're right, and if you noticed, I said I was sure I'm wrong. I'm typically the tree hugging Liberal of the group, and I don't even support the death penalty. But there's something so inhuman about plotting and planning to kill a random person for the hell of it. I know who I am, and I know I'm a very empathetic person, so I'm refusing to feel ashamed. But good on you.

    Here's the thing though:  there are a lot of very evil people in this world, both men and women.  Karla Homolka was a serial killer who got away with murder.  Susan Smith and Diane Downs killed their own children.  But I don't think anybody in his right mind would say "Sure hope they get raped!"


    But with men, being raped in prison is either funny (see: the truly repulsive Will Ferrell movie Get Hard) or a violation that the men somehow deserve.  Dinh Bowman is a miserable human being, and if you want to throw him in a dark hole somewhere, I'll be glad to take a turn with the shovel.  But this thing really bothers me because the inference is either A) male-male sex is the worst thing that can happen to someone, or B) there are some people who deserve to be violated like that.



    A Male Survivor of Sexual Assault

    • Love 2
  9. I probably shouldn't be saying this, but it makes me really uncomfortable to how glib everyone is about prison rape.


    Dinh is a horrible human being, but I don't think he deserves that.

    • Love 1
  10. I completely agree. I was rooting for at the end of that episode and had to remind myself the outcome isn't going to be different than it was in the real trial.

    The other thing, regardless of the outcome that we all know is coming, I can't help but be impressed that she is in no way, shape, or form, intimidated by the table with all the famous, high-powered lawyers sitting next to her.

    • Love 5
  11. You know, as much as I know we've basically seen Clark lose the case with this episode, I'm still having a hard time not rooting for her anyway.  Maybe it's just because Sarah Paulson's performance is just so damned good, or maybe they're being more sympathetic toward her than they should, but I'm having a much more positive reaction to the fictionalized version than I did to the real thing.  Maybe that's just the difference of looking at this as a grown man and not a teenager, but it's quite a difference.


    Her "Game On" face to Cochran at the end of the episode?  Best part of it.

    • Love 5
  12. Ooops. I thought "quick way out" meant the death penalty. No way do I want suicide for this person bc that is his last piece of control. He gets to decide when he goes... Yancy didn't get that choice.

    Washington hasn't been enforcing its death penalty statute since 2014, the year Bunny was convicted.  They also have very few inmates serving "Life with no Parole" as well.

    • Love 1
  13. Whenever I hear the words "ectopic pregnancy" I visualize Ralph Bellamy practically spitting the words out in Rosemary's Baby. Paging Dr. Sapirstein....

    Don't do that.  It's not fair to Sapirstein.

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