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Posts posted by starri

  1. Yeah, that was weird. The next time she was shown in that same setting, the lipstick was toned down. She looked overall like maybe she'd been sick or something. Maybe it's just the "street clothes"? I don't know. She looked tired.

    That top was absolutely the wrong color for her.


    I guess if I say I dislike the Bottle Breachers couple, I'm a bad American.  So be it.

    • Love 1
  2. I also forgot to mention in my first go around that Walter and Ant made for a very sexy and studly Team Testosterone. So of course they made a hot car babe.

    Ant is adorable, but what surprised me was realizing that Kaleb would be really good looking if he took off the headband.

  3. Don't most hospitals have committees for this kind of thing (that would probably including which patients are candidates for organ transplants?  I know someone who was a chaplain at a hospital and she had to sit in on a discussion where a child needed a valve replacement and the parents were refusing treatment because it was a pig valve and that would be against their religion.

    It's not really an ethics committee issue in this case.  With parents who refuse to consent to life-saving treatment, the life of a minor child always takes precedent over the parents' religious beliefs--Jehovah's Witnesses get blood transfusions, Christian Scientists can have surgery, etc.  And it may have been a plot convenience that they couldn't find a judge to order the surgery, because any big city will probably have one specifically to do things at night.

    • Love 1
  4. If it was important to Natalie to have Halstead there, she could have asked him to come back after his shift was over.

    Except that he had already told her that he'd gotten someone else to cover his shift.  As far as Natalie knew, he'd just disappeared.

  5. I was hoping someone would comment on how damned bad Board Game Man's ("even better name!" - Neville) cowl looked.  The fact that the big nipple was falling over and those die faces over the ears were so poorly formed (there was a big ole seam down the left one) was about as bad as the nose, IMO.

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  6. I felt very sorry for Annie Potts' character during the birth.  Natalie and the baby are the only connection she has to her dead son and Maggie and Halstead were pushing her aside.  This moment is what she had been waiting for for seven months, since her son died, and these two intruders are taking it away from her. Especially seeing Halstead there, doing what her son would have been doing for Natalie, must have been very hard for her.

    I totally get that Helen was desperate to be a part of the birth of the last bit of her son, but that by itself doesn't give her any particular rights in the situation.  Natalie is the one who gets to handle the birth any way she sees fit, and as much as I dislike Halstead, she had no business forcing him away when Natalie wanted him there.  For that matter, doesn't Natalie have family of her own?  I can't imagine her own mother wouldn't have wanted to be by her side.


    Regarding Maggie, while I realize she was over the line with the OB, the flipping the baby in frank breech into vertex presentation from the outside is something I've only read about, so seeing it, even if it was dramatized, was really cool.  And while I'm not particularly impressed by the way she conducted herself, again, that call was Natalie's to make.  From a dramatic standpoint, I would have found it more interesting if there had been something wrong with the baby after his birth, and there not being any way to determine if Maggie's delaying the delivery would have contributed.  But since we needed the old "birth and death in the same episode," that couldn't happen.


    I not only really felt for/identified with Reese for the first time, I came damn close to crying when Dr. Charles was so gently explaining things to the boy.

    • Love 2
  7.  Unlike everyone else, German guy annoys me, though I was amused by him saying he could be sub-titled, and the editors doing so.

    There are at least two of us.  I loathe just about anyone who comes on to a reality show bound and determined to be a "character."

  8. Gratuitous shirtless hot guy, I love this show.  Though it did send me scrambling to Google to see how old the actor is (19, so I don't feel like a complete perv, only moderately pervy).

    Michael Johnston is 19, Khylin Rhambo is 20.  Which relieved me, because Corey could actually pass as a younger teen, and that scene made me uncomfortable.


    Also, I don't care about the rest of the episode, all I care about is that Tamlyn Tomita is amazing.  I would watch the hell out of an episode where she, Melissa, the Sheriff, and Lydia's mom sat around comparing notes.

  9. Speaking of being shallow, I can't help but think how unfortunate Miles looks whenever he's on screen. He's an interesting character, I don't mind seeing him get all these heavy plots, but something about his face is just off. I don't even know what it is. Maybe that's part of what makes him interesting to watch though. 

    Miles is pretty much exactly the kind of guy I would have been attracted to in high school.  Tall, skinny, dark hair, long face.  Both of the two men I've ever really been in love with where of that mold.


    It's a weird thing, because as much as I dislike Tristan as a character and think Miles could do a lot better, when they're together I ALMOST like them as a couple.  Which makes no sense.

  10. Just finished episode 6. God, I hate Jonah and the way he was talking to Frankie, i.e. negging her in order to get her to agree to volunteer. Knowing that they eventually get together pisses me off. I get the appeal of a Slap Slap Kiss or a love/hate relationship, but not when it involves the guy being a condescending, patronizing asshole who is determined to bring the girl down a peg, which is something that I see far too frequently. 

    Also, his butt-chin.  Sorry that's shallow, but that's literally the only thing I could see whenever he was onscreen.  I was worried she'd fall in.


    I'm surprised people are so keen on Esme.  I thought she was the worst and possibly irredeemably awful.

    • Love 3
  11. I very recently started watching Shark Tank, so in not familiar with the Sharks really. What's wrong with Lori?

    There's a lot of things to dislike.  She's incredibly fake, she likes to go on long rants about how great she is, she has annoying catch phrases, she talks down to Barbara, and more than once she's made comments that make her seem like she's not the sharpest tooth in the shark's mouth.


    With that said, with the exception of the much mocked "Bagel Stuffins" fiasco, she does have pretty good instincts (she'll be glad to tell you how quickly she can tell if a product is "a zero or a hero," which is usually followed by some of us throwing things at our TVs), she's a good negotiator, and she's made some good deals.

    • Love 2
  12.  If both woman would have died it would have been too obvious that she would realize that she made the mistake.I think it shows more character growth when Leanne realizes she made a mistake and apologizes for it even though she saved the 2 people in the end.

    But here's the thing--somebody mentioned "Love's Labor's Lost" where Mark Greene bit off more than he could chew and basically ended up killing a patient.  Beyond even the professional repercussions--and we did see later that he was sued for malpractice--they made it pretty clear that living with the knowledge that there was a baby growing up without a mother through his own actions was going to be much harder on him.  Leanne doesn't have to face that because nobody died.


    That's just not as dramatically interesting to to me, and IMHO, is a waste of an opportunity for character growth.



    I can't be suspected of being enamored of Gina, but even I thought that Leanne was unmanageable and uncooperative. The fact that everybody lives at the end might have validated Leanne in universe, but as a viewer who likes her I don't think it exonerates her. Imo, the writing was clear that her decision was emotional, that it could have gone either way, and above everything, that when she made the decision Leanne didn't know and didn't care beyond her promise to the kid (that went against her own motto in the pilot).

    I like Leanne fine (and it's mostly because I like MGH so much), but she is desperately in need of being knocked down a peg or two.  I understand that her demons drive her to do the things that she does, but the show has really not presented her with an opportunity to face them, and indeed had a great opportunity here and just completely squandered it, because I guess she'd be less awesome if she was a fallible human being.

    • Love 2
  13. Also, yes, owning a car is expensive in a big city. However, there's this service that I use once in a while that you can use to summon a car. It's great, but they like to sock you with extra charges when use is heavy, like when it's raining or on holidays. I can't think of the name.

    You know, in about ten years of being a man possessing a beard, I've never once exasperated a woman with my leaving unsightly hair in the sink. Probably because I trim it into a plastic bag.

    • Love 2
  14. I think poorly executed but Hunter did have a point.  It's not like they were playing Call of Duty. Here are a bunch of girls who just want to police the school. Not everything is fair and if Goldie or Maya think that shutting down the Game league or suggesting some half assed game as Wii bowling will make things better for women they really are in for a rude wake up call in the real world.  Hunter did have a point.  What's next? The cheerleader's outfits? The rough sport of football or rugby?   Hunter does have a problem and these girls are taking the one thing from him that keeps him "sane".  

    I said this in the Season thread, but I'm pretty sure they were attempting to be balanced for both sides up until he made the comment about Goldi's hijab.  And the Feminist Club has every right be offended by the trash talk and the sexualized images.  I don't know if that makes them "right" and I don't necessarily think that the school can or should be policing everything to make sure that no one is every confronted with something that upsets them, but I also don't think that Hunter's having a problem means that no one else gets to have an opinion about it.


    And I honestly doubt the club would have been shut down just based on what the Feminist Club was saying.  It got shut down because Hunter couldn't control his temper.

    • Love 1
  15. I think it's better when you bingewatch. One of the problems with their storytelling when they weren't doing the telenovela format was that you would lose track of certain storylines for weeks at a time, and there were certain things the writers seemed to just forget about (*cough*RileyandZane*cough*).

    Tristan is just utterly repulsive to me, and I wonder what Lyle Lettau has on the producers that make them write him as so irresistible. I never thought I'd say this, but Miles could do a lot better.

    I am kind of surprised that they've stuck with Miles being bi. I always figured that was either for shock value or because he was playing some kind of game.

    I liked Goldi more than I've liked a brand new character in a while. I thought they handled the entire Gamergate thing really well: pretty evenhanded until Hunter lost his mind.

    ETA: I wonder if Goldi was based at least partly on Marvel Comics' Kamala Khan.

    • Love 3
  16. She was a bitch, but she did realize it in the end with the help of Neal, and she did apologize to Malaya, which does show growth.

    and I think there is a chance you will see the consequences for her actions in the next 2 episodes.

    At this point, the only consequences she could suffer would be professional ones. I mean, that's fine, and there's a reason why there are procedures in place to sanction doctors who go off the reservation, but from the beginning it's been clear she doesn't really care about hospital politics. Frankly, it would have been dramatically more interesting if one (or both) of the patients not to have made it. Because at this point, if she's given some kind of punishment, Administrator Lady comes off like a big meanie who's awful to that awesome, hard-as-nails doctor who can save anyone.

    • Love 4
  17. Wow, I guess this is the Lori reputation rehab show - this is the second time where I thought she was right on with her business advice.  She was absolutely correct about the paint brush cover packaging.  I guess there is a reason, beyond QVC, why folks want her as their shark.

    I'm scared that Beyond the Tank may turn me into a fan of hers. She may be fake and a dreadful human being, but she's got a very good business sense.

    Speaking of rehab, am I crazy, or has she rehabbed her boobs?

    I guess Liz Lovely was only the life's dream of one half of that former couple. I mean, I know splitting up after a decades-long relationship is awful, but that's not what this show should be about. Also, I'm so sorry about your hard life where you are scraping by and are still able to pay the nanny.

    • Love 4
  18. Is Eric the guy kissing the hairy dude in the car? So he is gay? But Taylor is not gay or am I confused? I thought he has a gf. I should pay more attention.

    Given how awkward Taylor was with the girlfriend and the fact that he appeared to be making eyes at Eric during basketball practice before all the pictures started flying around, I think that there's evidence that he's not entirely straight.

    Eric seems to definitely be gay, based on what we've seen.

    • Love 2
  19. I honestly really enjoyed it.  I don't know, as we say every season, they're going to the well too often, but honestly, so far it seems like there's still some gas left in the tank.


    Drinking game:  Neville says "form language," one shot.  Ve says "zones," two shots.


    Poor twinky Greg.  He was in way over his head

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