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Posts posted by starri

  1. No that was an active fight with a sniper/bomber. If he stood with his hands up and they continued to shoot at the bombs then it would have been an illegal execution.

    Or not, given the news lately.


    I usually prefer the more cerebral mysteries over the action-heavy episodes, but "Time Bomb" is a big favorite of mine.

    • Love 2
  2. It's been a very long time since they've done a challenge like that.  Usually it's more fantastical stuff--horror, aliens, monsters, etc.


    The Foundation Challenges for immunity will occasionally do something realistic, like wounds.

  3. You know, you'd think Inferno couldn't find a way to out-snark Maddy Pryor.  You'd be wrong.  I was thinking this had probably peaked, but no, we get a delight twist on 

    Mr. Sinister

    • Love 1
  4. Was it me, or was McKenzie way more emotional than usual during Brittany's elimination? I was only half paying attention to the whole episode, because there are still far too many people to keep track of.

    Part of me wonders if it wasn't just because Brittany had such a good attitude about the whole thing.  I mean, she knew her elimination was fair (although, like many of you, I felt Meg's makeup was weaker), was disappointed in herself, but chose to be emotional but still upbeat.

    Contrast that to Missy's tirade on Twitter, I might have given Brittany a sympathy-cry too.


    More broadly, though, I appreciated them trying something different.  I wouldn't mind the Focus Challenge becoming a regular feature, if for no other reason than it breaks up the monotony of who's going to do the best cowl/chest piece/fabrication.  I'm almost wondering if Jordan hadn't decided to scrap the cowl if he might have ended up in Bottom Looks just for so completely missing the point.


    I didn't hate Jason's makeup.  Frankly, I thought Ben's was worse.

  5. I'm wondering if the celebration might have been filmed before the judging.  That seems like a long time to have the couples standing around in makeup that couldn't have been terrifically comfortable.


    I'm putting this in spoiler tags because I think it points towards who got eliminated, but it's something that one of the contestants put on Twitter last night:  

    "Fuck what the judges think. I'm an occult artist. I paint dark. I still love what we did." That's from Missy. Wow, way to take criticism like a professional.

    • Love 3
  6. Secret Wars #5.  This was very heavy into exposition, with the reader finally finding out exactly how Doom and Strange cobbled together Battleworld.  It's not quite what we might have thought.  Also, Doom tasks Valeria and the rest of the Future Foundation to track down the survivors of the life rafts and bring them to justice.  We see briefly where some of them ended up.  Thor is hiding in the place she's least likely to be notice.  Thanos is in the worst possible place for him to have ended up.  I'm assuming this was just a necessary issue before we start moving towards a finale.


    Inhumans: Attilan Rising.  Do not fuck with Queen Medusa.  And yes, this is moving her more towards the side of the angels.  Also, we're teased with 

    Thors vs Lockjaw

    which means our lives can only get better.


    A-Force.  She-Hulk fights Gamora-Thor in some green on green violence.  More excellent Medusa action, although this doesn't end as well.


    Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde.  This issue would be aces for the fabulous pop-art cover alone.  The Tracy-and-Hepburn pairing of 616-Quill and AoA-Kitty continues apace.  He can't quit her, and she can't help liking him.  Robotic New Mutants (which Kitty dispatches with horrible aplomb), a backstory on why Kitty is in Doom's employee, and a peek into Gambit the Collector's base of operations at Manhattan's famed Doomenheim museum.  There's a lot to love here.

  7. I think Nora and Meg are an item!

    I got that impression too.


    This isn't the kind of wedding I would have wanted for myself, but if you want something memorable...all of the couples looked happy and their families were having fun too.  I count that as a win.  I also found myself getting choked up along with McKenzie.  


    I loved Jasmine's makeup.

    • Love 1
  8. Go here and click on "Take Survey."


    Whatever gets the best ranking makes it to series.  There's usually about a year between the voting and the full series coming out.  The next one--Hand of God with Dana Delany and Ron Perlman--is going to come out in September, and it got past the voting in August 2014.  

    • Love 1
  9. There's another round going on.  Just two shows, Casanova with Diego Luna, and Sneaky Pete with Giovanni Ribisi.


    Sneaky Pete is terrific.  Ribisi's ex-con pretends to be his cellmate and goes to hide out with the cellmate's family (who haven't seen him in twenty years) and starts working for the family bail bonds business.  Not only do you have the tension about whether or not he's going to be discovered (the family matriarch, played by the awesome Margo Martindale, is probably too sharp to be fooled for long), but there are also bad dudes who are after him for money he stole.  I may have liked this more than any other show Amazon has tried.

  10. No doubt this is why they did a double elimination this week. There won't be enough to do for a team of three, but they didn't want 15 individual works. Do they even have that many models? I don't recall seeing that many casts on the shelves the last time we saw them.

    Well, they were also presumably limited to female models.

    Although frankly, seeing a team attempt a male Siren would have been a lot more interesting.

    • Love 2
  11. I think I like Meg.  I thought she was kind of whiny last week, but apparently "Missy" brings that out in people.  And Nora is definitely a keeper.


    I thought the drag-queen looking makeup had such potential, but it just ended up looking like a sloppy Poison Ivy in the end.  But I guess the guys were rattled by their issues with the mold.


    No matter how snarky he was during the deliberation, Glenn was unbelievably kind during the face-to-face portion of the judging.  Way more kind than either of the bottom looks deserved.


    I know we've wanted a special just about the models for a while, but could we maybe even have like a short web series on them, especially Megan?  I'd love to know what her background is.  I'm assuming she's a dancer given how well she moves, but considering she's often the show's MVP (never mind the makeups), I wish the producers would indulge us.

    • Love 3
  12. Run, don't walk to stream Shatner's Chaos on the Bridge documentary about the genesis and first few seasons of TNG.  It's wonderfully unvarnished in the way it bluntly deals with the challenges that nearly kept it off the air.  The nice thing is, despite all the personality conflicts, it doesn't look like anyone is really carrying a grudge after so much time.  Well, except maybe the friction between Gates McFadden and Maurice Hurley, and for that, #TeamGates.


    I don't know if I think Shatner is the right person to tell this story, but I'm glad someone did.


    Nice write-up here.

    • Love 1
  13. I think the overall lack of McKinley and Ben probably had a lot to do with Bradley Cooper's schedule.  That said, their Meet Cute was played for sweetness first, and laughs second, which tracks with the movie.


    I wish Susie hadn't disappeared after "Electro/City."


    Overall, I think my favorite through-line was Lindsay.  There was just something so hilarious about her "discreetly" whipping out the typewriter periodically.  

    At a certain point, my husband turned to me and said "the fact that he looks nothing like Reagan is part of the joke, right?"

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