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Everything posted by Delwyn

  1. I thought it was going to be super easy to guess because it's been in almost every episode of a show that's been on a major network for 14 years, probably over 200 times. Sorry guys! I wasn't trying to be cunning or anything.
  2. Dave, I forgot to tell you today how amazing you are.
  3. I did not in any way anticipate that viewing incorrect guesses would be far more thrilling than actually getting the correct answer myself. Thanks to EHG for validating this aspect of my personality. Keep up the good work!
  4. "Gobble gobble" is going to haunt me forever.
  5. The first one was regarding The Following and that James Purefoy's demise was like killing a unicorn, which I didn't notice at first because, agreed in the sense that he was the only reason I stuck out season one. Then Tara tried for an under her breath redux during the Nashville segment and I was sold. However, I have to give credit to the fact that just hours earlier I was explaining to my mother that racism on Archer could be funny, but I don't think she got the whole "black astronaut" joke.
  6. Hearing it again, the Smoke Monster from Lost is just cribbed from Jurassic Park sound effects, right? I forgot that's why I thought it was scary at first.
  7. Loved loved loved the clip of DL on The Jon Stewart show. I watched that episode live when I was in high school and was sad for weeks. I even kept the final few episodes on VHS until earlier this year. A nice, nostalgic touch for the end of two eras. Thanks to the person who preserved that on the internets.
  8. Great? I look forward to being known as the gal that limited everyone to one guess. It's going on my resume right now!
  9. Understood and fair. I know I have seen people guess a few things per post and wondered about the rules on that.
  10. Oh, I just assumed it was an awkward insertion. Sorry I doubted your finesse! My back up guess was Shawshank Redemption. Not sure if I get more than one crack at it.
  11. You should stop those goombahs?
  12. So, two relapse season finale cliff hangers in a row, then? I was kind of hoping that his father was coming because he was being charged with murdering a drug dealer or similar. I don't know if I really want to watch a ton more recovery episodes. I understand that it's an important part of this incarnation of Sherlock and a very serious subject, but I prefer to see it portrayed as an aspect of his character, not a plot point. That's just me, though.
  13. I forgot to say I LOL'ed at the idea that Major is currently reading Chekov. But: nice call back: Uncle Vanya and Zombies premiered in November 2012 at Kennedy Theatre in Honolulu. Now I am curious if they meant to go so deep on the reference or if I spend too much time on the internet.
  14. I mean, she LITERALLY traded Lowell's life for Blaine's. How does that conscience feel now, Liv? Sure, she didn't know the exact outcome, but someone is absolutely going to die (Lowell) or have their life ruined (Major...) because of her inability to act. I get what they're trying to say about morals and it might be more compelling if they were more consistent in the writing. I guess I would just prefer this show if it were Liv and Ravi webisodes. They are why I still watch, even though all the other stuff bugs me enough to post things on the Internet.
  15. Don't forget about all the astronauts!
  16. As soon as Lowell said he loved Liv I was like "they're going kill him, aren't they?" It was a very Whedonesque kiss of death. Make the character super endearing and then they immediately die doing something heroic.
  17. Gah! Thank you for pointing out Irene. It was driving me nuts trying to figure out where I knew her from, and IMDB didn't have her listed for the episode at first. That show was my introduction to loving RR aand Nathan Fillion. And, well. I still love Nathan Fillion. I agree that the Liv/Ravi scenes are the best. All Liv's other interactions are awkward fibbing and it's nice to see her being open with him. Their mutual weirdness and camaraderie really sells me on the show when the plot and fake policing are D minus. Season two could easily shed 60% of its current business and be more watchable for it.
  18. Hmm, true. I guess it was really striking to me this year because of the hemisphere jumps in rapid succession. After 5 or 6 legs in the NE hemisphere, they then hopped NE, SE, NE, SW (and presumably back to NW for the final leg) in just the back half of the race. My experience of travel is that it can be incredibly disorienting to do that (is the sun in the north or south today?) but maybe they are in such a bubble of adrenaline and production crew that all the fatigue feels the same for the racers at this point.
  19. As someone who used to work in this department, I feel like someone needs to sit the hair designer down and explain how a wig can only take so many styles and cleans before it looks like you put it in the clothes dryer on high heat. I mean, it's understood that McIver's hair is not real. But I think maybe a backup wig would have been a good call?
  20. Absolutely I agree that it is an HoO thing. By "it came across" I was trying to say that it was a very weird way to edit the whole thing. Why have it look like producer shenanigans when it can easily be explained away with a clue like they always do? As a regular viewer, I just found it jarring. Like backformore said, all these details cut seem like it detracts from why I watch/the show that keeps me tuning in. I want to know things like how far apart their pit stop departures are and when all the flights get in. WIthout it, it's just a bunch of hyper tasks and arguing strung together with a changing back drop. As an aside to that, I feel like maybe a bigger (or at least more interesting) deal could have been made about the fact that (for the first time?) they took the racers from Summer in Africa, to Winter in Europe, then back to Summer in South America. Travel reality show, guys! Not "Do Math with Product Placement, then Drink Sugar Cane Show"! More adventure tasks and less costume for no reason, dancing and singing tasks next season, please! And now concludes my segment of "You kids get off my lawn!"
  21. Maybe I am just jaded by watching so many seasons of TAR, but this read to me as a heavy-handed production influence. Usually when teams way out ahead get in, they get a clue that says something along the lines of "the stall will open at 7am" or they have to choose a number for a morning start time. We saw nothing except a welcome that the other teams did not receive, no clue envelope till morning and then Jenny saying that their "release time" was at 7am (very suspicious wording, even for Jenny). It came across like a scramble to reduce a 12 hour deficit for the other teams to avoid a situation like S1 with Kevin & Drew/Guidos. YMMV.
  22. I'm sure the WHCD people were pretty confounded by this sketch, but love seeing Obama getting to show his genuine ire about climate change and snow ball bullshit - something any resonable person should legitimately be mad about. Not sure about the "crazy" wrap up since people not in on the joke would dismiss the point being made. Key acquitted himself very well, I thought, considering people in the audience were literally shown scratching their head.
  23. Not sure if anyone is still out there, but I just watched Season 4 for the first time. I hadn't seen an episode of the show since 2009ish. I didn't have Netflix when S4 came out, and then all the fans were so disappointed that I didn't make an effort to seek it out. Years later and still spoiler free, I decided to take a chance. Ten minutes (less, probably) into the first ep I had already cringed a couple times and paused it, thinking "I can never un-see this". But... I'm glad I did. With low expectations, the misses didn't sting so much and as a binge watch it was pretty rewarding to see it all tie together. They went some pretty dark places with all of the characters which felt rewarding to me because you assume that that are messed up, but the depths of that made me love them more. There was also some really funny moments once you got used to the heavy meta references, which grew more subtle in places. Sometimes. Anyway, is anyone still interested in a chat about this season? Or did I miss the boat? Will I just have to explain to my cat why I laughed out loud at the advice that you shouldn't put all your Anns in one basket?
  24. I know it wasn't his main segment, but I loved his smack down on humans being ridiculous, including fail videos: Space mermaid, shark tummys and segways really brought into focus that we really could be better at this. Also "Well played lions" made me laugh so hard I had to rewind. Everything about dropping a cat saloon into the report was delightful, but Martin Sheen pronouncing "CATS" with his hand on his heart cracked me up. And some of this segment was maybe set to the Transformer speechify sound track as he described human achievements. As a side note, it's great that both Archer and LWT referenced the same Jurassic Park joke within a month.
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