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Everything posted by Delwyn

  1. I chuckled the whole day imagining Mison's befuddled and halting line delivery of "Caught... my snap?" And Crane trying to puzzle through it after Abbie just rolls her eyes. I liked this episode because I think in the first season they shied away from the toll this whole evil armageddon might take on Crane. He seemed a little too buttoned down for what was going on in the final few episodes of last season. He was taking his job so seriously, without considering his own life for most of the time he has been back; I hope to see more of him realizing what has been sacrificed to be a Witness. Not that I necessarily believe Katrina's motives at this point - which made the conversation with Abbie about truth and honesty and doubting the wife he has put his faith in both satisfying and sad. It was great to see him go "Wait a minute. You lied about all these things, plus you left another dude for me." I mean, it would be weird if he wasn't questioning her here. But you feel bad for him all the same. I mean, I think the Katrina is super boring, although he obviously does not feel the same. Kudos, I guess, for displaying Crane's enduring pathos for people who do him wrong and showing off an incredibly jaded moment within the same episode. ETA: I may also be reaching, but I suppose you could argue that now that she is out of purgatory and he is not so intent on getting her out of there as he remembers her and now that her magic is being blocked at the house, some of this glamour has worn off. If he were indeed enchanted, she would now have less control over that. But I really think I might be thinking too hard about that.
  2. I took that as an inside nod to Brian and Greg TAR 7 and the finale of TAR 14. Maybe that was too meta of me.
  3. I think I remember someone mentioning (Phil interview?) that they (TAR US) assess most penalties at the end of the leg unless it directly influences the elimination. If you would have arrived in the same position, they just tack it onto your departure time. I know they have the PA's rehearse tasks for timing, so maybe this was such a tight leg for travel and task time they felt they needed to penalize on the spot because it would change potential outcomes. I feel like police interference is a separate thing from violating the rules, in the same way that a terrible taxi driver that takes you four hours out of the way is different than taking a four hour penalty for opting out of a roadblock. Anyway, I think it's interesting that the rules of this show and all its incarnations leave so much room for interpretaion and confusion for the viewer. Why would you want to leave your viewer with a "Wait, What?" feeling. That being said, I was pretty happy with the result, because as I pointed out to my mom after the episode, Suhki and Jinder have a very clear track record of doing well when they keep their eyes on their own paper and having catastrophic failures when they rely on begging. I enjoy that the even keeled, hard working and likeable teams came out on top. I want to root for Ryan and Rob, because last season my hometown won, and they are from my current town. However, Mickey and Pete are working hard, but cruising through the fun of this. So they would be my top pick.
  4. This made me laugh inappropriately hard. All Stars finale FEATURING: Gravity. Counting. Digging a hole. (Plus no self navigation required - pre doctorates need not apply). Most ill conceived finale yet.
  5. It I didn't mean the gender swap thing the way it was read. I should have clarified. If Sherlock has found his ideal working partner to be a woman (Joan), maybe it makes sense that his ideal villain turns out to be a former lover. I don't know if they being a long con for Moriarty was a passage way that he should have seen the trail of facts pretty clearly. Seeing that happening again with Mycroft would have been a blow. Joan, consider your motives scrutinized. Not likely we will every truly dig into that psychology sension For all his vices and weirdness, it's a nice tie to parter and villain as a lady he is fiercely protective and holds in high esteem. It just reads on my end that his intesity for them comes from two different places and I like that it can The forms were acting super shady so apologies for amy weird business.
  6. I loved this show because as a philosophy and writing nerd, there was nothing else on tv like this at the time. This was appointment viewing for us. It would be great if all kids had a show that schooled them like that.
  7. I had no problem with that pairing because of the gender swap of the main characters. I think they built a pretty good case for why she would be the only person he could invest in. She reflects his feelings (villain-wise) of Doyle's universe pretty well.
  8. People with addiction experience often make great councellors. I completely dig her backstory as motivation, even if it has a weak canon reference in the short stories. If she can't distinguish work from personal, make that more clear. But they touch on her history so little compared to Sherlock. Watson could be a potential gold mine and I personally don't think they are being true to their own writing. I guess what it boils down to, is that they have been explicit with character traits for Sherlock, but not Watson.
  9. I means balls in the gutsy sense. Judging by the country singers shaking down Jet and Cord for the EP, I would argue that they have plenty of balls.
  10. I was commenting to someone today about how cracktastic this show is, and that I wish shows like Elementary and Castle would be way more enjoyable if they embraced the ridiculous. With 24 I want to break out the popcorn, because WHAT. I have zero expectations. With a lot of other network dramas I just want to break out the fast forward button. That said, it would be nice if we had some dramas that had no "check reality at the door" disclaimers on them.
  11. It must be so bizarre to have people talking about your balls on the Internet. Maybe they can add that to the old/young parent/child moniker. Least balls. In every sense.
  12. The world: meh. Agreed about Afghanimals. I feel a bit sullied that I was rooting for them. Their first season, I hated them because I know Shane of Rowan and Shane and kind of sided with their opinion. And, you know, being grossed out by the local-lifting and all the yelling. But. They were boisterous this season and not intolerable. It's a sad day when you are bummed about the Afghanimals going home.
  13. There was a definite lack of "show, don't tell" this season and because of this, when Joan and Mycroft kissed I actually yelled "GROSS!" at my TV. I don't ever talk to my TV. This reaction didn't have anything to do with physical disparity, but the complete absence of evidence to back up any sexual attraction. Not to mention zero chemistry between the actors. I think I actually made rage-y noises when they were in bed. Joan has been shown as the kind of person that would never cross boundries in a work environment in the past, and yet she sleeps with the brother of her former client and current work partner and discusses Sherlock's history behind his back. Yikes. I think the argument of Ifans being a guest star and therefore the story had to be condensed is excusing the writers of any kind of creative challenge. They could have built the backstory on Sherlock easily without ever having Mycroft on screen. Mycroft's lengthy expositions could have been avoided.
  14. This is the first time I have been actively annoyed by the final three. I've been indifferent, sure. This is a whole new feeling for me; hoping none of these teams win, even though I know one has to. Caroline and Jennifer don't do their own work, even though their race strategy of having other teams carry them seems to be solid. This episode they did live and die at their own hands. However, I think it was the first time this season (or possibly their first season). Brendon and Rachel (most improved?): I admit there is some carry-over hate from their previous season and Rachel didn't let down this episode. I will also admit that I am giving them slight preference here because Uchenna and Joyce's hook was "we want to have a baby". Except for the part where they needed to pay for treatment and Brenchel just needs to stop using birth control. Dave and Connor bug me so much because of the whole deification of survival/injuries/nice guys that don't deserve to be yielded business. I just don't know why these teams get so het up about using a U-Turn on another team that is "good", when they would take that advantage in an instant. I don't believe for a second that the Country Singers would have failed to use the U-Turn if they were second to last and Dave and Connor were very close behind them. I would also really love to see a reboot of this series. I get that they add new elements sometimes, but it's grown so stale and think they could change things up with a formula that the racers and audience don't expect. They've also used three tasks, more or less, from TAR Canada this season, which was disorienting. Yes, I forgot to mention this. My mom and I talk during breaks (tradition since season 9 that we can't seem to give up, even if our comments are "what." and "blergh." I said to her during the first break: "Well, Dave has to take all the road blocks now, Connor's up to six." Later in the ep: "what."
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