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Everything posted by dwmarch

  1. Here's the bad guy's plan: Grover's ex-partner hates him and knows where he is. (As should anyone since 5-0 is not a secret!) He gives this information to the Philly Black Mob. The PBM are able to bribe an FBI agent (easy to do in this universe apparently; corrupt cops are more common than honest ones) and hire a couple of jet charters. They also anticipate that while 5-0 will chase the first one they won't be able to chase the second one. Dial-A-Mook offers mooks who will murder FBI agents and steal their identities. Were those guys supposed to be from Philly? They were caught by their lack of a tan... the same lack of a tan that I presume would preclude them from joining the Philly Black Mob. Damn, Grover has figured it out! Time for plan B, forget the ruthless gangsters who hired us to deliver him and shoot the shit out of him and his family instead. Damn again, Grover brought his pistol with the hundred-round clip! This is taking way too long. Those PBM guys are going to be pissed! But as it turns out the PBM guys got impatient and got themselves killed before even knowing if Grover was on his way. Grover's enemies weren't on the radar (literal or figurative) until they announced themselves. So why not just fly to Hawaii, wait by Grover's favorite pancake spot and pop him while he's yawning off some carbs? Make it look like a robbery or an accident. But instead we have to have exciting chase scenes so let's use this overly intricate setup instead. Walking up behind him and shooting him just wouldn't be as satisfying, you know?
  2. Well, that was exactly what I would expect from a Blacklist wedding. Overall I liked it although I couldn't suspend disbelief in the beginning of the episode with the whole "terrorists might be stealing nukes but let's talk about that wedding!" Lizzie is all "the wedding's at 4pm if you guys can make it" as they're working the biggest case an FBI agent could ever have nightmares about. No pressure Lizzie, thanks. I did love that one woman from the nuclear joint who said the task force looked special. However, I am going to take a moment to genuinely fully appreciate that this show didn't do the usual plot here. So many times we've been warned of an impending attack which forces the macguffin to be taken on an alternate route. And so many times the bad guys are waiting for exactly that and they know exactly how the FBI is going to react. In this episode the diversion is a distraction and there never was any plan to steal a nuke in the first place. That is an unprecedented moment for this show! I would imagine the real military plans for this kind of thing all the time and has dozens of alternate plans, including keeping the nuke right in the middle of a military base surrounded by thousands of angry and paranoid soldiers. It would never be as simple as "Obvious Highway One is closed, we should switch to Ambush Alley!" Nonetheless, a Hollywood nuke has some special properties such as leaking radiation all over the place. I don't have or need any special knowledge of the subject to know that if you have a nuclear anything the first and foremost thing you do is make sure it doesn't leak radiation! You don't need to put it in a special casing to move it around, it's already in one! I also question why the facility for nuclear accessories is not guarded in a manner similar to the facility for nuclear weapons. The last thing I want to hear from these people is "Oh man, some kids totally disrespected our chain-link fence and spray-painted rude slogans on the building!" The liquor store I work at has better security FFS!
  3. I think the SHIELD team is being outfitted by whomever came up with The Gap's Everybody in Leather campaign. And why is she wearing a short-sleeved jacket with a really long-sleeved sweater? I'd swear that was the same leather jacket she's been wearing for a long time now except for some reason they chopped the sleeves off by a few inches. It looked very strange. Then again, Fitz and Simmons were supposed to be holding hands in the snow. But the weather wasn't cooperating. So to fulfill the vision they had to be standing amidst (you guessed it) special snowflakes.
  4. Ah, good old low-hanging fruit of television, you continue to amuse me. This show is kissing cousins with The Blacklist and made a reference this time around. Weller's girlfriend mentions starting a fire by trying to cook a pizza in the box, a trick she obviously learned from Lizzie, who almost burnt her house down trying to make waffles on the stove. It scares me that people really are so incompetent as to justify the "remove packaging before cooking" labels on food. I also find it dubious that a South Korean would sell chemical weapons to the North simply because they offered more money. They did lampshade it by saying it was a dissident faction but still... I loved Patterson's date with dead Daniel and I especially loved how at the end, when she ran out of lines to fill in for him he was just smiling and nodding. When Patterson is chatting with the office shrink she asks him if she owes him money. These people have to pay for counseling? No wonder they're so messed up. This episode did raise one of the existential questions of this show, namely how and why all of this is happening. They specifically mention intricate timing and knowledge and how it might all link together and Mayfair comes back with "that's a great question but we don't have the money to look into it right now." That should be the biggest red flag ever!
  5. There were certain plot elements in this episode that were only touched on. One of the slaves was a drug dealer who had been on death row. The other was a family man. They asked the question of how he got mixed up in all of this but never answered it. And those guys who stole Danno's car and then robbed a place? They were from dial-a-mook. No motivation, no goals, just guns and attitude. Why is Abby so surprised to be welcomed by 5-0? Half the team is disgraced cops and the other half aren't cops at all! It's too bad Abby gave up her investigation at the beginning of this episode because she would have had some good stuff by the end. We've got some straight up torture, with the dunking of the captain (who wasn't even the guy they were after!). We've got Danno with a bunch of reckless endangerment, letting his patrol car and weapon get stolen. Then he commandeers a bus and endangers all of those passengers, including both of his children. He gets the bus (Mamo's pride and joy!) all shot to shit and he banged it into a tree backing it up. I am certain he does not have the class of license necessary to drive it. He left his badge behind (or it was stolen as well) but still kept acting as a police officer even though he couldn't prove it. And then he chases the bad guys into someone's house and drags a civilian along so they can see if an arrow to the knee is as effective in Hawaii as it is in Skyrim. The best part is that if he hadn't dragged that guy along he would have either gotten himself lost or shot! Instead he shoots a suspect in the ass with an arrow and then pulls it out in a manner that would get him sued in the real world. The other suspect gets murdered, which does tend to happen when you shoot at cops but the crime that started this chain of events was a car theft. I also find myself wondering how far offshore 5-0's authority extends. Since we've seen it extend all the way to Colombia the answer to that would seem to rely on the needs of the plot. Last but not least, Abby littered. That badge and wallet will probably never break down and has now become a permanent part of the Hawaiian landscape. Shameful display all around.
  6. I loved this episode. The highlight was definitely Dollar Bill's "argument" with Axe but I loved all of it. Another great moment was Axe finally realizing just how ruthless he is when he heard that all Donnie wanted was to live until Christmas so he could play Santa again... and Axe denied him the drug trial that might have made that happen. Seeing Wendy at the funeral in those big sexy boots made me wonder if those are the same ones she wears when she's dominating Chuck. Since she did dominate him at the funeral, perhaps. I laughed at Wags mourning that Donnie was "their gay" because I'm pretty sure David Costabile's character Gale in Breaking Bad was gay. Chuck's takedown of the judge was great but you would suppose that a judge would notice the particular phrasing of "the Southern District won't prosecute you..." One would also suppose that a judge with such an investment would throw a white-collar criminal in jail once in a while just for the sake of appearances. I like the Eastern District guy with the crazy hair. I'm glad he's on Chuck's side. I don't miss that SEC prick.
  7. As I recall from the comics, the skull has an aesthetic and practical purpose: it is what the bad guys shoot at.
  8. I wish! There have been enough skyline shots in DD and JJ that we should have seen the Avengers tower by now. But there still seem to be some licensing issues. So instead of saying Iron Man they say "the guy in the iron suit" and instead of Thor we get "the guy with the magical hammer". I'd like to see stronger tie-ins to the MCU. We've had lots of little crossovers (Roxxon, which has been around since Iron Man) and inside references to the TV shows (Daredevil at the same orphanage as Daisy, Crusher Creel, The Dogs of Hell) but the only direct crossovers have been with the other Netflix series. So Claire shows up on Jessica Jones and talks about Luke Cage when she talks to Foggy. And Jessica gets mentioned as one of those troublesome vigilantes. Jeri Hogarth drops by. I am assuming all the mystical stuff with The Hand is setup for the Iron Fist series which is deeper mysticism than these shows have tackled so far. But no real crossovers with anything outside of Netflix. Regardless, we have a teaser for Luke Cage now: Iron Fist seems to be out of development hell now. Finn Jones is playing the title character and production begins in mid-April.
  9. One thing that bugged me about this season was the eager willingness to simply drop plot threads. Karen breaks into Frank Castle's suburban home, some electronic device notifies some people in a van to hop to, plot forgotten. And the Punisher's lair got broken into at least twice but no one cared. Wilson Fisk has a prominent role but once his part in the story is done we never hear from him again. And for what it is worth I honestly don't think the show established why Frank's former commanding officer would get into the drug trade and would destroy all the competition. Electra was a bit of a wet blanket wife. There were a few plot threads interrupted by her presence that did not gain from such interference. When Foggy was desperately trying his best to defend Frank Castle and Electra kept getting in the way I just wanted her to leave. She wasn't really helping beyond the casual willingness to stab ninjas who are supposed to be immortal anyway. The Black Sky business took me out of the story, perhaps because Daredevil has basically been grounded in reality thus far and introducing immortal ninjas is a step too far. I know this is a lead-up to Iron Fist (which apparently delves deep into the mysticism) but in this show the change is jarring. We were in the courtroom trying to convince the jury that this mass murderer had good reasons for what he was doing. And now we've got a sarcophagus that is being fed blood by some creepy volunteers. I don't know how they could have led into that more organically. I understand and appreciate that Marvel tries to keep the fantastic grounded in the scientific. However, in this case it didn't work for me. There isn't enough lead up to the mysticism. We're just all of a sudden there and with little explanation for what is going on. I am still not clear on what a Black Sky is or why it is important or how it connects to what we saw in season one.
  10. I liked the episode overall but one thing bugged me. Weller is trying to find out who the mole might be. He has to investigate his own team and obviously cannot tell them he is doing so. They act all betrayed when they find out that this is going on. Do you even FBI, agents? All of them (except maybe Jane) should know damn well that you don't go around announcing a counter-intel investigation to the people being investigated! There was a little continuity glitch as Jane was put in handcuffs. As they lead her out we see that she's rocking her leather jacket. So they handcuffed her, decided they didn't want her to be cold, uncuffed her, let her put her jacket on and then cuffed her again. Well, either they didn't want her to be cold or they realized that she had badass stuff to do and she ought to be wearing leather for that. I hope they don't go the route of saying that all the mole's secrets died with him. Now that they know who he was they should be able to work backwards to find out what he was up to. This show is enough like 24 already. We don't need to kill "our only lead!" every episode. Patterson is getting ready to kick some ass! I never understood Joss Whedon's fascination with the actress but this show has redeemed her for me.
  11. And here I thought we were about to find out that Axe had been captured by Osama Bin Laden and forced to teach his son English until his son was killed in a drone strike... In other Homeland news, it turns out Donnie is a triple agent? Well Gawd damn!
  12. Okay, where do we begin? The investigation of 5-0 is stalled for lack of indictable material?! Are you fucking kidding me? Remember the time when Abby had a front-row seat as McGarrett dragged a guy around behind a jet ski until he talked? 5-0 regularly, regularly does stuff that would make the cops involved in the Rampart scandal say "hey guys, you might want to settle down there." In this episode 5-0 threatens to spread word that someone who isn't even a suspect is actually a snitch and they did something similar last week. McGarrett shoots a guy in a hospital bed! Is this somehow not enough?!?!? Abby says she hasn't seen anything. FBI guy might want to invest in an undercover agent who isn't blind! I also call bullshit on McGarrett being mad that Cath lied to him. If anyone in this entire world is going to understand OpSec in its fullness, it is a Navy SEAL. SEALs do not talk about where they are, where they are going or where they have been. They do not share secrets with wives or girlfriends or family members or even their vaunted ohana. If they die while fighting terrorist guerrillas in some hotspot halfway around the world they officially die in a "training accident" and an appropriate amount of lead is placed in an empty coffin for the sake of the pallbearers. Cath was still Navy Intel and if she was sent on an official assignment that was too sensitive for Steve to know about, Steve's response when he hears about it should be nothing other than "Sir, yes sir!" I am also unconvinced that the NSA contractor would casually spill Cath's specific information to McGarrett just because he might have a way of getting ahold of her. Kono was very sensibly dressed this episode. She did have a major cop fail though. Grover questions why someone would betray their country and she comes up with one quarter of the answer. Money is certainly a reason. So are Ideology, Conscience and Ego. MICE, the traitor's motivation, known to anyone who has ever read The Hunt For Red October. A random HPD officer got killed because he had the courtesy to wait until he had stepped out of his car before drawing his weapon. I feel as though a real police officer would have approached this situation differently. I did get an actual LOL out of Jerry being glad that he didn't wake up on an alien mothership but also being somewhat bummed out about it. But what bums me out is that the Palace has the same vulnerability as the FBI's supposed "black site" on The Blacklist: a ventilation system open to the bad guys. I am guessing these writers have never actually worked in security. When I was doing security dispatch for the local school district we had a specific code for "intruder on the roof" and there were a couple of schools that had roofs particularly vulnerable to idiots who liked to climb. Since they had no idea such a system was in place, said idiots had no idea that when they climbed down a security guard would be waiting for them. And we were only dealing with vandalism, not terrorism!
  13. They could have been more specific about it in the show but I believe they didn't use their powers on the plane for one of two reasons: either the plane was too high up for them to be able to damage it or the team was simply out of gas after the fight they had just been through. Either way, Mr. SquishEyes will be back and I am looking forward to seeing how the team takes him down. Did anyone else notice that Daisy and Hunter were wearing the same jacket? I guess they got a bulk discount when they went to the Gap and said "everyone in leather"!
  14. I like this show so far and I thought this was a great episode. I'm really enjoying all the scheming and wheels within wheels. I didn't think I'd like the story about Axe's kids being pampered pansies but it works well with the overall narrative. Mom's approach is to protect her own, including from themselves. Dad comes to get them after a harsh six hours of camping does them in. Each parent is choosing according to their outlook. Axe assumes everything will be fine so he's not worried about his kids needing street smarts. Mom (whose name I can't remember offhand) knows that their next house might not be as cushy as the beach house and there might not be anything but cheese omelettes in their future. Axe thinks he can't fail and any problem he has can be set right with a bag of cash. Mom sees a day when there will be no bags of cash and all their other currencies (threats, influence, charm, etc) will not function as actual currency. Chuck has been a bit of a wimp to this point in the series so I really enjoyed seeing him wipe his ass with that smug SEC guy. You know you might be a rapist when your best defense is that the statute of limitations has expired. The drama with Chuck's wife doesn't interest me all that much. She keeps Chuck around despite his misery and his moobs because every so often she can put on thigh-high boots and step on his nuts. It was a nice contrast to the happy couple they went to dinner with. I could see Chuck thinking you wouldn't be so happy if she was putting out cigarettes on your bare chest. Now that's love. Get some challenge in your life people! And I'd say that was the theme of the whole episode. Everyone in different places. The meeting at Axe Capital was being chaired by the lackeys (who give just as good of motivational speeches as Axe does), Axe himself is getting into a fistfight and ending up at the police station where he is the one least in charge, the kids are uprooted from their digital comas and forced to confront the real world (and I loved that they didn't understand why the water was brown because they've never seen dirty water before!), mom is getting ready to go back to finding dinner with her feet, Chuck's wife is looking for a new job (and possibly a new guy, there was something going on there), Bryan gets to sit in the big chair and make all the big decisions, the intrepid reporter holds off on a damaging story so he can get onto a private jet and one of Axe's golden boys is wearing a wire. Nobody was sitting still in this episode. I liked the shakeups.
  15. Further to this, Davis and Main has a pretty specific idea of how they want their commercials done if they are ever going to have any more of them. Look at their commercial: full of legalese and medical jargon and completely devoid of emotion. And look at Jimmy's commercial: a sad little old lady being ripped off by the big mean company. Call now, lawyers are standing by! Jimmy thinks that they will be impressed by the result and perhaps they will be but this is definitely not their kind of method. Davis and Main has spent a lot of time establishing a good reputation and it took Jimmy all of thirty seconds to permanently smear it, making his new firm look like the kind of lawyers guilty people hire. There was one bit that about the whole thing that I loved. Jimmy and the film students have this discussion about their lack of a dolly and how they will have to improvise. And when we see the commercial we see how they did so: they used the lady's chair lift as a makeshift dolly!
  16. So that's how 5-0 thinks a courtroom works! A murder one trial, start to finish in a single day. The entirety of 5-0 taking the day off since apparently there's no crime in Hawaii on Mondays. Well, except that guy they were chasing and shooting at earlier and that gangster that's been dropping personal vendettas on the team for a couple-few years now. But it wouldn't be fair to chase Gabriel while he's injured and has less chance of running away. I have to admire that strategy of Steve's. Let's draft a guy into service who has a license to practice law but hasn't practiced a day in his life. And let's throw him in the deep end with no time to prepare and a questionable client. After all, determination and the truth will prevail! But it seems to me that if Sang Min couldn't find a lawyer that might have been good grounds to delay the case. But maybe since the public defender was available, Sang Min had no choice except to go ahead on Monday. Now I am not a lawyer but I believe if you put this ridiculous scenario in front of a judge (lawyer who never was is stepping up to bat!) you could also ask for a delay so the new guy could get up to speed. Furthermore, my general understanding of the law is that while there are very few ways to make legal proceedings go faster there are all kinds of ways to slow them down. Odell is going to be a terrible lawyer if he never figures out how to generate reams of delay-causing billable paperwork! All in all, I feel like the legal aspects of this episode were written by someone who saw an episode of Boston Legal... a long time ago... while high. I'm half glad and half disappointed that they didn't do the obvious with Ziggy Marley and have him drop off a big bag of weed to Odell. I'm also disappointed that when Grover was playing his fake Jamaican and was asked what part of Jamaica he was from did not come back with "Right near da beach... boyeeeeee!" (That's from Half Baked for those of you who don't appreciate stoner comedies). Grover has fully embraced the 5-0 philosophy, pooping directly on someone's rights and proudly declaring "I'm not a cop, I'm 5-0!" And the team holding Sang Min down while someone cuts his hair off at the end is an assault.
  17. Amen to the I Love This Show chorus. I normally watch The Blacklist and Blindspot and Hawaii 5-0, the low-hanging fruit of snark-worthy television. But this show is on a different level altogether. This show is the master chef that can cook up anything for you and you will like it, even if you didn't before. For example, after the interview with the police, Jimmy tells Warmolt that he has to make a video. And at first we might think, why? The interview is over, the police know the crime was inspired by some freaky shit that they'd rather not investigate, case closed. Right? But Jimmy also has a need to see someone other than himself have to resort to abject humiliation to get out of trouble. In other words, he didn't make a video of Warmolt sitting in a pile of pies because he needed to. He did it because he wanted to. And because he wanted pie.
  18. Thanks for the links. I didn't read those before the episode. Now that I've seen them we'll have to go into spoiler code.
  19. Well for what it's worth, Blindspot will be back on Feb 29th. I don't know if you're watching this show or not but it's basically The Blacklist with slightly better plotting.
  20. While I always appreciate a good They Live reference, that really long fight between Chin and Gabriel was completely unnecessary. Chin had a shotgun and the element of surprise. You want Gabriel to suffer? Shoot one of his legs off and then tussle with him. Or forget the vengeance angle and just shoot him in the head. He's a mass murderer and 5-0 has executed people for less. So it turns out Abby is on the side of justice and has been sent to find dirt on 5-0's creative interpretation of means and immunity. "You've just got to be there when it happens..." the FBI agent growls. Steve's high-speed waterboarding of a suspect wasn't enough?! 5-0 has a huge body count by now and I'm sure it has gone up since Abby got there. If some senior police agency wanted 5-0 shut down for crapping on civil rights they'd be shut down in a minute! No investigation necessary. It's all right there, right from the beginning. Even in this episode. The unhelpful bank manager says he wants a lawyer. 5-0 comes back with "We're going to let a gangster kill you." That's illegal as hell! Danno's mom has $50k in the bank but instead of spending it on a cruise she flies to Hawaii so she can pretend her son is her husband so she can get a free cruise? That is... twisted. I can kind of see the logic in that $50k is a number she can only subtract from so why not get all the free cruises she can. But I feel like a cruise and a flight to Hawaii would cost about the same. Of all the times for a Hollywood fall to not kill someone. Now Gabriel is going to be sore all over and his badass leather pants probably got all scratched up. Not only that, bank error definitely not in his favor! He's going to be mad. But speaking of people who should be mad, aren't there three major criminal gangs that should be targeting Gabriel for his attempted assassinations? Dial-A-Mook is still taking his calls? I guess they won't be after this. Gabriel's tech guy figures out that the call is coming from the Palace but still walks into 5-0 trap anyhow. I thought it would be the other way around. 5-0 sets up this elegant trap and just as they start to wonder where Gabriel is they find out that he's attacking their empty HQ instead. Doesn't he know by now that without the latest version of the Microsoft PixelSense, 5-0 is nothing? I also feel like the consequences plot would get a whole lot more meaningful if a gang raided 5-0 headquarters, stole a bunch of assault rifles and then went around doing damage with them. And now that I think about it something about Abby's plotline seems familiar... A new blonde teammate, sent to report back on the misdeeds of the Governor's task force... except she can't do her job because she has fallen in love with a member of 5-0. If this was a trivia question the answer of Lori or Abby would be equally valid. Not much for unusual pairings in this episode but I loved Grover telling Kono that he loves her. Now that I think about it there hasn't been much interaction between those two. I bet they'd be a fun team.
  21. The show's focus seems to be working better for me than for the rest of the crowd but I honestly think the writing has improved in quality. Case in point in this episode was Samar's accidental outing of Lizzie's adoption. I feel like previous seasons of this show would have had a big shouty conflict full of misunderstanding. Instead we get "sorry if it wasn't the way you wanted it to be but you have nothing to be ashamed of". We also had a scene in which Lizzie gets all pissy with Red and he basically tells her off and by the end of the episode she actually kisses him by way of thanks. Before, she would forgive him because the plot demanded it. Now I feel like she forgives him because she's starting to clue in. She's got a long way to go but at the very least she understands that they are actually on the same side. Lizzie has come a long way in the emotional maturity department. Finding out that Tom hooked up with Gina Zanetakos to pull the heist barely merits a raised eyebrow from her and she doesn't really give him a hard time about it later. And we finally had a quote-worthy Lizzie line: "You need to save your strength so I can kill you." That's her line of the series as far as I am concerned and it was perfectly delivered. She condemns the robbery but condones the nesting phase Tom is going through. Since she's not an FBI agent any longer she doesn't need to officially disapprove and she knows she lives in a world where people will do literally anything to survive. Another bit that I loved was that the FBI didn't come stomping in the form of two and only two agents. Cooper specifically says to get ahold of the local field office for backup and when the raid goes down we get a team of FBI ninjas backing up the main characters. The plot was weird and I won't bother trying to make sense of it. It definitely seems to have come from a plot generator. NSA Remote Access Trojans (on steroids!), underground journalists who are interviewing serial killers, murder as internet art and a reference to super-poisonous fish that isn't a Chekhov's gun? Someone set that plot generator to "Random". However, the plots on this show have always had a good element of nonsense to them so this didn't bother me so much. Last but not least, I must call it now. That painting is foreshadowing. Red is going to fake his own death to draw out this enemy.
  22. I had a feeling that since this was more about everyone's Valentines Day rather than about a particular case that the details of the case would fall by the wayside and sure enough. Chin keeps his pimp hand strong. I admire that, even though I know he was mostly kidding at the end there. Abby's doing some secret agent shit behind a 5-0 member's back? Let's hope it works out better than last time. I wasn't sure what to make of Chef Morimoto's random appearance. He's done all the favors he can do for 5-0 in a day so Grover has to wait? Also, wouldn't this be a corruption investigation in real life? The governor's special police task force is able to bump the reservations of people who have been waiting months for a table at an exclusive restaurant. The next day, the famous head chef goes to the house of one of the task force members and personally cooks dinner for him! Steve gives Danny a hard time for knowing his lingerie but towards the end of the episode is pretty specific about what kind of heel his girl was throwing at him. Maybe Danny's not the only one with a fetish? However, having said that I can easily believe Steve being the type that wouldn't care if his gal was wearing the sexiest outfit in the world; he'd be more concerned with what she looks like out of it. Also, since lingerie is designed specifically for male appeal does it even count as a fetish? Danny didn't seem to think so. And when one goes to a Victoria's Secret store are you really greeted by model-quality beauties who are actually wearing the lingerie that they sell? I can see them hiring beautiful women, absolutely. But having them wear the lingerie to work seems like it would be asking a little much in the real world.
  23. Well again, as much as there are specific and valid nits to pick with this episode, I liked it nonetheless. The last couple of episodes have been making me wonder if there have been changes in the writer's room. The show is never going to be great television but at least now it's not a show I watch for snark value only. Having said that however, I must note the scene in which Lizzie almost burns her new apartment down by trying to cook waffles on the stove. Jesus fuck, Lizzie! When she wrote "can barely take care of myself" on her list of reasons why she shouldn't have a child she wasn't kidding! I was also a little confused by Red's guy coming in with his gun drawn like he was going to shoot the fire and make it go away. I guess his instinct is "smoke alarm = some shit going down" but a fire extinguisher would have been more apropos. My absolute favorite moment had to be Red personally taking time to find a new and loving home for those adorable Pomeranian puppies. I believe TVTropes defines this kind of situation as a "brick joke" and it occurs to me that we have far too few of these on this show. I am also confused as to why Tom called Lizzie when he did. The crew is whooping it up after a successful heist and that's when he decides to call a former FBI agent who is now working for them as an "asset"? Gina Zanetakos is begging him to come along to Zurich and he doesn't put two and two together? Tom is supposed to be crafty and this incident seems to show the exact opposite. I did really appreciate that the FBI is asking what Red is getting out of this. It has been far too long since they've asked these kinds of questions.
  24. Prevailing opinion seems to be negative so far but I loved this episode. The Romeo and Juliet plotline, the Pomeranians, Red getting some supreme revenge... I loved it all. Why couldn't Gina Zanetakos have been that awesome from the beginning? Speaking of awesome, I don't think this show would suffer if we got rid of a couple of characters and replaced them with those puppies instead. Did we actually have a Blacklist episode in which the FBI did not fuck something up by virtue of their existence? They actually did some undercover ops that went off without a hitch? Only minor nitpicking here: Agent Navabi is a Jewish mother now? That's Iranian Agent Navabi we're talking about, right? Okay, I looked it up and there is a such thing as Iranian Jews. But seriously show, make up your mind.
  25. I liked the first episode but something felt off about this one. The pacing was weird. I am enjoying the adult humor. Having a character start to explain what an Eiffel Tower is was not something I ever would have expected. While I can buy that Lauren German has the looks to get into an LA nightclub, I doubt they'd let her in while she's wearing a pantsuit and her arm is in a sling. So either she flashed her badge or the bouncer recognized her. Undercover work is evidently not her specialty. Why did she get the call about that case anyhow? And who called her? Her ex told her she wasn't supposed to be there so it couldn't have been him. Did my eyes deceive me or did we discover the devil is omnisexual in this episode? And British. For no readily apparent reason the devil is British.
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