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Everything posted by kris4n6

  1. I agree he would still likely be arrested, but being found in a locked apartment, alone, with a dead body looks way worse than finding a body in an unoccupied home while you have a tentative alibi (though the fast travel from Joe's to the loft would of course complicate that).
  2. So in an episode where we find out Barry can vibrate so fast that he's invisible to the naked eye, he just stands there and lets the cops find him standing over a dead body? Why not zip over to the door, vibrate when the cops break in, and then zip out when they're checking the rest of the loft? He could then come walking up the steps with "I got an alarm alert on my phone." I hope this doesn't drag on too long, I really hate wrongfully accused storylines.
  3. Yup. I actually stopped watching after the first episode this season but caught that line when turning on the news. How can he say with a straight face that it could be the next 9/11 when he's only in office because of what essentially WAS the next 9/11???
  4. I don't think teammates are allowed to assist the one doing the roadblock. They can yell out encouragement, but that's it. I seriously thought that Tara and Joey realized they'd missed the third mannequin and just thought it would be easier to just go ahead and put everything together before running back for the third. I was shocked when they actually asked for a check from the judge! WTF I was really hoping Brooke would do the shrimp trap roadblock. I think she'd still be doing it. Poor Floyd :( I'm so sad he and Becca went out like that.
  5. In the article on the site Valen shared, Michael said they did have to go up the steps again. He said the detour took about an hour since they had to do it twice.
  6. I loved It! When he got in the cab I knew he was heading to Amy. And I did think "I wonder if he has the ring with him?" I'm so happy I was right!! I'm sure she'll say yes. What a great season finale ?
  7. UGH I really liked Seth and Olive, I'm bummed they're gone. I don't understand how they took so long to do the weaving. I hated the U turn being before any tasks after a bunch. How did Shamir and Sara convince a driver to give them a free ride? I like Becca and Floyd, but I think I would rather that they were eliminated instead. Well, I really wanted Shamir to go most of all.
  8. Yeah, I didn't realize it wasn't Aruba until I read your comment. I glaze over on some of the details in this show, obviously!
  9. The kids were 8 in the episode where he quit drinking, so around 9 years or so between these two episodes. I could forgive Toby pausing the game if he had waited for a commercial. Or at least for the freaking end of the play!!! Roethisberger had just thrown a pass, why the hell pause it at that exact moment for some stupid story??? I have a friend that pauses games all the time - but more she'll pause it at the beginning while we're getting food and such ready and then we can ffwd commercials. Which is usually ok (except for when she decides to check her fantasy league in the middle, or during the Super Bowl when we all overrode her objections and there was no pausing allowed).
  10. I started to have flashbacks. I nearly drowned at age six in a very similar way - walking along the edge of the shallow end and I slipped. All the adults were too busy drinking and not paying attention. Thankfully my brother was watching and got their attention. I actually had to tell myself mid-scene "I know he lives, calm yourself!" I felt so bad for Kate :( I was a fat kid too and didn't have many friends at that age. I hate that she was so confident at home only to have those bitches break her down.
  11. William didn't live in Philly, he lived in Pittsburgh. The bus he met Randall's mother on was going to Swissvale, a suburb of Pittsburgh.
  12. My question in regards to the cell phone/cloud photographs, is why would it be such a hassle to get a search warrant? Write it up and find a judge, I don't think you're going to find one that's going to turn that request down. They should be trying to get into the cell phones of every person that was there and might have taken a photograph. And why are they only focusing on the seconds when the explosion happened and not looking at footage from earlier in the evening, which might have shown something being planted or someone acting strangely? That funeral was also ridiculous. It's only been what, two or three days? The president's body didn't lie in state at all (I know, no Capitol building for it to lie in state *in* but they could have made other arrangements), no foreign dignitaries, not having the First Lady's funeral at the same time, heck, how have they even positively identified his body yet? DNA doesn't take ten minutes no matter what CSI told us. I also found it strange that they were focusing on a funeral already. When Kirkman said "On a school night?" about Leo supposedly spending the night at a friend's, I fully expected his wife to say "School? They're closed and we don't know when they'll reopen." I mean, I was on vacation when 9/11 happened and I wasn't really paying attention to schools where I was, but did everyone just go back the next day? Even in DC and NYC? I'm mainly enjoying this show but it definitely has some faults.
  13. I don't know who any of these people are, so the 'social media' aspect is lost on me. I actually enjoyed most of the episode and wasn't really overly annoyed by any teams, although I was also making dinner at the same time so I wasn't paying attention 100% (example of this - I thought that the racers were supposed to "follow the drones" after finding the mask pieces, and I was wondering how they were going to have drones flying in the caves. And I didn't really question it, and since I was in the kitchen when they actually heard the drums and followed them, I didn't realize it was drums until I read it here. Whoops.). I did like that it was a non-elimination - I've always hated that teams go out after just one leg, when you barely know who anyone is. And it's much better than the time they eliminated a team at the starting line!
  14. Thanks. I guess I need to pay closer attention too!
  15. Same here, I was especially hoping for the paparazzi to leave. I don't even remember what Chac Attack is supposed to mean. What's a Chac?
  16. Sorry. I don't think I explained enough from the exit interview - Kurt said he isn't afraid to drive, but he that he only really feels comfortable in a car if he's driving. And with not being able to drive a stick without stripping the transmission, that option was out.
  17. No. Kurt: Beauty pageant consultant, wealthy family (according to Bergen, as Kurt never said on camera anything about his family's wealth), sitting in back seat. Bergen: Complained about needing the money, and was the one who moaned and cried when Matt proposed to Ashley, stating he came on the race to find love and didn't find it and was never going to find anyone and be alone his entire life, even though he is only 23 freaking years old. And looks 30. Also, I read the exit interview from them - supposedly Bergen did know how to drive a stick, kind of. He couldn't get the speed up and they were being passed and other cars were honking, making him more nervous. And Kurt had destroyedsomeone's transmission trying to learn on a stick before the race and apparently had some terrible fear of driving/being a passenger because he saw a friend nearly killed in a car accident (that part made little sense). Whatever their reasoning, I'm just glad they're gone.
  18. Jackie and Jeff snagged their cab, and it was Matt and Ashley that they left behind when they got in the tuk-tuk.I'm also almost certain Jenny and Jelani switched cabs on the way to the first clue. Their driver was an older man, and Jenny complained about him being so slow, but when they got to the clue their driver was a young man. I already deleted the episode so I can't check, but I swear it was a different guy.
  19. Could someone tell me what happened in the last ten minutes or so? My cable box decided to reboot itself and by the time it came back on the show was over. I was behind in viewing, had paused it earlier, so I'm not sure how much was left. The last thing I saw was Jamie at the pipe fitter's union hall with gun drawn on the bomber. I think the bomber had just clicked the button to arm the bomb. Were they able to talk him down or stop the bomb? What happened with Erin and the motorcycle gang people following her, and did Frank find out if the charity was legit? Thanks in advance.
  20. Yeah, I wrote later that I didn't realize they flew out of Narita, instead of the airport close to Nagano. I missed them showing the sign, and they cut out a *lot* of the travel between the leaving point and the airport (I doubt they took a cab 3+ hours so I'm guessing they cut out them going to the train station, etc.).
  21. Thank you. At least that makes sense as to why they didn't get there before the counters closed. I'm surprised not one team went to a travel agency, though, on their way to the airport. I'm guessing they cut out parts with them taking a train and then a cab, I don't think the show would have given them enough money to take a cab 3+ hours.
  22. It appeared to me that the blind date racers were given the choice of sharing or not - Jelani and Jenny chose separate rooms, Jeff and Jackie chose to share. I don't believe they were flying out of Narita - they were in Nagano, not Tokyo. From doing some research, it looks like the closest airport to Nagano is still over an hour away, so I guess that explains some of the problems with the racers getting there and the counters were closed. (I guess...still not sure why they would have been closed by 7pm, if the racers went straight to the airport) And if they went to Narita instead, it definitely explains it (though not why they took a cab to Narita, since that's over a three hour drive away). Did they go take a train back to Tokyo and then to Narita, or did they fly out of the airport close to Nagano (Matsumoto)? I already deleted the episode so I can't go back and double check, to see if they showed which airport they did fly out of.
  23. I actually had no idea who Mark was with until I read it here, I didn't recognize Tom at all. Partly from the actor growing, and partly from having Gracepoint in my head more recently. Really wish I'd watched an episode or two of season one again before starting season two, there were several things I'd forgotten. (although I was pleased to see Mark here, considering how much I absolutely despised Michael Pena's dead-eyed acting in Gracepoint. Ugh, I hate him as an actor!!!) I'm not looking forward to the courtroom shenanigans that are probably coming up. I like courtroom dramas sometimes, but for some reason I just am not looking forward to it at all with Broadchurch. Maybe because I don't trust them to even attempt to be accurate, after the "can't bury the body" garbage from season one. Honestly, I'm tempted to just read the recaps and not actually watch the episodes.
  24. No, after Matt looked at it he said something like "this won't work" and went back down for another glass of champagne. Also, it was Bergen that was so upset after the proposal, not Kurt.
  25. Yay! I was REALLY hoping this would be a non-elimination leg, and once I saw that Harley and Jonathan weren't there for the proposal, I knew it had to be (since in the commercial they were talking about how amazing something was, and it lead you to think they were talking about the proposal instead of the non-elim). I liked the proposal, Matt and Ashley have grown on me. And I know they were anxious about the fanny pack because of their passports, etc. but I think Matt was also anxious about it because it looks like that's where he was keeping the ring. I loved that Bergen and Kurt gave them the Date Night, that was really sweet. Although Bergen made me sad, that he really wants love and was hoping to find it (and it's pretty obvious that he and Kurt may be friends but nothing more). I'm not sure if they changed whoever planned the detours this race, but they've really seemed uneven. I know only two teams tried the wakeboarding one, but if the Olympic athletes couldn't do it after ten tries, there was really no chance anyone else could do it. I don't blame Hayley for being upset with Blair for not listening to her, but she really needed to let it go after a few complaints. Saying it over and over wasn't changing anything and was getting annoying.
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