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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. Like everything else he does Ron telegraphed the end of Lulu and Dante with the sudden flirting with Johnny. Guza still has, for most of his run Lila and Edward and even when she was gone, except for the awful Heather mess, they were still the image of the "Married couple" that every one else looked to. Who are we suppose to on this ungodly mess? Dr O has a doctor? Solane as a Cop? Franco and Nina as a Luke and Laura (or hell even Johnny and Lulu) on the run? Spencer as a wise and old for his time Lucky? Heck even Jason was a better hitman than Shawn and Sam and better ride or die chick then Jordan. Sorry he has made a mess of this show. It is all plot points and camp characters. And if he loves the 80's GH then I am glad he does not love me. What he has done to Anna and Robin and Duke is disgusting
  2. Ron. Ron is Spencer. I really do take it that everything about Spencer is Ron. He is Ron's little mini-me. It's why I feel sorry for the kid who plays him I did not mean he was. Ron does not have the talent to write Edward and Lila. His view of love is far to twisted. What I meant was that they are his anchor couple (See the breaking up of Dante and Lulu who could be an anchor couple) and within a few years he would have them the sick twisted mess that they are as the center piece of the show. Just like Dr. O is a twisted sick Steve Hardy. Sorry but Ron has issues and they need to be dealt with in therapy not on the show
  3. It is not so much the overload, as the knowledge that there will never be a pay off. That Ron will shove these awful characters down our throats forever, He does not have the skill for a pay off. In truth an underground resistance fighting to take back the town could be an awesome story, especially with the very grey Scotty in the center of it. The Scott who began with such promise, the Scotty who loved Dominique versus the Scott bitter at Luke and Laura and the Scotty who stole the money in the Metro Court fire, could be a great soap moment, The same nearly DID crap we are getting from Fluke/Luke without actual DID and all the associated BS. But Ron cannot write this. He does not have the talent and it is time to accept that.
  4. This show and I are the same age. I watched in on my Grandmother's knee. I remember Jesse and Lucille and Steve long before Luke and Laura and Robert. I lived though the Guza years and hated the unholy trio and SWNBN but this is just the worst. I keep getting told Ron loves GH but I just do not see it: Guza may have wanted to write for prime time and may not have liked the medium of soaps but to some extent he had respect: He may have ignored history or killed history but he never shitted on history (we'll maybe the whole Rick thing, but I always suspected he meant to re-visit that) and there were things that were in stone: The Chief of Staff at GH had dignity was a genuinely decent person, even if they were a hard ass like the African American Guy who died on Night Shift: From Steve to Alan to Robin to Stephen Lars to Monica, there was the feeling that for all the Sonny's and Lorenzos and Claudia's and Balkans in the world, there was at least some good decent people The same with Police Commissioner. Mac may never have been competent, or even gotten much of a win, but even Guza always showed him to be a good and decent man doing a hard job in a hard town. The same for Robert and Sean and Anna. Burt Ramsey turned evil and was promptly captured and done away with. The children were either fine actors like Kim and JJ, competent in a creepy way like Chucky Michael or simply not seen. Now we have Spencer and I am sorry but there is something sick about the way Ron writes that poor child. Hell even the lead mobster Sonny had some decent points when he first began, and while I hated the Jason the hero crap, at least he was at times a hero (The Metro Court comes to mind) Now our Police Commissioner is a crook, the COS a psychopath, Fluke pukes on everything that Luke of the 80's and 90's was and we are expected to accept Franco as a hero. I could hold out hope of a big tuppence when all the good guys oust the bad in one fell swoop and re-take their town, even a decent story line where they are forced into an underground "resistance" as Anna leads them in reclaiming the town, the hospital and ELQ, aided by Nathan and Dante and Michael and Lucas and even an aging but somehow returned to his 90's roots Luke. But Ron will not give us that. Instead he will sit smug on twitter blocking any one who dares disagree with his supposed brilliance. This is not how I wanted GH to die when its time came, and we all know its time is short, I'd take Guza giving us Jason and Sonny lording over the town and swearing to protect it from evil mobsters over Franco and Nina as the new Edward and Lila. I could get on the barge and walk away. But this was my FUCKING show before it was Ron's. It is time for him to GO
  5. Nik is the only one I could tolerate going over to the LOD kind of as an embrace of his inner Cassadine and with the same kind of tragic resolve that Stefan had. "I do not want to be evil but it is in my genes and by fate my hands are tied" TC could pull this off, but Ron has not got the talent to write it. I wonder if it is time to start an on line petition to have him fired
  6. Have not watched yet but if Lomax and Solane are in the LOD and are now in positions of power in PC, then along with Dr O every major position is filled by some one evil and awful/ I am sick to death of Ron propping bad guys at the expense of the good. If Anna is out as Police Commissioner wouldn't she just re up in the WSB now that Frisco is in charge. It is bad enough Ron shits on Steve Hardy every day that Dr. O is COS now we are going to Shit on Anna/Robert/Sean and Mac every day with Solane as Police Commissioner and on Lee every day with Lomax. He's not a good writer, he is not a cute writer and please stop telling me he loves soaps. He hates this soap far more than Guza ever did. The barge is looking good
  7. I wonder if he will be even in Maxie's Orbit. I mean his one real love Stone Cold is back. And Spin who always loved Jason even more than Sam will know right away that Jake is Jason, I would love a scene where NuJason still not sure of his memories says to Spin: "So we're we....you know....like....more than friends?"
  8. Whoever Fluke is I do not think he is gone once the reveal happens. The plot is getting too layered, especially now that Helena is after ELQ and pulling Nik in. I see a Fluke reveal and then a Fluke on the run story and likely several months before we actually see the show down between Luke and Fluke: Feb: Fluke reveal. May: Jason Reveal and Sonny out of Jail, Nov: Fluke vs Luke the final showdown. The break between big events in May and Nov give TG his summer exit as he goes chasing after Fluke
  9. When did Fluke say he never had surgery all I recall is Him saying he did not need a mask
  10. Harlan Barettt and/or Damian Smith also hit all the marks: 1) Harlan hates Sonny over Brenda 2) Harlan hates Luke because he blames him for Bill's death ( a stretch but...) 3) Harlan has a connection to Faison and Ceasar would trust him and likely so would Helena 4) Harlan dates Tracy 5) Harlan could be reconed easily into being Tim Spencer's old boss (at the fish cannery Harlan use to own) and so he could have knowledge of the Spencer Family 1) Damian hates Sonny because he took over his Father's business 2) Damian hates Luke because the Spencer/Smith feud pre-dates the Spencer/Cassadine one 3) Damian hates the Q's because of what he feels they did to Katherine 4) Helena may trust him because of her connection to Katherine 5) He knows all about the Spencer;s because of his Father's files 6) Plastic Surgery was needed after the fire and that was long ago the scars have healed 7) He would reach out to Julian as the Jermone;s were a PC crime family almost contemporary with the Smiths 8) He could know Johnny because of an unmentioned Smith-Zaccaria connection Harlan or Damian make so much more sense then Pat/Bill/Gino/Trevor or Anthony (who really was just a cartoon) And both these guys are from the pre-Guza era that Ron claims to love
  11. I think in the long run realistically Michael will stay a Q but there will be some mending of the fences with Sonny and Carly. I think Bobbie hit it on the head "She's your mother". I have said before that I would like Michael to come to the realization that he loves Carly and even Sonny but he does not like them or want them involved in his life. Millions of kids have done this simply by moving out of town, they see Mom and Dad like once a year, send a Mother's/Father's day card and call once in a while, they love their parents, they just don't want them around. On a Soap it would be harder since they all need to stay in town ( a town which is alternately huge and about three blocks long) but it would be interesting to see done long term. I can't think of a soap child who has done it, and I doubt that Ron has the skill but it would make sense in Micheal's case. It could give us some dramatic beats, Sonny gets shot (again) Michael goes to the Hospital. Waits with his family, pops in and sees Sonny: Michael: "You going to be all right?" Sonny "Yes Michael thank you for coming, Son" Michael: :Yeah sure, call my secretary if you need anything" Sonny (as Michael leaves) "Michaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel"
  12. Strangely enough in some ways TG and his writing partner, whose name I forget, are better writers then TG is an actor and surely better writers then Ron. If "Endgame" which was suppose to be the final Spencer/Cassadine confrontation had played out the way TG had written it, it would have been much better and we would have been freed from the endless loop of the Spencer/Cassadine wars. TG's vision of who Luke is may not be mine or a a lot of fans, but at least he has a clear vision of Luke (and by extension Laura, Lucky, Ethan, Lulu and eve Tracy) he also understands that even on Soaps stories have to end, we have to move on. Guza and Ron endlessly loop the same stories over and over again. And Ron in particular does not seem to have a "vision" of who a character is. Take for example Lulu's flirting, out of no where with Johnny, that is not Lulu, past or no past, years have been spent building Dante and Lulu into a stable couple, having her get a wandering eye in all of five minutes, is a plot point not character and lacks vision. Fluke was a Ron vision that Tony liked not a Tony idea that was forced on Ron. I suspect that if it had been up to Tony the story would have been handled differently during his illness, not this silly "re-set" that we have been subjected to
  13. Tomorrow from Annie complete with the afro-red wig. I am so beyond troubled by Spencer
  14. So Daddy Frank and Daddy Ron would not raise her allowance so she is moving out? My daughter did that once it lasted about a week, she came back tail between her legs. I give KA six months before she sees no one but franknron will hire her
  15. Really this is best for her as well, she clearly does not have the talent to break into prime time or even go further in the dieing Soap Medium, she is young enough to go to college and get a degree and a job. Now that she is done with my show, I wish her the best
  16. Cake needs to come back, then Kiki can smoother in the icing: The New Legion of Doom: Chandy, Crane and Cake......beware
  17. I would think it should mean the end of him as well as MW, as Ava goes for a long prison term and Kiki and Silas go to raise Avery (who will return in four years as a SOARS, slightly older than Morgan young woman looking for revenge on Sonny who abandoned her) or perhaps Morgan is revealed to be the father and BC leaves as well
  18. . Which makes it unlikely that any of them are correct. Ron is not about well thought out. Ahh you beat me to it
  19. Can Fluke be Stefan? Yeah I am trying the Ron school of writing throw shit on the wall and if it sticks go with it
  20. I am troubled by the rumor that Michael and Lucas follow Fluke to the Spencer house. I get this rescue the boys vibe then from Sonny and Julian and when they break out of jail, Sonny will simply never go back with a throw away line about "Well you know he helped stop Fluke and rescued Michael and Lucas and so we never locked him up again"
  21. Fluke is Claudia. Okay maybe not. and Nathan's father is Ryan
  22. The police rarely take any one at their word, guilty or innocent
  23. I may need to move this to unpopular opinions but if my father shot me in the chest; I would forgive him and lie for him. He's my Father after all. I am trying not to color my opinion with my Sonny hate and if I remove the fact that it is SONNY, then yeah I'm with Dante. I am just not sending my father to jail. Just like he would not send me. Blood is thicker and family first. Maybe it is the Albanian in me
  24. If IRC NYS law does not allow inmates to own anything
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