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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. We could end this thread right here....In fact that could very well be General Hospital Epitaph if Ron is at the helm when the show ends. Ron could have done great things for GH and soaps
  2. AND THIS. I wish Ron would stop saying he went to Law School. It's is like me saying I am an Animator because I went to Disneyland.....GEEZ You know I was going to end it there...but this is my biggest pet peeve with Ron. I could live with the bad story telling and misuse of characters (God knows Guza and others have done both) but Ron continues to treat me and other fans as if we are stupid. It is simple things, like in the past when characters were coming from far away we would see them on a plane. The plane may move ultra fast but at least there was a freakin plane. Now we just port back and forth. We don't "get the car" to drive to Pentonville from PC we just walk out the door. Just little tiny things that give me the impression Ron thinks we are all morons
  3. I really hope she sticks to her youtube statements and goes to school. If actors of the quality of Clare Danes, Jodie Foster and Natalia Portman can see the value of education, the KA, whose talent is, I am sorry to say and Do not mean to be mean, barely diner theatre level needs to head off to school
  4. I was not a OLTL watcher during Ron's years but question: Can Ron create a successful good guy? Not take one all ready there but create one full cloth. It seems all the characters he has created for GH are bad guys, except for Silas and Nathan and Silas has bombed and is likely out and Nathan, while improving, is really not the show stopping good guy that GH desperately needs
  5. I think that is what Sonny is on his way to being. Five kids is a lot on a Soap. What is the Soap record anyway? I am thinking with adoptions Joe and Ruth Martin on AMC, but I could be wrong
  6. I actually know some body who knows Michelle Duggar's family, her father passed away in 2010, they were very close. But I get the point
  7. Why is there a big deal about Sonny trying to reach Michael and warn him? I understand that the guards are on payroll, but how about reaching Dante and warning him or Morgan who comes to visit or Kristina who visits off screen? WTF
  8. Didn't this turn into Ethan and Cassandra the woman in white?
  9. They were Greek when they first appeared (and most of the first names are Greek in Origin: Stravos, Nicholas, Stefan, Mikkos and Helena) and Russian when Nic came town, the backstory then became that they were Russian Nobles exiled to Greece. Given the time frame and Helena's age, if she is a Cassadine by birth as well as marriage she was born in Greece As to the accent Lucky and Nicholas said it best To me the viewer referring to anyone by the color of their skin is racist. She is Greek or Russian that is her ethnicity that is an identity. White is not IMHO an identity. I am American from Albanian and Irish roots that is my identity White is not even really my skin color...it is more light peach
  10. I've accused Ron of a lot of awful things and I stand by all of them, but I never got a hint he was a racist. That is just true to Helena, And isn't calling some one (even a cartoon bad guy like Hels) an old rich "white" lady racist in itself? Helena is rich and old and evil and Greek, white is a generalization
  11. I always felt that this was the implication since she was so big on the Cassadine Name and Family and Legacy. She IS a Cassadine not just married to one
  12. And therein lies the rub. Every time that you try to be positive about this show, the big gaping holes (Where is Robin, Where is the Stravlu embryo, Why did Fasion want Sonny's money but dismiss he and Jason when Sam questioned him? Where is Kevin? and on and on and on) appear and just remind you that the writing here.....okay trying to be positive...leaves a lot to be desired.
  13. I had something I really did but I can't stop laughing now.....it will come to me
  14. Not trying to be mean to a little kid, but he is an actor, there are voice coaches and Speech Therapist by the score that will help him. Heck I'll give him my ex-wife's number she works at a speech clinic and helps tons of kids his age get over speech problems. I suspect Ron likes him with it.
  15. It was the same when he was with Britt, the kidnapping story aside. I think if they went there with Spencer and started to show that his behavior is outlandish and uncalled for, and that it was all because he was a little boy desperately searching for a Mommy (be it Britt or Aunt Lulu) It could be both good and touching, Instead we are force to think that none of the adults around this child think he is off the rails
  16. I would add to this the apparent pissing contest with YnR for signing stars. The, and there is no good way to put it, grade school pursuit for MSt and BM just for the sake of a "get" instead of a deeply thought out reason for existence or a better casting is also hurting the show. As much as I personally dislike Dr O as COS I can tolerate the character as she is organic to GH not forced and would work easily as a crazy doctor. The same with Nathan, Britt (who really fit in at the end) Ava and even god help me Sabrina. I am not saying BM and MSt could not have fit in at GH but it seems there was more of a rush to "get them" and then develop characters. Kind of like oh we got Michelle let's make a character for her, as opposed to we need to bring on a missing wife for Silas, let's create Nina. it is even more glaring with Billy Miller, instead of we need to bring back Jason, let's find an actor (and BM would not have been a good choice, Lucky yes Jason no) it was BM is available let's sign him he can play.,.....Jason. When you look at the list of characters who long time viewers want gone it is the OLTL Three and Nina for the most part. Sabrina, Jason and even Sonny pop up on occasion, Fluke as well but as long as that has run it is also limited, but it is the failure of the OLTL threesome and the pissing contest with YnR that really hurts
  17. OMG Emo Jason could be worse the Borg Jason.
  18. I actually do not find much of what is written here to be negative. It seems most every one comes from a position that we love the show. We may hate Ron's writing, or this or that character but there is a love of the show. One of the things that we (me included) need to be aware of is that this is GH forum. It is all about keeping the show on the air. The only negative comments i tune out are the ones that say cancel it. That is not helpful. Trying to get Ron and Frank's attention as to what we (or I or you or anyone) believes needs to be fixed (and this applied under any writer) is not negative it is constructive. We may joke about the barge but few of us stay there long. Many current and former writers of this show (to cover all the bases and not to compare) dismiss fans opinions to easily and/or only want to hear the good. Ron is particularly adept at this, tweeting to his hearts content until some one critics his work and then he blocks them. His childishness does not help. He does do good at times: He began great with IMHO the Water Crisis and the Michael Smack down of Carly (not so much Sonny, I would have preferred it to be without the gun and the quivering lip...again IMHO) was long over due. But his inability to move on from failure: Fluke, Dr O COS, Franco, Nina.et al and the plot point writing is hurting the show. Look we all know that GH is on borrowed time, all any of us, Frank and Ron I assume included want is to extent that time. Wouldn't it be helpful if they put egos aside and we all worked together? Think how well the fans of Firefly work with Weldon or the Veronica Mars people. With that kind of synergy on a show still on the air, great things could be accomplished Another thought to keep in mind: Ron (and Frank and Wolfe and Guza and Labine and Monty and Frons and all the way back) are paid to love this show. They did not create it the way Weldon did Firefly or Thomas did Mars. They are hired hands on the ranch. And some day they will move on. We love this show organically, when Ron rides off into the sunset (if the show is still here) then like when every other writer rode off, we will still be here. As I said to my son-in-law the other day "She may be your wife, but break her heart and you are gone, with my last breathe, she's my daughter" (We try to have a day at my house where we talk like soap people LOL) Ron should respect us for our love of the show, not take us for granted
  19. He was never cute and Ron's obsession with him is awful Strangely enough both Friends and the old sit-com SOAP fit the technical definition of a continuing drama, so does Dr Who, NCIS, Revenge and a slew of other shows. GH is also a Soap Opera or a DAYTIME Drama. The tradition on Daytime soaps has been on family, characterization, and history. Not in plot points that move the show along. To me a night time soap is more about the Over the top camp (See Dynasty and Revenge) though some hit the mark of daytime (Parenthood, Family and Dallas, especially in the recently canceled version) The Continuing is not what is lost on recent episodes of the show, what is lost is the tradition. What is lost is the core families (and yes Ron could be bold and redefine family in a more modern sense, I could see the brownstone coming back and Naxie, Lante and Lucas and Brad forming a family unit, he chooses not to) , what is lost is the history and very much so the respect for history. The loss of families is shared with Frank and Block Taping the rest is on Ron Its a continuing drama but it is is not a Soap Opera and/or Daytime Drama. GH is now a spoof and perhaps it is time if we cant get rid of Ron to start treating it like Modern Family or Parks and Recreation. To me Ron just needs to do simple things to show he actually cares about the show. A payoff in some not to distant future on the Anna/Solane thing (Feb at the latest) and to me personally most importantly Dr O out as COS, he can keep the character if he really wants her, she is a doctor and God knows this show needs Doctors, but every time she is on screen as COS Ron is shitting on the memory of Steve Hardy. It sickens us older fans and many newer ones (who at least remember Alan) as well. I heard that they are casting an young male in his 20'. Here's hoping its Doctor Tom Hardy Jr. (Called Tom now to avoid confusion with TJ) and he throws O out of his grandfather's office, even if it is with some stupid Ron idea that the GH charter says a Hardy always has the right to the COS chair.
  20. I can live with this. And the Sonny hate goes back to the shoot out in the Old Spencer House, which was really the beginning of the end for Luke and Laura and a happy life for Luke. Yeah Ron will never do it
  21. See I would believe this is Ron had any talent, could build a story, could work with layers, had any idea of plot and characterization, basically knew anything about Soaps, anything about writing or any thing about drama. RC Cola has a better chance of knowing any of these things than the hack currently in charge of GH
  22. I don't think Edward's cheating or even Alan and Monica's serial cheating put them on the same level of disgusting as Franco and Nina or Dr. O and Fasion (another couple we are suppose to love under Ron). Edward/Lia and Monica/Alan were old time soap couples, who we saw though their adversities and troubles and who were strangely if dysfunctionaly in love with each other. Ron puts sick twisted in the forefront and destroys potential soap couples. Nik and Britt could have been of the Alan and Monica type IMHO My Dish Guide for next week says that Dante walks in on Lulu and Johnny. Lulu's re-attraction to Johnny is just out of no where. At least when Monica cheated we had build up to it, And in the case of Rick we had an actual real rivalry and story. Now three days after Johnny is out of prison and after one or two meetings we have this....it is just plot point plot point plot point.
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