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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. This I am glad to hear. Not much else makes me happy now a days with this show, but knowing that the actors who played the Luke and Laura I loved are friends again. I will take what I can get
  2. And if it were any body but Ron, this would make a great story. what if Michael led the charge to impeach the governor? What if he then manipulated the next elections and, I don't know Ned became governor, and Ned appointed Anna as head of the State Police and Silas/Patrick as the State's Chief Medical officer and suddenly the good guys are back on top and in charge and Solan, O and Lomax are at a disadvantage, and they all work together to put Sonny back behind bars. Oh wait, in Ron's PC the good guys never win, and even the heroic Luke Spencer, who once saved the fucking world, now blows up boats with his precious daughter abroad. Ron is one sick mf I do not want to defend TG at this point and his relationship with GF is not good, but as far as any thing I have ever heard or read, he and JJ remain close. He considers JJ to be the son he never had and JJ not being on GH has nothing to do with Tony. They are good friends and Tony has always praised Jonathan ability and talent ( I agree with Tony there the fact that JJ has never really broken is a sin, Think how good the Second Star Wars crap could have been with JJ as Anakin) In short there are a lot of bad brushes to paint TG with,but his relationship and treatment of JJ is not one of them
  3. I can live with the pardon, if there is fall out. I am glad to see that Michael is not rushing to forgive Sonny and would be happy if he settled into the same kind of relationship with Sonny as Dante has: "I love you, you are my father, but I do not like or respect you". In fact even though it is Sonny who pulled the trigger at AJ I would rather Michael blame Carly, she is the one who began the road that lead to AJ's death when she stole Michael away from him, giving him first to Jason and then to Sonny. It was Carly (and a little bit Karen/Jason/Jagger back in the boxing days) that began the Sonny AJ feud. Sonny may have done the actual deed but Michael can lay AJ's body at his Mother's feet. In the same token I can live with DID Luke, if the trigger for it was Jake's death and the Lucky fall out (Though I agree that I cannot see how they do this without Lucky). If it is anything else it fails. But if Luke in that moment snapped and became everything he hated, became in effect his father Tim, then DID Luke works on many levels. My fear is that with both of these the fall out and explanation will be a epic failure. Ron is not good at follow up and expository, he is plot point to plot point. It is in those moments when the clear need for a co-head writer shines though the most/ Some one who could take Ron's ideas and add heart instead of camp
  4. WTF SWWNBN is one of the Fan Favorite Characters they want to vote to come back? Are Ron and Frank INSANE? Stefan, yes but it would take a complex plot. Mike, sure if they can coax Ron Hale out of retirement and set up a bit with him and Delia. I voted for Serena in hopes she sticks around. But SWWNBN. Really? Hell NO
  5. Danny? Jake? The only underage sociopath is Spencer......oh my that would explain SOOOOOOOOO much
  6. If this is Luke with DID, I hope that it not only relates back to Jake's death but that the SNAP came in the moment when he slapped Lucky on the Haunted Star. The way JJ and TG played that (and TG always brings his A game when he is with JJ) Luke suddenly saw himself as His Father Tim, with all the same faults and flaws. If DID Luke thinks he is crazy ass Tim Spencer, that this could all work, especially if it re-visits the hit and run and we get a real break down from Luke. It could also melt nicely into TG's next break as he goes to visit Lucky and mend fences
  7. We all got it thanks to the Monkey Virus and the departure of SWWNBN
  8. Is Ric at the party? Cause I'm worried if he is
  9. Repeat after me While he is holding Spencer :)
  10. And this has long been the problem for both her and Robert and Sean. GH has always confused "officers of the law" with Spies. In truth, Anna and Robert and Sean are Spies, not cops. While it is always great to see them on the regular and having them in law enforcement was a logical way to do it, it also confuses their characters. Spies Kill, without trial, without due process and for the greater good. In this case Anna acted as a spy. The Story line however had made her a Cop
  11. or recast Tom Hardy and kill two birds with one stone as he oust Dr O as COS
  12. But isn't it connected to whatever Helena is planning? And isn't that connected to Fluke? Plus is Sloane stays commissioner what exactly is Anna going to do? Why stay in town, she can easily rejoin the WSB with Frisco at the helm. Become PI again? Maybe but there does not even seem to be enough work for Sam let alone some one of Anna's experience I never saw Ruby as shitty. Yes she ran a brothel in Florida and Bobbie and Luke both worked there in some capacity but I always saw her as some one dealt a tough hand who worked out of it and pushed Bobbie and Luke upwards while dragging herself by the bootstraps. By the time she died Ruby owned her own business and was respected by such figures as Lila and Edward, Robert and Anna and dozens of others. And she had seen Bobbie go from hooker to head nurse and Luke be elected mayor. Not bad for an old Madame (and unlike Renne on OLTL she did not have to marry a rich man to get there...In fact I do not recall Ruby ever marrying on the show...though she came close with Dan Rooney)
  13. So then why recast? That plot can't have very long legs
  14. Help me out here since I could not bring myself to watch the election episode. Does Sloane know that Lomax is corrupt? Cause it seems the writing is on the wall for her when the Fluke thing is over and it will be hard to keep him otherwise.
  15. See this is the kind of sub content that is missing now a days. Geary's idea that Luke never wanted a family is put to shame by the words and feeling of the character, the Cassadines ruined their lives. Meaning that before Stefan and Nicholas the Spencers had a good life. Geary is currently playing both Fluke/Luke with no sub content. If Fluke is Pat, or Bill then how did s/he become so evil. Remember s/he is not just seeking revenge on Luke and Sonny, s/he is a drug dealer and murderer. How did whatever Luke may have done to s/him trigger that? Where are the layers? If it is not Pat/Bill, and is Gino or Harlan or (still my personal choice) Damian Smith then Geary needs to show the layers, Ron needs to write the layers. One thing that has been shown, IMHO time and time again is that if you give Geary a deep script, even if he disagrees with it, he can play it. Unlike most folks I loved his show down with Lucky. Geary played the "I am free" part with just enough sub content that you could tell Luke was lying and was doing this to push Lucky away because he felt he no longer deserved Lucky's love. Similarly in the moment at the Haunted Star when he slapped Lucky after pointing out that he was Not Tim Spencer, you could see the horror on his face when he realized He was exactly like Tim (at least in his own mind) Here there is no sub content. Geary is playing camp but I wonder if that is because he is being given camp to play. If you look no one is being given anything with any meat on it: Naxie is a light love story, Sonny/Julian/Ava/Franco are much more Hogan's Heroes, with smuggled phones and easily purchased Guards, then the darkness of Oz or even Michael and Jason's last tour of Pentonville, Carly and Jake are about to enter a tango with Sam and Patrick that will be much more romantic caper than Physco Thriller. Nothing is played with sun context any more and pointing out Geary's faults in playing Fluke may be fair, but the truth is it can now be said about the whole show. I am not saying we need Guza levels of dark, but we do need real drama: Monica's Breast Cancer, Robin's AID's. Brenda shot at in the shower, Domique dying, Lulu's illness and the dark prince's arrival. Balanced against Foster and Annabelle, Lucy and Sigmund, Kevin and Mac in drag. In other words a well rounded show
  16. God help me but I have liked the past two days. The Luke/Fluke thing may be camp and silly and TG may be eating the set, but at least something is happening for Christ's sake. It is better than three days in a airport with Naxie, or the "tearful" good bye of a couple of physco-paths on the docks when Fasion and Britt left and O cried. And I would rather watch Luke/Fluke then Spencer any day of the week. So, its not bad. I do laugh at the way Ava, Julian, Franco., Magda and Sonny all seem to have the run of the prison. Movement in a Max (not that Magda or Franco would be in a Max, they are both likely medium material) is much more controlled. But again at least something is going on. I see Magda biting the dust in the escape attempt which will be funny since she is the only one Not escaping. It seems it is not DID Geary says it is a different character This may be appalling but i could have seen GF and TG being able to play this back in the day. It would have had to be short lived, and subtle, not wanting to pick her up and such, it could have been a real emotional melt down for Luke, back when Luke and Soaps in General had emotion. As a long time Luke fan I have thought for years that both the writers and Geary get it wrong. Luke is not a good guy nor is he a bad guy. He is in the middle. Luke should have been played as a man who never wanted to be in love, never wanted to care, never wanted to settle down, never wanted to have children, but who when all those things happened managed to be decent at it. I speak here from personal experience. I would not trade Mrs Flyaki, the kids and the Grandbaby for anything, but on occasion I sit on the back stoop beer in hand and watch the sun set wishing I could go chase it, and there is always a bag packed in my car, Mrs F knows I will never use it, but it gives me comfort.....Luke is the personification of the old Glen Campbell Song "Gentle on my Mind." On some deep level I think that Geary gets this, his ego just gets in the way. Yesterday when he pleaded for the life of his family, this was the Luke I knew in the 90's and who got lost in antics with Tracy, Laura's madness and the death of Jake.
  17. This word came to my head yesterday Ron wouldn't would he? Ah shit
  18. If Ron does this not only will I tweet him with a heartfelt apology for all the nasty things I have said about him, and even the ones I just THOUGHT about him, but if he wants to put on three straight weeks of Spencer bullying the servants and pining after his great lost love Emma, I will not only compliment it but I will watch it live , DVR' it and watch it and watch it again on Hulu.
  19. which proves it is not Bill , this is how we roll on Franknron's GH
  20. I think that we will get a reveal in Feb but that will not mean the end of Fluke. Ron does not know how to let a villain go, and regardless if Luke is DID or Fluke is an actual person, he will be on screen. If Fluke is a real boy then I think they will use that for Tony's vacation as Luke goes off chasing Fluke with both of them back in November for the final show down
  21. I am hoping neither one ever goes back to the S/C fold. I can see a Jason M/Q hybrid remaining friends with Carly, but to go back to being Sonny's second would not fit the path the character was taking even before he 'died'; from the Wolfe era on into the beginnings of Ron, Jason seemed to operate more and more independently of Sonny, less and less as an employee/partner and more as an old friend. If there is any Jason Q in Jake then I can see Jason not working for Sonny but still acknowledging that they are friends (very much like Luke was when Sonny first took over from Frank Smith). I have said before that character wise it makes sense for Michael to acknowledge that he loves Carly and Sonny but does not LIKE them and to move out of their orbit while maintaining a detached concern for their welfare.
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